Category Archives: Uncategorized

My tenant rocks, and so does SCCU

My tenant rocks, and so does SCCU. By the 1st I’d not received the rent which means she lost her $100 discount and a $10 per day late fee began running. She’d ordered payment on 8-28-15 thru SCCU who promised it’d be here on time. She faxed the Lease and Late Rent Notice to SCCU who immediately reimbursed her for the lost discount. I gave her $50 of it since, if I truly believe we’re all One, it’s easy to share and it doesn’t matter who has the $$ in their pocket on any one day. A friend remarked “10 bucks a day late fees if not received on the first and you got someone to sign that LOL.” I replied, “Hey, I give a $100 discount for paying by the 1st! I have a rental lease that I wouldn’t sign but I’m a fair person, the lease is only for protection in case someone is being unfair with me. I believe in having firm rules in place, knowing I can be as forgiving and generous as I wish if a situation calls for enforcement. She’d ordered the payment a week earlier, as she always does. We knew it was a glitch. Bless SCCU for being honorable so I didn’t have to take it out of her hide.”

Horrors in the news? Do something to help or turn your attention elsewhere

Where do you focus? Where do you choose to place your attention? All things exist. You are the one who chooses in every moment what to focus on. Every time you open your eyes, you have a choice of which channel to tune to. If your channels are stuck on disasters, that’s your opportunity to serve or focus elsewhere. You miss opportunity when you’re angry. Horrors in the news don’t shock me and I don’t talk about them with friends. If I can help somewhere, I do. If I can’t, I focus elsewhere and get out of the way of those who are called to that holy duty. Don’t complain about it and join everyone else in the chain of pain with you. Do something to help it or focus on something happier.

Sending love from my heart to the 3 hurricanes surrounding Hawaii

hurricanes in handsSending love from my heart to the 3 hurricanes surrounding Hawaii. There will always be storms. Most pass right by. Some hit us. We either recover or we don’t. Don’t fear what Nature does. In any moment of devastation, you’ll be shown your next step. It will be made known to you. There will always be a way out, even if you can’t imagine ahead of time what the way out might be. You are always shown options in every Now moment. When Now feels scary, relax yourself with deep inhales and controlled exhales. There will always be storms. Most pass right by.

Moving Up Your Vibrational Range by Choosing the Thought that Feels Best: an Abraham-Hicks Process

happy girl copyWhat does one do? Well, you stand right where you are, in this rotten feeling place, and you say, “Which thought feels best?” And in this rotten feeling place, you have a range of choices. And as you choose the first thought that feels best, not much will happen. You might not even realize that you feel that much better. But just by making the effort of choosing — from all these rotten choices — the thought that feels a little better than the other, just by choosing this thought that feels best out here on the edge of your range, you have shifted.  Now your vibrational range has shifted. That thought that was on the edge of your range now becomes the center of your range. It takes a selfish person: You have to want to feel good, and if you are selfish enough to reach for the thought that feels better, the same thing happens again. And if you maintain it for just 17 seconds, that becomes the center of your range. And now, in less than a minute, you now have access to a range of much better feeling thoughts than you did before.  One thing is always true: When you make the effort and you shift, even slightly, the entire Universe yields to you differently. Which means, you now have opened to a whole new range of thoughts. A whole different set of memories is now accessible by you. A whole different pod of traffic is accessible to you. A whole new range of ideas… That with which you will rendezvous, physically, mentally, through memory, reaching into the future, or right here in your moment, has shifted because of this very minor effort that you have made.

Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni: Please spread the message of no trace of leukemia for their father Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne Dyer Photo Credit: Whipps Photography

Dr. Wayne Dyer Photo Credit: Whipps Photography

Saje Dyer, daughter of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, writes:  “I am so proud and awed to announce that after the autopsy that was performed on my Dad to discover the cause of death, we were told that there was absolutely no trace of Leukemia. When he was diagnosed with Leukemia we were told that this particular type was incurable. However he always believed that he had cured himself through spiritual healings and positive belief. This is confirmation that everything he said and believed was true. Many people have been saying that he should have treated his Leukemia and that he would probably still be alive today had he done so. Please spread the word that this is not the case because I feel it is an insult to his memory and to his life’s work to say that he passed away due to his Leukemia.”

His daughter Serena Dyer Pisoni writes, “I would like to clarify something, so please spread this message. My dad died of a heart related issue. The result of the autopsy showed that there was NO leukemia in his body or in his blood. He believed he had healed himself of this disease and he was right, the doctor confirmed to us he did not have it. So many people are writing to ask why he didn’t treat his leukemia, even indicating it was selfish of him not to, but he knew he did not have it, and it was NOT his cause of death. I want to make this point because my dad lived and breathed the idea that we could heal ourselves of anything, including leukemia, and so many people who follow his teachings have used his work to heal themselves of things that were previously thought to be impossible to heal or cure. I personally will continue to do what my dad always said, be realistic and expect miracles. (** we, as a family, say this message with much excitement and joy, we are so happy that dad gave us this little blessing of being able to continue his message that when you tap into the power of intention, anything is possible!!)”

RELATED:  Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Obituary

Obituary Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D.

Dr. Wayne Dyer Photo Credit: Whipps Photography

Dr. Wayne Dyer Photo Credit: Whipps Photography

Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the span of his four-decade career, he wrote 42 books, 21 of which became New York Times bestsellers, and this wide readership earned him the affectionate nickname of “the father of motivation” among his fans. Dr. Dyer’s message reached across all markets, generations, and cultures. Even though the self-help industry has seen many new thought leaders emerge in recent years, Dr. Dyer continued to be a pioneer in this ever-expanding field up until his passing.   Continue reading

The September 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

9-15 Cover Gazebo Gal 3x4 copyThe September 2015 Horizons Magazine is now online at     Here are the September 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am“
This is the month you have been waiting for if your energy has been dragging, not interested in finishing those household to do lists. The stars are lining up your planets just right in order for you and everyone else in your house to get things done, the right way.

Taurus: April 19 to May 20 “I Have“
Whatever you are being guided to do, it will be important to trust your intuition leading up to the Harvest moon (Sept 27th)and beyond. Focus on what brings you joy and happiness and accentuate your strengths. You need to be a pillar for those around you, especially children.   Continue reading

Stop trying to get people to see it the way you see it

cat dragged alongStop trying to bring others with you. Stop trying to bridge the gap for those who have a different understanding than you. The less you care about how many others are up to speed with you, the more likely you will find a place of allowing. Stop trying to get people to see it the way you see it. Especially if you think it’s for their own good. Yes, you create your own reality and there’s a word we’d like to insert that will make it easier for you to understand. You create your perception of reality. You create your perspective of reality, your vibrational ability to see reality. You realize reality based upon what you’re doing vibrationally. Your perspective is uniquely yours and so is your experience.  Continue reading