Category Archives: Uncategorized

Using THE SECRET For Successful Marketing — How the Law of Attraction Can Bring You More Business

Conventional marketing tells us how we need to target our market, use specific headlines, as well as a long list of other marketing ploys. However, thanks to Abraham-Hicks and The Secret, we now know that the success of advertising, as with everything else, is not so much dependent upon the action that is taken (designing and placing the ad) as it is on the consciousness from which the action is taken. That is, what you think about your business, about your abilities, and about what you have to offer. That also means you take charge of your internal dialogue.

For someone whose attitude is, ”Hmmm, business is down, so let me put a card in, even though it’s the slow season. It couldn’t hurt and it’s only a few bucks,” then their response will reflect that. Remember that the response you receive always mirrors your real – and sometimes unconscious – core belief and attitude on the topic. In this case, that might be “I don’t feel real hopeful and motivated, so I probably won’t attract more than I am attracting already.”   Realize that in “the real world,” – the metaphysical world of energy exchange – you can’t expect people to be more enthusiastic about your business than you are.   Continue reading

A friend wrote to me: “I’d say my chief reason for going to church these days is out of commitment rather than hunger for God. Sure, connecting with the community is good, but it doesn’t further me. etc. I think I’ve been singing this song for several years now!”  I replied: :I meant to address this when you wrote it and got caught up doing other things.  I know what you mean.  I go, not out of commitment but when I want camaraderie.  And sometimes I want the lesson and music and don’t want fellowship, and those are the times I sneak in late and leave early to avoid interaction.   I think different things “further” us in different ways.  For me and probably for you, too, solo study and meditation is what most fulfills me and deepens my sense of faith and devotion and dedication.    Continue reading

I woke up with the thought that the reason W repaid an outstanding loan to me early was that by going out of my box on Sunday, going to Sue’s church and to the Meta Circle, I released resistance that I unconsciously hold by being in routine here. I spent almost all of January in a funk and not doing much to get myself out of it. Pouting, aggravating those closest to me, choosing to stay inside and not venture outside, to not do any yard work, which I know is my healing grace.  So of course now, like clockwork, I am motivated to work in the yard and it’s final layout week. I could have done a ton of work last month, but nooooo, I had to pout and sleep my month away. I just made myself go outside one day and pick up one dead palm frond to take to the trash pile, knowing that as soon as I put myself in motion, momentum would form. The last few days with only a few hours each day I have transformed the east woods back into a semblance of privacy and organization. I simply moved all the cut bamboo stalks and stacked them in one place standing by the tall pine. I simply moved all the potted plants to one area. I simply raked the interior floor of the surface layer of leaves and piled the leaf mulch around the plants at the perimeter of the canopy room in the squirrel park. I brought the larger of the dead palmetto fronds to the front and kept them inside the room, lining the wire fence as a shield from the street view. By the time I gathered enough big fronds, I had cleared much of the larger deadfall, since I’d been taking the larger fallen branches to the front as well. The small dead branches I will stack for firewood and take to the west firepit area. I swept off the deck area, and I may decide to move that elsewhere or maybe just move it to the north about 3 feet. That’s what I will do.   Continue reading

It is still green here, however the yard is looking very sparse.  That’s because the leaves are off the mulberry in the back yard and also off several of the big oak trees. I have a couple of types of oaks and one type seems to lose all its leaves and the other doesn’t.  This winter I am seeing the houses behind me through my yard, and usually I only see my trees and the tall palmettos.  I have been cutting thru the palmettos some each year, mostly just cleaning out the deadfall, but now I can see thru them a little bit, too, in places.  I like cutting paths thru my palmettos, different paths to walk down.  The woods to the east of me have been looking very sparse and ragged since the hurricanes, so I watered everything real deeply yesterday.  I had a bunch of cut bamboo that had crashed down from where I had it stacked, so I moved it to a new location to act as a sort of screen from the road until the greenery starts growing back from the watering.   Continue reading

Today’s Thoughts

I’ve been in a subdued mood the last couple of weeks.  No heavy thoughts, just working through some inner conflicts.  You know, the standard routine of personality integration *smile*   I am inspired by concrete goals, and have learned how to trick myself into breaking out of my workaholic routine by using goals as the bait.  If someone says to me, “you’re working too hard, want to take a break and do something?” that doesn’t give me much to look forward to to whet my appetite, except to stop working, which I may want to keep doing.  But if a friend calls and says “It’s a beautiful day and I’m going to take a ride in the sun and take my camera to the beach and have an adventure.  I can pick you up in an hour, and we can eat sushi on the way back home and you’ll be back at work before dark.”  Now that sounds tempting!  It tells me what to expect, it tells me when I can be back to work, I have to eat anyway, I’m always up for a nature trek with cameras.  I feel special and honored when someone picks me up and drives.  I like a pal with a plan.  I like a take charge kind of pal; someone who is always in optimistic, confident motion forward with some goal in mind.    Continue reading

