Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’ve lost my voice again and had to reschedule a week’s worth of readings. It seldom hurts me when I lose it, but I’ve learned that it is because my voice is gone that I know my vocal cords can be hurt if I don’t let them rest and heal by me not talking. Like if I had a blister on the palm of my hand yet I would clap them in applause several times every hour or so.  It would just take longer to heal.  When I began chanting and doing mantra and giving meditation instruction, and later for hypnosis, my voice became my own version of vibrational sound healing.  I’ve trained it to induce altered consciousness.  I didn’t set out to do that, I just fell into knowing how to do it and it helps with the work.  In the past I have read for audiobooks, but that is hard work, I prefer doing industry and corporate training recordings, I have done commercial voiceover, I like being behind the scenes 🙂


How to produce your own psychic fair

A friend wanted some initial info on how to produce their own psychic fair. I emailed him:

Where would the readers be placed?
How many in each room?
Do they bring their own table and chairs?
How much to charge for table space?

First of all, a venue with walk in traffic is crucial. We used to do them at the Cocoa Beach Hilton during a holiday weekend, Labor Day or Memorial Day.

What works best at a fair is usually short readings, say $20 for 14 minutes.    Continue reading

I have zero time to do expos, it is all I can do to keep up with the magazine and the readings each month.  I am getting calls in response to my production internship ad, so hopefully I will assemble a helpful team.  Since they are unpaid positions, we’ll see 🙂  Most people want to work for Horizons because they really just want to hang around me *hehe* because they think I am fun all the time.  So we go thru the charade of training and when they don’t get enough personal attention from me anymore, they lose interest and I have gotten behind in work again by training someone.  It’s easier to do it myself for the most part. I don’t mind doing extra work since I love working alone – small price to pay.  I’m lots faster (at what I know) than anyone else also, so I will learn to come to a balance. Anyone who actually shows an interest in the work and an ability to help will get added to the payroll pretty quickly.


I never ask who they are, I ask what are they trying to tell me.

A friend emailed me: “ I was just asleep and felt a hand on my foot. Freaked me out then I thought how funny  and trIed to talk to whatever was here.”   I replied: “That’s what I’d do, ask what they want.  I never ask who they are because you can’t trust what they say (“Oh, I’m Archangel Michael!”, “I’m Master Kwan Yin!” I’m Blessed Mother!”).  I ask what are they trying to tell me.  Always remember also any questions you may be asking of life and then in every moment when you feel there is a sign, see what that sign might be answering for you.  So it is good to stay focused and always have a few questions out there, and then watch for signs of being answered.

My Andrew dream

I just reconnected with Andrew Wilson after almost a decade, he is the son of a former very favorite boyfriend. Andrew was on Channel 15 last night talking about doing Spartacus with the Space Coast Ballet. I called him afterward to tell him how good he was on screen. So then I dreamed about him.  In the dream Andrew and I were hanging out and he was going to move in like a roommate, except we were flirting with each other too. Then somehow we are in some other place that I take to be an apartment I (we?) are thinking of moving into, except right now it needs painting plus there are other people who have set up house there temporarily. I have a sheet or blanket wrapped around me and walk into ‘my/our room’ because I feel I’ve been woken up and just want to go back to sleep. Andrew is going back and forth into a back room full of equipment, a room I didn’t know or had forgotten the apartment/house had.  I get the impression the people there are doing something illegal and if Andrew isn’t doing it too, he at least knows something about it. (in real life, Andrew is a straight arrow.) I go to sleep and he goes to work or something. Then I notice someone else is also in the bed under the covers sleeping and it kind of creeps me out because I didn’t notice him before, so I get up and wander around the place a little. I am looking for a big tshirt or something to wear because I am wrapped up in this sheet and having to hold it up and keep it from dragging. It turns into a dream of me trying to make it home, having to walk facing backwards at times because I can move faster that way. I take the “moving backwards” to mean sometimes to get to where you want to go you need to put your back into it.


end of dream

A friend cuts me off

I haven’t heard from SM since July 2006 when she got mad at me over a remodeling project we were doing together here, which I stopped because it was costing me time and money and neither of us knew what we were doing.  I intuited to cut the cord on it 3 days in and hire a professional.  I paid her for her time every single day and it’s not easy getting S to take money.  Still it was cheap to get the wall done properly although it cost me almost 3x as much as it should have.  She apparently still isn’t talking to me.  I periodically email her and called once when I was in the area and she was home.    Last year a few days before her mom died, I was working in the office and a vision of her mom H come to me.  H had gone to live with S earlier in the year.  I didn’t know she was sick.  After the vision I emailed a mutual friend and told her what happened and asked what was going on with S & H.  She told me H was very sick and they expected her to pass soon, which she did a few days later.   Continue reading



Great eclipse last night!  I snuck out of the circle early and came home to hang at my firepit alone, had a great view of the eclipse, lost it about 10:15 but saw it emerge again about midnight. There was cloud cover but I have no city lights near me so I get a good view of the night sky.  I could see her a clear deep rust all but the sliver, it was very cool.  I just put on my flannel shirt here at my office chair and it smells like campfire smoke!  My hair must also.   Continue reading

I am glad to be working alone again, for me it’s like that with any ‘relationship’, I feel an almost overwhelming sense of relief and freedom when it’s over with.  Not that I didn’t appreciate it and enjoy it, just it’s always such ‘work.’  So mostly I learn lessons about myself during those times: about my automatic responses and my emotional triggers.  Thankfully it never takes me too long to catch back up on the work that got stalled while I was training someone.  I would love to find a take-charge person like me, someone assertive and motivated enough to handle all the office administration and even assemble and oversee a sales and distribution team.  That would leave me free to do the work I love. I would like to learn to draw and paint on the computer like on a tablet and stylus setup or whatever those are called.  Hmmm maybe I’ll go look on YouTube and see if I can find someone doing a tutorial.  I have to first find out what they are called.  Hey maybe Consumer Reports has rated them, I should go check, I keep a subscription with them

Andrea’s tent!

I went to the New Way in cocoa village and I could kick myself for forgetting Jane Warner’s name until she sat down and reminded me.  When I am in that vibrationally high place, everyone looks familiar but few names come to mind.   I bought a tent from her.  Actually, cute story about the tent:  Last year I decided I wanted a new tent and so I made my list about what kind I wanted and what I wanted it for, and then I did my visualization on it, and this went on for a few days.  One day I woke up knowing someone would call with a tent for me.   So I went into the office to begin work and my first call of the day was Jane calling about an event they were having.  We talked about that and since she didn’t mention a tent I wondered if I should ask her about it and then I suddenly had the flash that she indeed had my tent.   So I asked her (remember, first phone call we ever had, we don’t know each other at this point) “Do you have a tent for me?”    And she did.  It turns out that she and Angie had gone on a womens’ retreat and took their tent, but forgetting the fly top at home.  So they ran to Sears and bought a duplicate tent and only used the fly.  Leaving them when they returned home, with a duplicate tent they didn’t need.  Ta Dah!  Andrea’s tent!


Before I go to sleep and when I wake up I pretend I am my own giant guardian angel and I say “I love you, I will never leave you. You are save and secure and healthy and well wrapped in my love”