Category Archives: Uncategorized

I see Curt and Nickie pass my window

Sitting here at the computer and I saw a figure pass by the west window.  When I looked, it was Curt Williamson and he was leaning on a shovel looking at me as if waiting for me to look up, then he smiled and waved and walked down the path past the firepit and into the woods and his dog Nickie was right behind him. Note, Curt passed at 1:58pm his sister told me

2;30pm Beth just called and told me Curt passed. Nickie was put down Monday

I got my $600 IRS stimulus check today . I worked a lot today and also made a seafood soup using scallops and orange roughey filets I had in my freezer, plus diced tomatoes and nonfat beef broth and chopped veggies.  It was real good. I think I’ll put an ad to do the will and power of attorney documents in the magazine since I’m doing so many of them right now.   I wish this mag was going faster.  Maybe if I stop making soup and watering the yard it will.   I missed almost the entire BMSE expo, am now rushing to get the July mag finished, I’ve spent since Wed at the hosp most of each day and now having to cram it all in and get done before Friday  .


I am in a new place with my mom and dad and it is apparently their new home.   We all appear about my age but they are my parents. I have a blanket wrapped around me and its big enough to cover me. I feel my father has somehow caused me into being there before I have time to dress and pack. I ask for some clothes to wear and we begin going from room to room looking for a dresser that has clothes in it. Although I would fit better in my father’s clothes, I am going thru the rooms with my mother and trying on a dress of hers, it’s too small but I can fit into it, especially when I find I now have striped pj pants on. I am barefoot because I feel the diff in the floor from room to room. Then I learn they only go into certain rooms of the house, because they are renting rooms from the owner, who also lives in the house. He is oriental. They show me a small bay window sized place in the one wall by the hallway that one of them tells me can be a second bedroom. I think that’ s not right since it’s so small. I again have the blanket wrapped around me and am looking for clothes.  Continue reading

9-6-1 comes in for the Cash 3

Went to the hospital to visit Curt and synchronistically almost the entire prayer team was there at one time, Margaret, Beth, Sally, Kim, me, and Curt was awake and lucid.  We got all paperwork done, also synchronistically the social worker who went over the hospice situation is a Horizons subscriber.  The Universe at work.  It will all turn out fine in the end; and if not, well it’s not the end.  The numbers 1, 9, 6 keep appearing this week. I don’t know why, I emailed Carl Morgan I was going to play them.   Later: 9-6-1 came in tonight

I told the woman at Circle K to buy 3 more lottery tickets. She didn’t. I did. I won.

I was behind a woman at Circle K this afternoon who was buying a whole string of the Monopoly scratch off lottery tickets and I had the thought that she should buy 3 more.  Of course I blurted out my unsolicited advice.  She just looked at me and turned away and walked out the door.  So I asked the clerk for 3 of the same kind she got and the first one paid $20 and the second paid $25 an the third gave me a free ticket.  Yay.  Today’s visitor was a baby armadillo, I saw 4 of them the other day, two today, almost deaf and blind I can always get real close for pics.  I dunno how old they are, their shells are still soft. They kinda freak when you touch them, they jump straight up in the air like in a cartoon.  They have cute freckly little faces.  They root around in the yard and give it good aeration, eating bugs and such.  I like having a place where wildlife visits.  It’s been warm here and humid but I am watering my trees like crazy to get some good shade going before the heat of summer.

Email to a friend who wrote me about a new program she’s involved with

Email to a friend who wrote me about a new program she is getting involved with” “I know a little about The Extraordinary Self Program, I believe the price was $595 a year ago.  These kinds of social networking/marketing/certification programs can be the bridge some people need to begin changing their beliefs about what is possible.  In most cases with friends and clients, I’ve seen them get wrapped up in all the activity that is generated and only months (or years as with IBI) do they realize they could have skipped that ‘step” and gone much farther in reaching their goals.

