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Remember “we” survive after death of the body

Hard as it is, get used to death. God would not stop a caterpillar from becoming a butterfly, an acorn from growing into an oak, nor a tadpole from becoming a frog.  That’s simply dropping one body and acquiring another. I’ve lost many family members and never thought of it as unfair or untimely. It’s just a part of life and I’ve learned that death of the physical body is not the end. Here I give a dozen examples of what the one crossing over experiences –>  What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition
. . . Would we keep a toddler in kindergarden or a 6th grader in elementary school? No, we let them graduate to the next phase in the process, so they can continue to learn and grow and become more of what they are meant to be.  That’s all death is: going from one form to another.  Remember that “we” survive after death of the physical body. “We” survive in consciousness after the change called death.
. . . Loved ones are never gone, they’ve just stepped into a nearby room. There is now a thin wall between you and them. In quiet times, you will be able to hear and speak through this wall and you will come to know there is no “death.” There is simply moving on to the next dimension.You were meant to know each other in the flesh for only so many years. Move for
ward with those around you here, now, in this lifetime. Your loved one is moving on. You’ll hear from them soon, in a dream, in a thought, you’ll have undeniable evidence of their presence.  You will experience many “deaths” in your lifetime. What matters is how you live your life afterward, how you move on. Don’t let it get you down. I figure whatever happens is God’s will and, if it’s God’s will, then I must rejoice in it all. Prayers of final freedom for the Orlando, FL souls who transitioned en masse this morning. Grief is work but it doesn’t have to be grim. When you check out of your physical body, your work is able to take on a new dimension. 

RELATED: Hard as it is, get used to death
Her perception upon dying
A Friend and I Talk About Dying and Easy Transitions

How to forgive and find closure if the other is unwilling, absent or dead  
Why pretend loved ones aren’t going to die? Let’s get over the fear

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like, As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

RELATED: Thich Nhat Hanh on death
RELATED:  Rumi on Death

People who quote the law on FB get their info off tv shows

A FBF is upset a woman was charged with only a misdemeanor after leaving her grandchild in the car alone while she ran from police. “Tell me where this is right,” he wrote. “Fleeing and Alluding alone is a felony.”  I notice my comment was sharp and sounded snarky: “If folks would stop pretending they know the law they would stop getting others riled up. Sure some stuff seems unfair but you don’t know the law, you don’t know the statutes, you don’t know the final charges, you don’t know the guidelines. I was in criminal law for 22 years, with all due respect most people who quote the law on FB sound like they get their info off TV shows.”    Continue reading

It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in the law of return

Witch-Stir-CauldronI just read about the self described witch who, via social media, organized the mass hexing of a sex offender. She said she had no concerns about the “Rule of Three (threefold return) or magical backlash.” That tells me she’s not an experienced practitioner. Every wish and intent you have for another comes back to you and your loved ones. It’s like gravity, it doesn’t matter if you believe it or not. Don’t take on the karma of wishing ill will on anyone. Ask instead for their awakening, their deepened compassion, and yours.

Why this affirmation works

A friend questioned the validity of repeating affirmations that are untrue, in the hopes of trying to convince yourself of something. That’s where people go wrong with their “affirmations.” You can’t choose a phrase that you know isn’t true. You choose a phrase that is a true statement of something you want to be made more fully aware of. I can say “in this moment I have all I need,” and it’s true. That repeated true phrase leads me to more fully realize that truth. Sure, the car payment may be due Thursday and if I don’t have it right now, I trust and expect that I’ll have it by Thursday. But I’m talking about right now. Not tomorrow, not yesterday. Can I pay off my mortgage right now? No. Do I have in this moment all I need? Yes, absolutely. And the more I realize that, the wider my eyes will open and the wider my mind will open to encompass new ideas, possibilities and opportunities.

RELATED: Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts
Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story
Stop Telling That Story: Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward
It’s All Related
Shall I Spend Time Saying Affirmations or Playing?

When we step into our center

I sat outside to meditate this morning, in the garden to listen to the rustle of the bamboo. Several minutes in I realized I was sitting just off the critter trail. As I sat I could hear rustling and walking and slithering a few feet away from me. I went in and out of the consciousness of it as I would refocus on my breathing at each sound. It was a reminder that our essential Self maintains a centered, quiet and gentle place inside despite the physical activity that goes on around us. We can step into that centered, quiet and gentle place any time we choose.

Voices in the head won’t stop?

Can’t concentrate, can’t meditate because the voices in your head won’t stop? Remember just because they talk, you don’t have to listen to them and you don’t have to let it affect you. You take a breath and release the thought on the exhale. Do it enough and your perception of your situation will morph right before your very eyes.

