Category Archives: Uncategorized

My supply is dependent upon my consciousness

If you’re freaked out by the one in office, here’s some good news. I’ve learned that my supply is dependent upon my consciousness, not upon who the president is nor who my employer is nor who is in government in whatever country. How I think about my life and my employer and what I think about who is governing whom is what attracts advantageous or disadvantageous opportunities to me. At each step I have a choice about where to go or keep my thoughts focused.

Excerpt “Invisible Supply by Joel Goldsmith
This morning’s meditation: Invisible Supply
Money/supply comes out of us like an oak from an acorn
A Call to Lightworkers to hold the vision of Trump’s Awakening
Palmistry: The Hopeful Thumb of Donald Trump
No I wouldn’t move if he was elected
To everyone who’s unhappy with the endorsement
If you’re disappointed in how the election is going

New street light on the block

I walked outside and watched the almost full moon rising over the treeline. I could hear two cats facing off behind my neighbor’s house. I’m glad my good boy stays in at night. I noticed the “new” street light at the end of the block and realized there’s always been a light there, they just took the pole down and put a new kind of lamp, less white, more amber, larger range of illumination. It lets me see the entire west end of the block. I could see that end has cars outside. At our end, the cars are in the garage. If I had a car outside I’d probably want a light on it overnight. Ours has always been a safe neighborhood, most are homeowners, the few rentals always attract good tenants. Few kids. I feel safe here any hour. Of course, when I moved up from Miami in 1983, I had burglar bars installed on my windows. Trust in God but tether your camel.

Keep yourself hopeful and motivated via your daily self-talk

A friend says her life has been miserable the last few years, that hope is a trap and joy is a lie and they only lead to pain. She said she has no reason to believe it will ever be any different. When you are having thoughts like that, and we all have them, you really need to pivot your self talk and cheerlead yourself on to be hopeful. What we expect and believe will invariably happen, so hope for the best and believe it is possible despite evidence to the contrary. Remind yourself on a regular basis via re- programming your self-talk. Someone else’s experience does not have to be yours. Your past experience does not have to be repeated. Remind yourself of this so frequently that it drowns out the voice in your head that says you can’t imagine anything can ever be any different. Then watch your world change right before your eyes.

Be mindful of what you are adding to the underlying reality

When you connect with the underlying reality, you begin to sense and see karmic return. You begin to know the reason to only wish for anyone else only what you wish for yourself. We’re either all One or we’re not. Everything returns to you, everything — the blessings you’ve sent out and the prayers you’ve wished upon others. Make sure it’s what you want cascading upon you a thousandfold. We are all one living organism and what affects one ultimately affects all. Be mindful of what you are adding to the mix.

The Importance of Envisioning Yourself 5 Minutes After You’ve Died

When you karate chop a board in half, you don’t target the board, you target BEYOND the board. When we practice striking BEYOND the board, it trains us to see past the perceived physical limitation. When we train ourselves to see BEYOND our physical death – even five minutes beyond — it demystifies it and shows us it’s nothing to fear. Wait, how do you practice seeing yourself BEYOND the body??  We train ourselves to see beyond the physical body by practicing exercises such as these two:   Continue reading

Astrology Days of the Week — How to make the most of them

SATURDAY IS SATURN’S DAY – a day to direct our attention toward routine chores and personal responsibilities, a good day for furthering our ambitions through perseverance, patience, responsible action, and a sense of purpose. Ask yourself some questions: How are you doing? Are you consciously heading in the direction you want to be going?

Saturday is a good day for rest and relaxation, forming goals, and for giving and receiving recognition. It’s a day to formulate new beginnings, new projects and ideas. What’s next for you?    Continue reading

The May 2017 Horizons is now online and here are the Horoscopes

The May 2017 Horizons is now online at  We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White
Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:

Aries – (March 20 – April 18) May is a decidedly frisky season for you. With Venus in your sign ALL month and Uranus having been in Aries for oh so long –this is your opportunity for fun. Make this one a no-holds-barred month to remember. Entertain the goddess Venus in style by taking her to the beach or for long walks in nature. And, she loves good food, too. Money comes easy too; it’s your time enjoy life!   Continue reading

What I’m Trained In and Why I Write

Andrea de Michaelis

A friend and I were talking about healing modalities and I shared with her the About  Andrea link on my blog, which talks about what courses of study and healing modalities I’ve been involved with through the years. Here’s an excerpt. “Transcendental Meditation, yoga, est, the Dale Carnegie course, primal scream therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Transactional Analysis, rebirthing, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Silva Mind Control, Biomagnetics, Therapeutic Touch, Pranic Healing, Reiki.
I write in Horizons Magazine and in this blog because my life has been a series of continual upgrades since I began my journey of spiritual awakening and personal growth, and I want everyone to have free access to what I know. I want everyone to know that the life they are living now is just a fragment of what it can be, if they want more.  And that you don’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars for workshops and books and crystals and wind chimes and training and certification for ascension and acceleration and internet products in order to reach a higher potential. You are capable of far more than you ever dreamed and there is an internal compass that guides you in every moment by the emotions you are feeling in response to the thoughts you are thinking. You have more choices available right now than you ever thought possible.”

Are you getting a sign you belong elsewhere?

Are you getting a sign that there is something you are more suited for? (No, I’m not trying to sell you anything.) Does your market/ clients/ dollars await you elsewhere? My experience is if it’s what you are supposed to do, it will be easy, it will flow, things will line up, the money will be there, the opportunities will be there, the right people will show up at the right time. Resistance always has meaning. Rejection is protection. It simply means there is something you are more suited for and your market, your clients, your recognition awaits you elsewhere.