Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tamara, when you understand, you change

I watched the Real Housewives of Orange County reunion show because I have a client related to the show. On good behavior as they rehash the mean girl stuff they did all season long, I smile to watch their backtracking. My client has learned and grown from previous behavior and it shows: she makes far fewer outright bitchy digs. We all go through stuff like this but they’ve chosen to let theirs be televised. What a great teachable moment for them all when they watch it and see how they appear. If only we could all be recorded every moment of our lives and play it back for our own self-realization. This season, Tamara found religion and on the reunion show, born again former cast member Alexis asked Tamara why she makes such a big show of finding Jesus yet continues her hateful gossipy ways. Tamara and Heather’s reactions were they did not get it. I got it. When I begin wising up and seeing who I really was and seeing personality traits I was prone to, I made changes and my life thereafter showed it. Your daily life and your daily words show us the depth of your understanding. Oh, if we could see ourselves as others see us.

I’m asked how do I keep up a happy face

happy girl copy“I get exhausted trying to keep up a happy face,” a friend said. “How do you do it?” I told her daily meditation is the key. Anytime there’s something icky going on, I go back in time and apologize or do what it takes to make it right and then bring myself back into the Now. That pretty much keeps everything unhappy at bay so it’s no effort to keep up a happy face.



I’m discovering Andrew Warnes from Australia

Andrew Warnes

Andrew Warnes

On Facebook I’m discovering Andrew Warnes from Australia who’s on pilgrimage walking the Camino De Santiago in Spain. I went to his page to read about his walk and learned he’s also got insightful writings. This is the first I read and can relate – yes, go into the cave to work on yourself, but emerge changed.  Here’s an excerpt:

Tips of the trade for the man in his cave
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Ask your insurance agent before putting a magnetic sign for your business on your car

magnetic-vehicle-signDo you have a magnetic sign for your business on your car? Better ask your insurance agent if you have the right kind of insurance to do that so you’re not surprised when you find later you’re not covered. $$$ In some states, using a vehicle for business purposes requires that it be registered for commercial or business rather than personal use. Placing a magnetic sign on your car door to advertise your business can be interpreted as commercial use. If you register a vehicle for insurance claim deniedcommercial or business use, its insurance coverage must match its registration. Driving an improperly registered vehicle can yield a ticket and a potentially expensive fine if a police officer pulls you over. In the event of an accident, you can have your claim denied and your policy voided. Before you spend the money on that magnetic sign, verify your local laws won’t force you to change the way you classify your car and the amount you spend to keep it on the road.

Did I get sidetracked or did I get re-directed?

A wormhole connects two different points in space-time

A wormhole connects two different points in space-time

Have you ever been at the right place at the right time yet encounter an unfamiliar scene and feel like you’re in a parallel universe? I’d scheduled my Saturday around a 2:00pm beach event and arrived 45 minutes into it,  but didn’t see anyone I knew or any group gathered on the beach.  A family of 4 was sunbathing to the left, several couples sunbathing to the right. No one I knew. I hung out a few minutes, leaving voice mail for several friends I knew would be there, then went across the street to get gas and return. I ended up in a different wormhole altogether. As I began pumping, a friend I worked with 20 years ago pulled into the station.  We chatted a few minutes and I asked what she’d been up to since we spoke last. She told me she was flustered because she couldn’t get hold of her brother who was supposed to be there three hours before to help her move. She’d done all she could by herself and now needed another pair of hands.  She lived around the corner so I volunteered to give her an hour.
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Martin Schulman Karmic Astrology: The Karma and Duties of Each Sign

north node find yours

Find your North Node, see month and year on left column, MOON NODE SIGN on the right

Astrologer Martin Schulman’s Karmic Astrology series is insight and always relevant.  Karmic Astrology is Martin Schulman‘s method of finding the soul’s path in the horoscope. The Moon’s Nodes show the lessons being learned, while the rest of the chart shows how to do this. The South node contains within it all of the left over residue of past lives that must be refined, corrected and built-on in order to reach the North Node, the area of highest achievement in the current life. Thus, if you’re born in this life with an Aquarius North Node and a Leo South Node as I was, you must learn how to overcome the negative qualities of Leo and build from the positive ones before you can reach your Aquarius North Node. To do this, you must overcome ego problems (one of the negative qualities of Leo) and build on sincerity (one of the finer qualities of Leo). Here Schulman gives the karma of each signWhen you know the karma of each of your planet placements, you can work on overcoming the negative qualities and building on the positive ones.
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Dream: A tiger stalks me in the woods