Hmmm, here I find once again I am saying to you something that sounds discouraging…  I guess I just think/imagine/feel/intuit/know that you are destined for grand and great happiness and accomplishment and my experience is that often these kinds of programs are unnecessary detours.  Oh my, I am aware how judgmental that sounds as I say it.  I know this meeting is just a free intro to the program.  I am not writing anyone else telling them this, just you.

I have dear friends who are wrapped up in different programs where everyone is frantically networking and going to and giving workshops on “making it happen” while their income and circumstances aren’t changing for the better.  Then I have the friends and clients who tap into inner guidance and become empowered and begin living lives of happiness and income they would not have thought possible six months or a year before.

I’m not criticizing anyone for where they are vibrating, I just like everyone to know they have a choice.  And that they don’t have to pay lots of money to get certified to market and deliver someone else’s program.  Boy, does this sound whiney, however I’ll send it anyway in hopes you will receive it in the spirit of friendship it is offered.”

I emailed Garrison Keillor my most memorable show

I emailed Garrison Keillor:  “Hello, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your wit and the courage to speak it.  I have listened for decades.  The most memorable show?  Father’s Day 1987, the “last” show.  I would so miss your company every weekend.  It was the end of an era in more ways than one for me.  You see I began driving home from Miami as the show started, having just left my father’s bedside where I signed for him to be taken off life support.  His wife didn’t want to sign without me, so I signed and within minutes he had passed.  I drove the 3 hours north along highway AIA, the ocean drive, and caught the show on various public radio stations all along the way up.  It was memorable indeed.   Thanks for all you do, I’ve been a fan from the first time I heard your show.  I wish you luck and lots of love in your life.”


I’m in a house in a neigborhood in NC and locals don’t like it because our tags are from Florida.   In a large room, a house really with a large meeting room and a lot of chairs and couches.   We are waiting for a program to start, but they won’t be here until 9:30am. I think it might be a band.  The owner of the house are a couple and they are very nice although a little reclusive it seems. I speak to both of them. He is a painter and is setting out his paints. They are well worn tubes of acrylic or watercolor. I am very thirsty and he pours some water, but it is for a paint jar, and I am helping to arrange the jars on the table. I am on one of the couches, a smaller one, and watching other people come in. I move around from seat to seat trying to find which will have the best view of the dias where the speaker or band will be.  Continue reading

I’ve been working away here.  New Kitty and YinYang are tolerating each other.  I don’t know if he went out yesterday at all.  I think the Universe is using him to get me to sleep in my bed instead of on the couch.  I will go in there for a nap because I know he’ll appear as soon as I get settled in.  It’s got to be better for my spine, but since I don’t have any problems I just sleep on the small chaise I call my couch.  I place the armchair at the end of the chaise to make it long enough for me to stretch out (kinda) in.  It’s not real comfortable but I don’t want it to be, otherwise I’d be in it all the time.  I know it’s hard to discipline yourself to do creative visualization to pre-pave what you’d like your future experience to be, but I have learned that is key to my happy tomorrows.  I know it’s hard to think happy fluffy thoughts when I’m stuck in the reality of my chaotic life surrounded by the downward spiral talk and opinions of people I can’t get way from, but I know if I don’t do it, I’ll be stuck there tomorrow and the day after and the day after.

I cooked penne pasta tonight, while it was cooking I sauteed some chopped fresh mushrooms in Pam spray with olive oil and also 4 scallions and some chopped fresh tomatoes from Danny’s garden.  I also put pepper (I use salt only AFTER it’s cooked so it doesn’t make the veggies watery) and garlic powder like a teaspoon (I use a lot of garlic powder, I sprinkle it on everything, it helps keep your arteries open) and some basil and oregano also.  Oh, also a squirt of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar since the tomatoes were very acidic.  While the pasta was draining, I put a teaspoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of my fake butter Earth Balance in with the mushrooms and threw in the penne, and let it all saute for about 3 more minutes as I mixed it around.  It was really good.   Continue reading