Whether a sincere seeker or a con artist, the remedy is the same

I got an email this morning that alerted my spidey sense. It was a couple of hours before I could respond back but in the meantime I thought to Google his name and email address.  I found info reporting former involvement in financial misdoings, fraud internet crime and a fugitive warrant as well as local court case info for him.  But whether he’s a scammer or a sincere seeker, he asked me a question and the answer is the same.  Ride out past momentum, clean up your past, expand your belief about what’s possible for you and refocus your attention. He wrote: “My name is xx.  I live in DC.  I have read your articles but nothing seems to stick.  I will tell you my situation.  I’m a struggling entrepreneur and i want to trade the financial markets.  At this very moment i am typing this message to you from mcdonalds because of the free wifi.  I am 43 years old. I am homeless and i am presently illegally living in an abandoned house when i know it is safe to break in(my town has no homeless shelter).  I have exactly 0.21cents in my bank account but no money in my wallet.  For food i simply kindly ask people at my local mcdonalds for food and if i don’t eat by 9pm, i look in the mcdonalds trash can for some food.  I have no car and no job since my town had no bus transit.  I filled out a few applications but have not gotten a job.  It is just me because i have no family members willing to help me.  I do not smoke or drink or do drugd.  My heart is 100% set on trading the financial market because i have a natural gift at seeing patterns that work great!!  But because of my situation i seemingly need everything!!  Please help…i don’t know what to do..    Continue reading

Glad I didn’t believe every diagnosis I was given

I slept an odd four hours straight last night and must have been in the same position for awhile. For the first time ever I woke up with my body stiff and sore to move. When I got up, I felt weak and unsteady on my feet and was glad a seat was nearby. A few minutes of stretching and walking and I was fine but it gave me a glimpse into what some people may experience all the time. It was a deep sleep of complex dreams and my mom was in it. She passed a month shy of her 64th birthday, my dad when he was 62. Later I recalled mom had arthritis, so I figured it was her stiffness i might be feeling. She had an orthostatic tremor, which means she’d get spells of her legs feeling weak and unstable and she’d be panicked looking for somewhere to sit if she needed to.  I didn’t for a moment think “Oh, I must be coming down with that, too” but rather it was a glimpse into what she likely experienced every day. I figured it might be muscle memory from the dream. Mom never discussed her ailments unless I asked, so they aren’t what first comes to mind when I think of her.  She had several physical issues, none disabling but including chronic pain and anxiety.  She took a lot of medications to keep it all in check so she could continue to work. She was a savvy, smart, intelligent, kind and gentle woman. She was always interested in medicine and worked at the V.A Hospital. It was easy in that setting to discuss aches and pains and get several opinions and diagnoses of what it might be. Unless it’s an emergency, I don’t go to doctors anymore since my experience is that everything passes when I eat healthy and stay in motion. In my 20’s and 30’s I had health insurance so I went for “regular checkups” and described every little ache and pain I felt.  Whatever got treated I know now lasted longer than it should have since I was focused on treating an ailment. I’m sure I would have had a different life if I’d believed every diagnosis I was ever given. At 64, I have no health problems and take no medication. I live a blessed life. I have no complaints whatsoever.

RELATED: A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time

Seth: “Remind yourself that in many ways you are a very successful person as you are. Success does not necessarily involve great intellect or great position or great wealth; it has to do with inner integrity. Remember that.”

My Samsung Galaxy S5 can’t take it

UPDATE:  Samsung Repair Assistant fixes my Galaxy S5 — and my karma


Just did a factory reset of my Samsung Galaxy S5. After a year, I had to replace it because it kept dropping Wi-Fi. They sent me a refurbished one so I have no idea how old it is but the voice to text on it is very poor. Whether it is in email or in messaging or in Facebook posts, it will capitalize random words and it will get many words wrong. I’ve used my voice professionally for years so I know how to dictate clearly.  It also won’t let me post directly from the video to Facebook, the videos are all pixelly looking. Although the photos are not large, it has to reconfigure them every time I want to email one. I spoke to several Verizon techs and no one knew the fix.  One tech, Candace whom I could never reach again, was able to walk me through all the settings to make sure they were correct.  No one else did that and it fixed a couple of problems.  I’m looking forward to May 2017 so I can replace this phone with one that can handle heavy voice to text since my phone has to be a work horse. I thought spending this much on a phone would be a real upgrade and it has not been. Great camera though. I’d like something larger format because it is less important for me to have a phone small enough for a pocket than it is for me to have easy access to a screen I can read clearly and respond back right away. I’d likely get the insurance as well since if I had the insurance this time I could have replaced it with a new phone rather than a refurbished one. The refurbished phone they sent me had more problems than my original phone which only dropped Wi-Fi. If you have voice to text on your phone and are happy with its performance, let me know what kind of phone you have.

UPDATE:  Samsung Repair Assistant fixes my Galaxy S5 — and my karma