The NASA image showing Hurricane Matthew as it traveled across Port au Prince, Haiti is auspicious, not a scary sign. Skull imagery symbolizes death and immorality — the physical passes but WE continue on in another form, i.e. caterpillar to butterfly. A skull signifies proceeding with caution and is used to ward off evil. It denotes protection, strength, power, fearlessness, transformation, wisdom and guidance, overcoming death, surviving through a difficult time. If you’re stressed about a hurricane hitting, entertain other thoughts. Don’t look at images like this meant to scare you. Don’t listen to inflammatory forecasts by weather reporters who are seldom accurate, and don’t watch videos of devastating storm footage. None of that has to be your reality until you begin attracting it because you keep focusing on the bad aspects of it.
Your reality can be that the storm moves over our area in one long and loud night. Have flashlights and water at the ready if we lose power. Also have pen and paper, it would be revelatory to journal the thoughts that arise. Temps have dropped so it will be comfortable closed up for 12 hours. The power company knows what areas to mobilize to and will have power restored quickly.

No matter what other people are experiencing, they may have a tree down in their yard but you may not. Other people may have problems you do not have. Remember we each attract our life experience to us by virtue of what vibrational frequency we’re on, what radio station in consciousness we’re tuned into. That’s why a neighbor may have property damage and you do not.
It happened to me when the hurricanes of 2004 came through the mobile home park where I own a unit. The two trailers behind mine had severe damage yet all I had was some surface slicing from flying debris. There were 115 mph winds and the porch screens even stayed intact. We prayed over the property ahead of time, recalling to mind the fact that anything was possible, that it was possible to come through relatively unscathed, no matter what happened to anyone else. That’s a very powerful practice, you know, reminding yourself what is possible for you in any situation.
Stop watching scary stuff. Remind yourself what you already know.
RELATED: Andrea’s experiences with hurricanes and tropical storms