If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12

If you liked What The Bleep Do We Know then you’ll enjoy this.    Here’s a scientificy explanation of the solar alignment on 12-21-12. Ah, good to know, we may get 3 nights of no sunrise, maybe it means 3 days and nights of no electrical power, maybe no power for anything, even batteries… knowing ahead of time means don’t freak, just relax into it and let it pass. Oh, and the sun may thereafter rise in the west…Then the cycle begins again… What do you think?There’s a great zoom out squemce from subatomic and cellular structure to a view from out in the universe after the 13 min mark. Check it out. Kinda puts things in perspective.

12-21-12 is nowhere prophesized as the end of the world, only as the end of time. Time ends as we enter a period of NO TIME. Until time ends, time will appear to speed up but it’s really that we’re slowing down. Imagine that.

Ah, good to know, we may get 3 nights of no sunrise (or no sunset for the other side of the world) maybe it means 3 nights of no electrical power, knowing ahead of time means don’t freak, just relax into it and let it pass. Oh, and the sun may thereafter rise in the west… ‘salls good. Then the cycle begins again…

2012 A thru Z video