tiger in the woodsI’ve begun walking again since the temp and humidity has dropped, first thing in the cool mornings after meditation. Last night I had a dream a tiger was following me in the woods alongside the road as I walked the hood. No, it was not Tiger Woods. A friend pointed out “When the tiger shows up in your life, it could point to a feeling of aggression directed at you. Tigers are great predators and hunters in nature. In the animal spirit world, tigers could appear when you feel threatened by external circumstances.“ I didn’t have the feeling it was hunting me down with bad intent, nor that it was protecting me, just that it was there and it was observing and it was being stealth. “The tiger totem is both a sign of a potential threat and a call for courage to face it. The primary meaning of the tiger spirit totem is willpower, personal strength and courage. When you see a tiger spirit animal, check what’s happening in your life that may seem dangerous or threatening to you. Also keep an eye on possible causes of fear, anger or deep frustration that seem to be escaping your conscious control.” I’ll keep an eye out in case anything bubbles up. The William Blake poem from childhood comes to mind: Tyger Tyger burning bright, In the forests of the night: Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

More Dreams:
A head cold and fever induced dream
A dream about trusting
I dream of grotesque looking people in service hallways
A lucid psychic dream of a family reunion
I dreamed I got calls from a Craigslist ad and got them the next day
I dreamed I was painting soul portraits of friends
The Universe knocks me out so I can receive info in a dream
Dream of Daddy’s Tool Chest
A dream of slow going, getting lost and being forced onstage
I had a weird dream last night
I have a lucid Mobic Mom dream
Being alone with your thoughts at the end – I dream of… Dennis Rodman?
Dream with Richard Machleid
Dream: Matthew McConaughey Wakes Me Up
Dream of Alicia Machleid and JP; I get a new garage door
A Thanksgiving turkey dream
A wandering the halls dream with Dr. Mary and she’s got a message
I can fly in my Bill Gates / Ma Yoga Shakti dream
Reading Seth has activated my dreams
A dream about feeling stranded and no one can help
I dream Bernie Sanders is president
Another Bernie Sanders dream
A Justice Scalia dream
Yet another Bernie Sanders dream

I dream Bernie Sanders is president
Another Bernie Sanders dream
A Justice Scalia dream
Yet another Bernie Sanders dream


KARMIC ASTROLOGY: The Moon Nodes & Reincarnation, Martin Schulman

We have lived thousands of lives all over the cosmos. We have been men, women, poor, rich, uneducated, highly educated. We have lived in many cities, towns, rural areas, and been many nationalities. What is meant by: “You are me and I am you” is at least three things:

1. We are all sparks of the One Creative Force.
2. We have all accrued negative and positive karma as a result of our actions in many lives.
3. We are all on this planet for the purpose of balancing our negative karmic debts, so that we can ascend into Higher Consciousness.

There is no room for judgment of each other, no room for discrimination. We are equally loved unconditionally by a God of Love.

It is essential to remember that your Soul and your guides in spirit will not allow you to attempt to balance karmic debts that might overwhelm you. Instead, your Soul strives, through your various incarnations, for the degree of spiritual maturity that will allow you to tackle some of your more difficult karmic debts.     Continue reading

Martin Schulman on God Assigning Karma and Duties to each Zodiac Sign

astrology blueI really enjoy Martin Schulman’s Karmic Astrology Series.  The below is from The Moon’s Nodes and Reincarnation.  Karmic Astrology is Martin Schulman’s method of finding the soul’s path in the horoscope.  Here are the duties Schulman has God assign to each zodiac sign:
” …And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one each child stepped forward to receive his appointed gift.

    To you Aries I give the seed first that you might have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you plant one million more will multiply in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for everything you plant creates more that must be planted. You will be the first to penetrate the soil of people’s minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea, nor to question it. Your life is action, and the only action I ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of My Creation. For your good work I give you the virtue of Self-Esteem. Continue reading

Brian Jeffries August 5, 1948 – October 13, 2015.

Spiritual Brother Brian Jeffries August 5, 1948 - October 13, 2015

Spiritual Brother Brian Jeffries
August 5, 1948 – October 13, 2015

A dear spiritual brother, a poet, a writer, a muse has dropped his physical body and taken his final Earth walk. Brian Jeffries August 5, 1948 – October 13, 2015. There is a Celebration and Paddle Out Saturday at 2:00pm at 295 Hwy A1A, Satellite Beach (Silver Sands Condo/Sea Gull Park — just south of the Pineda Causeway (404) and north of Sea Park Avenue). You are invited to bring: a vegetarian dish to share, surf board, beach chairs, a story about Brian to share.  Grief is work but it doesn’t have to be grim. Sometimes when you check out of your physical body, your work takes on a new dimension.

There is no death. When I’m awake I know that. Sweet memories of sweet friends. When I tap into that Universal Mind, I know they live on and I don’t give it a second thought. While, in my mortal body, I hallucinate they are gone and I am miss them. Funny how we let our minds play tricks on us, huh? There is no death. When I’m awake I know that. Keep me awake, please.
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