Category Archives: Uncategorized

Keep an eye out for the dollars

dollars stackHere’s a fun way to exercise your creative visualization. Found money is one way the Universe likes to surprise us when we’re in the flow. Look at the bills in the image. See them against the white background.
1. Now see them on the floor in your closet.
2. Now see them in the pocket of a coat.
3. Now see them under the socks in your dresser.
4. Now see them in that secret side pocket in your wallet, or in the glove compartment.
5. See them on the floor of your garage.
6. See them on the side of the roadway on your morning walk.
7. See them on the floor at the grocery and on the ground at the gas station.

Keep an eye out for them. Give it a few days. Report back where it showed up. You can also do this with a lost object. Imagine seeing it in a few different settings, then begin searching then staying on lookout for it.

Feedback on my Facebook One Card Tarot Readings

I haven’t had time to formally schedule everyone who wants an appointment, so I’ve been having fun with Facebook friends doing some rapid fire one card tarot readings. I ask them to give me a number between 1 and 9 and think of a situation in their life right now. I shuffle the cards and choose their number card and give a one card tarot interpretation.  There is a magic in my choosing of the card. The Universe always knows who needs to hear what, although I may not know that.  I can get so much from one card if I look deeply into it. I don’t do these just for you, I do them for me also. I know that whoever I find myself in the midst of is someone I am in vibrational resonance with. That means that on some level we are working through the same issues. That means whatever message there is for YOU is likely for ME also (and everyone who reads these words). I asked them to give feedback if they found their reading relevant. I got excellent feedback, some fine testimonials. I share some of it with you below. 

If you’d like a quick one card reading, I’ll do it via email or Facebook for a donation of $10, see info at and Paypal to You’ll receive a 400-500 word detailed interpretation covering the areas of work, love, finances, health and spirituality.

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Don’t want Windows 10? Here’s how to stop it from automatically downloading

Win10-noWhen Windows 10 kept trying to automatically install on my Windows 8 computer, I bought a new computer specifically to have one with Windows 10.  I’m, glad I did because it would not let me run my versions of Adobe InDesign (my mag layout program), AccountEdge (my billing program) nor my astrology or anagram programs.  Years ago I didn’t think of that when I bought a new computer, and it cost me $1,000+ to upgrade my programs to run with the new OS.  Now, I learn “Microsoft is now aggressively pushing Windows 10 upgrades” and starting this week, Microsoft is recategorizing Windows 10 as a “recommended update” in its Windows Update system. That means the Windows 10 upgrade process will download and start automatically on Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 unless you do something to stop it.


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My experience is there’s something out there greater than I that has it all under control

mind cosmic blueFriends ask how I can be so uninterested in politics and so calm in the face of what’s going on. I guess because I’m busy attending to “what’s going on” in my own life. We’re all free to choose what to believe. I believe in what I myself have experienced. My experience is there’s something up there or out there greater than I that has it all under control. My experience is that this (something) is responsive to me, has my well being in mind and is activated by my attention and by my intention. My experience is that my hopeful thoughts on behalf of friends and family somehow have a hand in impacting their experience. Some would say that’s God working through prayer. Some would say the Universe is responding to my intention and affirmations. Some would say it’s destiny, that there’s no cause and effect to my actions.  Continue reading

It’s not always about how much I can get done

arms relaxing-on-beachKeeping my right arm in a sling the past few weeks, it’s healing up. It’s a real lesson in surrendering control, doing things with one hand and asking people to help me. I’m learning to be less of a control freak and that it’s not always about “how much can I get done today” or “how many dollars can I make with how much I can get done today?”

I dream Bernie Sanders is President

Sleep restful by pinoI had a dream last night of Bernie Sanders being president. I wondered how he made it beyond the primaries due to the nature of the electoral system. As I had that thought, a classroom chalkboard appeared where someone stood writing equations. The chalk board had at the top the words Common Core Math. I took that to mean that there would be confusion due to something different about counting the votes during that election, like there would be a new way to figure it or to justify the results.

RELATED: Another Bernie Sanders dream
Yet another Bernie Sanders dream

The February 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

2-16 daena deva 3x4The February Horizons is now online at   The February horoscopes are below. In December 2015, our beloved friend and astrologer of 19 years, Barbara Lee passed away.  As of the February 2016 issue, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth. She’s also the creator of Easy Astrology Oracle Cards published by Hay House.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and sign up to receive her weekly newsletter. For an introduction to Maya White, read here   Here are the February horoscopes: Continue reading