Easy Thai Yom Yum Soup Recipe

Vietnamese tom yum soup 03INGREDIENTS
1/2 pound medium shrimp – peeled and deveined (save shells and heads for stock)
12 mushrooms, halved
1 (4.5 ounce) can straw mushrooms, drained
4 cups water or chicken broth
2 stalks of lemon grass (will remove before eating)
4 kaffir lime leaves (will remove before eating)
4 slices galangal (will remove before eating)
1-4 chilies as hot as you like them (I use 2)
1 tablespoon tamarind paste
1- 1/2 tablespoons fish sauce
1- 1/2 limes, juiced
1 teaspoon white sugar
1 teaspoon chili garlic sauce
1 tablespoon nam prik pao or tom yum soup paste
1 giant bunch of fresh basil or cilantro for last minute adding.   Continue reading

Andrea’s Low Fat Seafood Chowder

Andrea’s Low Fat Seafood Chowder:
Marinate 1 lb of bay scallops in the juice of 2 lemons while you begin.

6 cloves fresh garlic chopped and sauteed in 2 tblsp olive oil
Dice and add:
I giant whole leek
1 fat stalk of fennel
I parsnip
2 whole carrots
corn scraped from one raw ear
4 stalks celery
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp thyme
1 bay leaf
handful of fresh basil torn up, maybe 20 leaves
7 strands saffron
salt and pepper

Stir until the vegetables soften and reduce, then add:
1 giant can chopped tomatoes
1 small can double strength Campbell’s beef broth + 1 can water
handful of bay scallops for flavor
Simmer 45 minutes, then add the rest of the scallops.

It’s ready when they are done, 5-8 minutes, but I add them and cook another 30 minutes so they kinda melt into the stock.

I’ve also poached fish filets on top of the broth, for more protein and a heartier meal.

If you liked this, visit my food blog –> Goddess Grub, Healthy and Luscious Low Fat Meals for the Goddess on the Go 

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I’m a Soup Freak; what I keep on hand for them

I’m not someone who spends a lot of time in the kitchen. Maybe because I worked from home for so long that I got in the habit of eating most of my meals out. I have a handful of favorite dishes I cook for myself and for friends and one of my favorite things to cook is soup.  Sometimes I’m just looking in the fridge at the leftovers. Sometimes I do this in a structured manner, like deciding on split pea soup and buying just those ingredients, but most often I find myself in the store looking at a juicy stalk of fennel next to a fat leek and the ideas start to flow. If I have no direction in mind, I can just let the fresh vegetables of the day direct me. 

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Stopping guidance by being pouty, my past momentum yields me a dog bite

Hello and welcome to the April 2007 edition of Horizons Magazine. I feel like I live in a Disney movie. I walk outside each morning to put out birdseed for the cardinals, jays, woodpeckers, etc. and I watch squirrels chase each other across the long oak branches. I water a few plants, twist some vines in a new direction, munch a fresh basil leaf and rub fresh rosemary in my hair. I watch the baby lizards scampering about, and rake the leaves into a pile for the cats to jump into. Lately I’ve been raking leaves like crazy! The cold snaps back and forth the past two months have tricked the trees into thinking it’s autumn, so they’ve all been shedding their leaves. Even my bamboo took a rest from its breakneck speed growth and literally covered the ground beneath it in inches of feather-downy leaves. I love that the cooler weather this late in the season lets us know we will once again have a mild storm season.  Continue reading

Journeys Out Of The Body: My Monroe Institute Experience

Hello and welcome to the November 2006 edition of Horizons Magazine. Wow! It’s been a whirlwind month of first, my week long stay at The Monroe Institute in Virginia where I took their 6 day Gateway Voyage, then two weekends in Orlando back to back, doing Pranic Healing Level II with Master Stephen Co, and then attending the Hayhouse I Can Do It! Conference where I took the pre-conference workshop with Abraham-Hicks. As you can imagine, my mind has been blown wide open and I can barely keep myself from bouncing off the clouds. Life is good! All things are possible! We are only using a small fraction of our potential. We have inner resources that are amazing. And we all have it, it is in all of us.   Continue reading