Category Archives: Uncategorized

Natural Sleep Aids. Sometimes We Need To Go Unconscious.

Yesterday was an interesting day. I didn’t go into the office all day.  That rarely happens.  I took the August Horizons Magazine to Speedy Pac and visited with Gerald and Janet Finnegan for awhile.  Then I went to the farmer’s market and got some klondike potatoes, plum tomatoes, broccoli and mushrooms.  I came home and made my vegetarian version of Sweet Tomatoes broccoli bacon raisin salad and put it in the refrigerator to blend for a few hours.  I was excited that my avocado was ripe, however it was a day too ripe so I made guacamole with it.  Earlier I’d been outside pruning my eleagnus bushes and now was sniffling, so I took a Benadryl.  I mostly took the Benadryl not to stop the sniffles, but because I knew it would knock me out for a few hours.  And boy did it. Continue reading

A Fly On The Wall Of A Dating Site Hook-Up with a Scammer

candy hearts love you send $$Ah, online dating.  The drama continues! I wrote earlier at Online dating scams; hot singles are waiting for you that several friends are dating online and report to me all their adventures.  A lot of the women get the same emails and instant messages from the same men, like a mass form letter I guess, hoping for a 1% return or something.  They also get a lot of the same “canned” information during instant messages, which simply shows that the guy is copying and pasting from another message.  My friend Sofie shared a typical instant message from her SeniorPeopleMeet site.  She is a cute gal and also a no-nonsense person, also a Buddhist.  She flat out doesn’t talk to guys who have no profile and no picture.  She gets a dozen instant messages every time she signs on to the site, guys she has nothing in common with and who just see that she’s cute and online.  Here is this morning’s conversation:

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Spirit told me to ask Jane if she had a tent for me and she did

A couple of years ago, I wanted a tent and had just finished my internet research to decide what kind and size I wanted.  I woke up one morning and knew that someone would call me that day and they would have a tent for me like the one I was looking for.  I went into the office and began taking the day’s calls, yet each time when I wondered if I should ask about the tent, it felt stupid and I didn’t do it. Then Jane Warner from Heaven Sent Wellness Center called and it was the first time we’d spoken.  I immediately knew she had the tent for me.  We spoke first about an ad, the purpose of her call, then I told her I’d been looking for a tent and that Spirit just told me she had one for me.  There was a short pause, then she told me that she and Angie just returned from a gathering where they took their tent.  They had, however, forgotten the top fly to the tent and so went to the nearest Sears and bought a duplicate tent so they had a fly that fit.  Which left them with an extra tent.  For me.

A “Seance” with Andy Kaufman and Marilyn Monroe; How Can You Know if a Psychic Medium is Really Connected To Your Loved One?

I just watched a segment of a rerun from Fox TV’s Powers of the Paranormal reality show with self proclaimed Hollywood psychic Bill Burns.  One online review said “In May of 2000, the American Fox TV network broadcast a two-hour special, “Powers Of The Paranormal: Live On Stage,” which included the “séance of the century”. The medium, Bill Burns, settled down, and after some standard spirit-possession twitches went into trance and summoned the spirits of Marilyn Monroe and Andy Kaufman. The spirits rambled on about how “I remember this and that.” but when the séance was over, Burns explained that the spirits are always confused when they’re contacted because “memory is the first thing to leave the spirit when you die.”    A better class of dead people are contacted regularly by John Edward, whose “Crossing Over” TV show regularly features quite intelligible spirits. Continue reading

Online dating scams; hot singles are waiting for you

candy hearts love you send $$There’s a new wave of romance scammers on Facebook, so I am reposting this from last summer.  I get a lot of them because my name begins with an A.  Being in the B’s, my friend Bekki Shanklin gets them as well.  Last year, Facebook friend Valerie Saurer posted “Facebook just sent me a message that hot singles are waiting for me. To prove it, they showed me a picture of my married neighbor.”  That made me laugh out loud. I now have 14 girlfriends/female clients (that I know of) that have all joined online dating services.  I wrote about one of them at Online dating: E-Harmony vs. — Beware the Scammers. All of them have experienced the scammers but sometimes it has taken them a while to realize the guy is up to no good.  I have male friends this happens to as well. Continue reading

