Category Archives: Uncategorized

What does it mean? Injuries, Broken Bones, Feet, the Left Side

everything has meaningA galpal has been commiserating with me having a knee injury since she fractured her foot dropping a box as she was moving into her new house.  Since she was in a new city in a state clear across the country from “home,” she got to spent the first night there in the local emergency room. She asked me what the metaphysical meanings might be so I sent her some info.  I like to give info like this in writing so friends have it to refer to as they heal, like seed thoughts for contemplation. My experience is when I have an injury or ailment, there is always some aspect of personal growth I can use. The sooner I figure out what that is, the sooner my ailment will dissipate. I wrote her:    Continue reading

For the best psychic reading, ask a question to begin

2-9-14 reading at Book and Bead copyI had two very different readings today. The first had only a couple of general questions and mostly wanted to know what I could see around him right now. The second had a list of 19 questions she emailed me ahead of the appointment and we went through them one by one. It is very true that the more focused the question, the more specific the answer comes through. Like walking into a library and saying “I’d like a book, please”, it helps to give a basic topic that you’re curious about and specific questions you want answered. Like going to the ocean, you are the one who decides whether you walk away with a thimble full or a truckload of. Ask for exactly what you want, I promise you’ll be delighted with what the Universe gives you.  I like studying a client’s chart before we meet. I like to show astrological corelations to the events and circumstances in someone’s life. This is because when they see it is true for past events, they can trust it may likely be true for future events. Also to show where the beginning time was for the circumstance (no job, no relationship), and to predict an ending date for the circumstance (when they are likely to find job, relationship, etc.).  When we know what to expect, it’s easier to relax into the flow (and to take steps to get out of aggravation’s way).   Continue reading

We experience suffering when we think we only get one life and one body

cicada shell new one emergingHow many lifetimes do we get? How many different bodies?  We experience much suffering when we think we only get one life and one body. Sure, this body you’re in right now, that skin and those bones will die. You’ll go to sleep in that tired worn shell and awaken to find yourself emerging fresh into a new body, once again at the beginning of a life. What the caterpillar calls death, we call a butterfly. You go to sleep there and awaken here. We survive in consciousness after the change called death, just as we survive in consciousness after the change called sleep.    Continue reading

I like the idea of Visual Voice Mail

Not many have my cell phone number. Verizon just gave me a free trial for Visual Voice Mail. I missed two calls and when I clicked “voice mail,” it showed them to me in text format. I may give clients that number now, it let me quickly see what they wanted and let me prioritize calling back. All too often, I’ve had so many calls in a day that I put off checking voice mail for a day or more. I was able to text back each the info they wanted right away. I love new technology!

Handyman referral: Chuck Jacobs is licensed and insured

Chuck Jacobs, licensed and insured, Your Help-N-Hand Handyman Service,  321-426-6190 Palm Bay/Melbourne, FL

Chuck Jacobs, licensed and insured, Your Help-N-Hand Handyman Service,
321-426-6190 Palm Bay/Melbourne, FL

I’m thankful for the women in my life with handy hubbies! Chuck Charles Jacobs just cleared my plumbing for me in less than 10 minutes. Chuck is married to the Diva herself, lead vocalist/frontwoman/musician Pam Jacobs. He does all kinds of other handyman stuff as well and — wait for it — he’s licensed and insured! Call Your Help-N-Hand Handyman Service at 321-426-6190 in Palm Bay/Melbourne, FL.  If you get voice mail, leave him your name and number and tell him Andrea asked you to call him. He’ll get back to you pretty quickly, he’s probably just finishing up a job.

My notes on pain and inflammation in the back of the leg

The body is amazing in its recuperative ability

The body is amazing in its recuperative ability

I injured something behind my right knee at the gym July 14 by squatting in bad form. I kept thinking I could walk it out, but it became worse. I finally thought to Google “pain and inflammation in the back of the leg” and I think what is wrong with my knee is a micro tear in a ligament or pulled hamstring way down near the bottom where it attaches. These guys have it also and also and also  Most muscle strains or sprains are micro-tears of the tissue, and that takes at least three weeks to heal. The remedy: RICE (raise, ice, compress, elevate). Use a bag of ice or cold pack on your knee four to eight times per day for 20 minutes each time. Good to know.
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The August 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

8-15 cover The August 2015 Horizons Magazine is now online at

Here are the August 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 I Am
This month you will have tapped into a deeper than usual dimension than previously experienced. Your new found vitality will inspire you to share ancient wisdom that can change the world. Your connection to source energizes you to continue to channel love and light to everything you do.   Continue reading

Not a good idea to “test the waters for Christian conversation” at work

A friend mentioned that in a new job, he’s “testing the waters for Christian conversation.” This is a good man who only means well. My own experience through much of my life was that these conversations can quickly turn awkward and feel like an invasion of privacy when you’re confined together in a work setting. I never mind someone making a personal comment referencing their religion, but I never want to be asked “do you know Jesus?” I’d never say Hare Krishna to a stranger or ask “do you know Shiva?”  This man is a friend of mine and his job will be driving clients to appointments. I hope he doesn’t find himself in a pickle thinking people may be more tolerant than they are. I’d hate for someone to complain and jeopardize his job.   I have a No Soliciting sign on my door that also says No Boy Scouts, No Jehovah’s Witnesses, No Mormons.  In the early years when I first started awakening, I actually prayed that I would not become like my born again friends who alienated everyone by their fervent enthusiasm in their new found faith. I’m not sure if I achieved that or not.

Remembering Ma Yoga Shakti this Guru Purnimaa Day

Our beloved  Guru, Mataji, Ma Yoga Shakti  Saraswati Maha Mandleshwar

Our beloved Guru, Mataji, Ma Yoga Shakti Saraswati Maha Mandleshwar

Hail to Beloved Mataji on this Guru Purnimaa day of celebration and remembrance. On February 20, 2015, H. H. Ma Yoga Shakti Saraswati Maha Mandleshwar entered mahasamadhi.   Grief doesn’t have to be grim.  We check out of our physical bodies so our work can take on a new dimension. When we die a physical death, when we pass from this Earth plane, we move on to the next where we survive in consciousness and continue what we incarnated to do. 
About Mataji April 2, 1927 — February 20, 2015.  Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen.

RELATED:  Ma Yoga Shakti entered Mahasamadhi February 20, 2015
RELATED: Finding words to express what it feels to lose someone I’ve never lost
RELATED: The end of death as we know it