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The June Horizons is online and here are the horoscopes

The June mag is now online at  June 2021 Horizons.   On the cover, Betsy Chasse, award-winning filmmaker, best known for her role as co-writer, director and producer of What The Bleep Do We Know?!  Her latest book is Killing Buddha a hilarious and insightful follow up to her Tipping Sacred Cows. Get a FREE Digital copy of Tipping Sacred Cows by joining Betsy at 

Here are the horoscopes:

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Meditation is nothing magical but it IS deffo life changing

Meditation is not anything magical, altho you’re sure to have a-ha moments and begin to have mystical experiences when you begin a meditation practice. (To hear the attention-seekers, unless you’re taking astral flight or seeing angels and talking to Masters, you’re not doing it right. Ignore those folks, that’s part of their path — to compete and try to out-do. That leaves them stuck and having no real experiences — let them be, move on.)

And by mystical experiences, I mean SEEING CLEARLY. When you see clearly, new worlds open to you. When your mind settles down, even for 20 minutes twice a day, it clears and new ideas begin to come to you. When your mind clears, even briefly, you can see the bigger picture. You can see it’s all manageable. An inbox that seemed overwhelming, upon closer inspection, is not. A stack of calls to be returned go quickly. The To Do List gets crossed off.

RELATED:  Andrea’s Meditation Process and Links

The May Horizons is online and here are the horoscopes

May 2021, Photo of Daena Deva and Lilia by Natalie McCain

The mag is now online at May 2021 Horizons.   Here are the horoscopes:

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

Financial affairs are in line of sight and relationships are important! Until the 20th, the Sun in Taurus emphasizes the importance for your sign of questions related to money, increase or decrease? Mars, your planet, in Cancer all month square to your sign, invites you to worry about your home, your family, obligatory adjustments, and disagreements? Choose construction rather than aggression! Saturn continues to promote your social life and your projects, second decan. Jupiter brings its last touch to these same sectors because from the 14th this planet arrives in Pisces and invites you to relax. From the 21st, the energies of Gemini harmoniously connected to your sign, offer great relationship opportunities and a dynamic and positive morale! The end of the month resonates well with your temperament, welcome these heavenly promises!

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Healers who are conspiracy theorists: How does that help heal the world?

As I posted a long Washington Post QAnun article on Facebook recently, I thought, very few are gonna read something that long. I wouldn’t. Unless it’s a compelling topic. But as publisher of Florida’s new age magazine since 1992, I am VERY interested in how some of the “spiritual” community gets caught up in the crazy tales. I do not disagree that 1) a group is (always) trying to control the political and social order, nor that 2) humanity is undergoing a ‘paradigm shift’ in consciousness.

I’m talking about these spiritual friends’ continued focus on theories of national Democrats, Hollywood and global elites running pedophile rings, child trafficking, cannibalization and satanism, asking if I saw Biden stumbling down the stairs, letting all the sex slave traders in at the border and calling Kamala “President?” When one said “Biden’s got dementia, has done nothing but undo all the good Trump did,” I knew we had different news sources.  Continue reading

Law of Attraction — it’s not a moral issue, it’s force and effect

This whole “LOA” thing is most frustrating because you’ve got people who DON’T understand how it WORKS telling others how it works. Then folks wonder why it doesn’t work. The bottom line is whatever you focus on in the Now lays the groundwork for what your future experience will be.  By your FOCUS, you’re saying to the Universe “I want to feel more of WHAT I FEEL when I focus on this.

Lotsa folks get caught up in LOA as a moral issue, saying “you can’t just ignore all the problems of the world.” It’s NOT a moral issue (neither is gravity btw), it’s force and effect, it’s HOW the process works. Whatever you pay attention to, you attract more of. You get what you think about, whether you want it not. That doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll attract a car crash or race riot or be the victim of a criminal act or wrongfully charged with child sex trafficking. 

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The April 2021 Horizons is now online and here are the horoscopes

April 2021

The mag is now online at April 2021 Horizons.  On page 6 in the flipbook version,  I welcomed you to the March mag but I meant April.  Here are the horoscopes:

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)
Beautiful assets in your game! In your sign, the Sun up until the 19th, Mercury from the 5th to the 19th, and Venus to the 14th, gives you a warm and enthusiastic appreciation of your personality. Your ideas fuse, your charisma is certain, no matter what you undertake your chances of succeeding are strong. Mars, your planet, is in beautiful aspect to your sign until the 23rd and favors your contacts and your movements, plus your morale is excellent! You’ll be more focused and calm after the 24th, Mars rolls into your area related to your home. Friendships are constructive and evolving especially for the last two decans. Your socio-professional sector is still undergoing some changes, adapt, last decan. From the 20th, the Sun, Mercury and Venus in Taurus takes care of your financial business, it moves in the right direction.

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A transcript: Matthew McConaughey | 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

This is a transcript of the vid at
Matthew McConaughey, more than a pretty face. Spoiler, the good stuff is at the end but you won’t get it unless you hear it all. Knowing who we ARE is hard. It’s hard. Give yourself a break. ELIMINATE who you are NOT first, and you’ll find yourself where you need to be.
“I’m gonna talk to you about some things that I’ve learned in my journey. Most from experience some of them I heard in passing. Many of them I’m still practicing, but all of them I do believe are true. Life is not easy. It is not. Don’t try to make it that way. Life’s not fair, it never was, it isn’t now and it won’t ever be. Do not fall into the trap, the entitlement trap, of feeling like you’re a victim. You are not. Get over it and get on with it.

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On calling out friends on toxic behavior

A friend asked in a Facebook group, “Can you confidently and openly call your friends out on their toxic behavior? Or are you afraid they will take it wrong and you would prefer not hurt them?” I said “We call each other out on our stuff, and are glad when they do the same for us.” He responded, “Man, I wish guys shared this mentality.”
I said, “The ones who can’t and don’t didn’t recognize or target any role models for it. Their dads weren’t taught that, nor their dad’s dads. It was a harder life then so the rules were diff. Doesn’t make it right but leaves them without tools to build “real” friendships.  Hanging out and partying is fun to a point, then as friends slip away into other relationships and other priorities, so many guys are left alone with insufficient communication skills, which makes them lead lives that could be much happier if they’d practiced that skill all along.

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Cursive Writing and Analog Clocks train our minds to be analytical

Primitive methods help us understand the future

On the loss of cursive writing and analog clocks, a Facebook friend remarked “Life moves forward and it’s no big deal. We no longer use sun dials.” It actually is a HUGE deal when we lose analytical skills that are easy to teach. Those skills teach us to extrapolate correct answers to complex questions. They help us understand increments and how one thing ties to another, how things are “related.” All our societal woes can be tied to not understanding how everything is related. There are entire generations who were not taught to analyze data so they can’t spot or decipher clues, they mistake historical references and fight wars over it, not knowing they don’t understand.

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Andrea’s March 2021 Editorial

March 2021

Hello and welcome to the March 2021 edition of Horizons Magazine. Spring has definitely sprung, As the oaks over my property get their leaves back, the jungle is returning! In October when they finished building the house next door, it took away many oaks and pines that shielded my property from view. Suddenly partially exposed, I planted 30+ loquat saplings and 40+ turks’ cap bushes just inside the property line and they are all coming up. Sweet!

In October I also began growing vegetables and herbs from seed: The bush beans, collards, kale and lemongrass are in the ground and I’ve been harvesting every few days. On the kitchen windowsill, I harvest daily from the celery, romaine and scallions I grew from grocery scraps. Parsley from seed is taking off in the hanging pots outside. I love parsley.

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