Cheaters, Sex Decoys, Love Stings, Infidelity – Why things have changed and how to change them back

loversYou’ve seen the shows; Cheaters, where they get permission from the mate to use a hidden camera to catch a cheating spouse, who is then confronted by a very stern Joey Greco , with camera crew in tow.  We get the whole blow up on camera.  In one episode, we watched Greco get stabbed by a confronted spouse.  The new reality show named Sex Decoys: Love Stings, goes a step further.  In this one, lovers hire the set up of a sting operation to see if their partner will be tempted. We get to follow the sting and watch the confrontation, and there’s the added bonus of a follow up phone call.  Without exception, the tempted take the bait, the blow up is ugly and in the follow up phone call has them often still together.  WTF? Continue reading

Pop Tantra, being single and the elements of a tantric lifestyle

Some friends joined a dating site and have been telling me their experiences of it.  The consensus is: It’s a jungle out there. It seems these days, the hip thing to do is to put on your profile that your favorite book is the Kama Sutra and that you are into tantra.  Then, during the first couple of instant messages, the conversations start turning all freaky and pornie.  WTF???  That is their first clue that these people do not know what tantra is at all.  Many use the word tantra to mean tantric sex. The word “tantra”  is being used to market everything from bath salts to music, but what the uninformed do not know is that tantric sex is only one facet of tantra. Tantra is an entire lifestyle, just as yoga is a lifestyle and encompasses much more than merely body postures (asanas). The concept of true tantra, as in true yoga, is an entire state of consciousness that imbues everything you do with a sense of oneness and connection. It seeks to commune in a holy manner with everything you come in contact with, animate or inanimate, animal, mineral, vegetable or etheric. It treats everything with utmost respect, kindness and reverence, and celebrates every thing at every moment. Tantra teaches to live in an orgasmic state of being. That is what living a tantric lifestyle is all about. Continue reading

How one clairvoyant sees the world

As a professional clairvoyant, I see everything around me not only with my outer vision, but also with my inner vision. I tend to think of the world around me as the visible manifestation of energy in motion, because as an energy worker that’s how I perceive it. The concept of subtle energy is not a theoretical one for me. Everything and everyone I see with inner sight is composed of highly interactive energy. This means I’m paying less attention to what your words are, than I am to what your energy field is telling me, and how you’re “vibrating”, as Abraham-Hicks would say.   When I’m looking into your energy field, I’m not thinking “oh, he’s yellow,” or “oh, she’s blue.” It’s my experience that colors change every moment with every thought, more often as your moods do. What I perceive is like a film clip within a layer of the aura that runs along the first few inches from your skin. Different locations show me a different “movie.” Yours fears and concerns make for a more vivid film than do the areas of your life you’re bored with. Kind of like the old black and white movies they’ve colorized – you’re going along in black and white (the oppressed, boring parts of your life) and suddenly you’re in color (your fears, fervent wishes, etc.) Continue reading

Considering doing a magazine giveaway – I mean the whole magazine

I dreamed last night that I won the lotto and gave the magazine away. I woke up and it felt so real my first thought was there was no hurry to check email.  That felt pretty free!  Since I’m getting ready to win the lotto, I thought – well, why not give the magazine to someone and go play?  I’m not joking.  The whole kit and kaboodle.  No, there are no debts or anything like that 🙂  So who should I give it to and why?   If you know someone or want to be considered, let me know. (Of course obviously everything would be handled legally and all ad contracts fulfilled, etc.)

Who and why. This way, when my ticket wins, I’ll have a list handy and have made my decision already.  No strings.  Seriously.  What would you do if it was yours?

Creative Visualization Process links

I always have several creative visualization projects going on at one time and i write about them on Facebook.  Some I do with friends and clients, helping them hold a vision of something they are working on changing. A vision of wellness or quick healing for the sick.  A vision of a friend finding the perfect job, a client finding the perfect partner, a family member attracting a good used car at a great price. I do creative visualization for myself for various areas also.  And I switch it up, so I can tell what specific visualization attracts what specific result.  I like especially to play with how income comes my way.  Continue reading