Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stop watching scary hurricane footage

An auspicious sign, not a scary one. People are afraid of what they don't understand. This isn't a skull of doom, this is an auspicious sign of caution, protection and survival. What a blessing.

An auspicious sign, not a scary one. People are afraid of what they don’t understand. This isn’t a skull of doom, this is an auspicious sign of caution, protection and survival. What a blessing.

The NASA image showing Hurricane Matthew as it traveled across Port au Prince, Haiti is auspicious, not a scary sign. Skull imagery symbolizes death and immorality — the physical passes but WE continue on in another form, i.e. caterpillar to butterfly. A skull signifies proceeding with caution and is used to ward off evil. It denotes protection, strength, power, fearlessness, transformation, wisdom and guidance, overcoming death, surviving through a difficult time. If you’re stressed about a hurricane hitting, entertain other thoughts. Don’t look at images like this meant to scare you. Don’t listen to inflammatory forecasts by weather reporters who are seldom accurate, and don’t watch videos of devastating storm footage. None of that has to be your reality until you begin attracting it because you keep focusing on the bad aspects of it.    Continue reading

8:00 PM update has Hurricane Matthew landing 40 miles south of me


So Hurricane Matthew is projected to land about 40 miles south of me as a Category 3 with winds of 115mph. I don’t feel the pull to leave, I feel safe. At 5pm winds were 120 mph and by 8pm had weakened to 115. Moving NW 12 mph, projected landfall Vero Thursday night, then riding up the coast through Friday. I’m 12 miles inland and west of I-95. Hurricane-force winds extend outward up to 45 miles from the center and tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 175 miles.    Continue reading

Hurricane Matthew may be here tomorrow night


GOOD NEWS FOR NORTH OF SEBASTIAN INLET, FL: As of 8:00am Hurricane Matthew is downgraded to a Category 3, maximum sustained winds had dropped to 115 mph and it’s headed north. <3 There’s a Hurricane WATCH from the Sebastian Inlet to the Flagler/Volusia County line. A Hurricane WARNING is in effect for areas south of Sebastian Inlet into South Florida. <3 . Matthew is moving North at 8mph. Hurricane-force winds (74+ mph) extend outward up to 45 miles from the center. Tropical storm force winds (39+ mph) extend outward up to 175 miles. At present speed, it should hit us overnight Thursday and by 8pm Friday be near Jacksonville.    Continue reading

The October 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the Horoscopes

The October Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White
Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:    Continue reading

A Daily Prayer

A morning prayer

A morning prayer

Heavenly Father/Mother/God, let me stay aware of you as I go throughout my day. Help me stay on task and be clear in my communications. Bless every caller and everyone I come in contact with or bring to mind. Bless me and guide me to do good work. You know my financial needs, so guide me to action to make the money flow in ways that surprise and delight me. Open my eyes more fully to the world around me so I may more fully appreciate all I have. Thank you for my life because, Whoever or Whatever you are, without you I wouldn’t be living the Paradise on Earth that is now my life and I wouldn’t know that You allow me to be the one who directs my own flow. 

For everyone who asked for lightning to strike last night, it did

lightning you are the sky textThoughts are powerful. Everyone who hoped for lightning to strike in Melbourne last night, it did. But it didn’t strike the Trump rally at the airport. Lightning struck the main line in Melbourne, and a boil precaution has been advised until bacterial testing has been completed and water is safe to drink. A good reminder do not wish on someone else something you would not wish for yourself. Here’s a link to the Boil Water notice on the City page

How to connect if you have a hard time visualizing

mind cosmic blueA friend asks “How does one connect? Everyone seems to know what to do, but no one can explain to me how to do it. I can’t figure out the “how” part.”

My answer is that in the beginning, if you cannot visualize it happening, you will have to practice imagining what it would feel like.  Pretend what it would feel like. Pretend is a powerful word.  Pre, from before and tend from intend. When you are pretending or imagining something, you are intending ahead of time. And what you imagine and pretend, you attract. If you want to attract conscious connection with your Source, with your Higher Self, you may have to first practice imaging it happen.    Continue reading

Lightworkers, send pink light

pink-light-send-72When you send pink light, you activate a vibration of connection within yourself which causes the object of your attention to have the same vibration activated within them. Abraham

I’m calling out to lightworkers and vision keepers. We all know someone we can shine a light on and hold the thought of a happy and peaceful outcome. Like gravity, sending pink light works whether you believe it does or not. I’m asking you to send pink light here to Melbourne, FL. There will be a gathering at the airport afternoon and evening that could benefit from an extra ooommph of our love. Only send out what you want you or your loved ones to receive back. Breathe in the pink images and let your heartspace fill with their love. Have the thought to breathe this pink light, this pink love outward to loved ones, friends, family and us here in Melbourne, FL. We can make change happen. We are changing the world, we are re-creating reality, yes, us, one thought at a time.

Be a Vision Keeper during a Storm
Why Rain Dances Work. Why Holding the Vision is Important
Our thoughts matter and why we have different experiences