Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

Side plank

I’d posted on Facebook a friend’s link to some cool ab exercises.  I got a great schooling and hereinafter Ab Day will be CORE STRENGTHENING day.  Jaymz Lockwood illuminated us:   “Ok just got back from the gym and I’m tired of hearing people ramble on with false information. Here is the truth about Abs, they are just glamor muscles that’s it. With or without exercising (Diet alone) get under 10% body fat and you will see your abs. The muscles you need to concentrate on and are 1000x more important are you’re core muscles (the Psoas and Iliacus muscles). Those are the muscles connected to your skeletal system and provide support for your lower back.

Just thought I would share that info with yall. Truth about Abs and your core strength.  To build the core best thing for beginners is front and side planks. Front plank elbows on the ground hands in front on you keep back parallel to the ground but off of it. Side plank on your elbow keep body up and straight. Count your breath or time yourself and go from there.

Kneeling plank

Here is a more advanced plank I have my intermediate to advance yoga class do.  CORE STRENGTH-BUILDING YOGA POSE: This is Kneeling Plank, so-called not only because you hold your front/top pelvis and front lumbar spine in and up to plank the body against gravity, but it also tones your core body in much the same way–without any chance of shoulder or wrist compression.

TO DO: Come to kneel on the mat or blanket, knees a few inches (2 fists) apart. Bring your body straight up over the hips, draw the tailbone down and ribs upward, engaging the psoas which takes the front lower back spine in and up. Bring palms together at the chest. Inhale here.

Exhale, lean your planked body back in one line from knees to crown. Inhale, hold. Exhale, return to your starting position. Do this no more than 10 times–it can make your quads very sore the next day.

Pigeon pose, click for video demo of pose

COUNTERPOSE: Pigeon Pose with back leg bent, the same side hand takes the foot toward its same sitting bone to stretch the psoas and quadriceps of the back leg and rotarors in the front.

Youtube video Elite Abs 7 and Side Plank
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