Category Archives: Uncategorized

Astrology, the planet Mercury and Nervous System Disorders

In medical astrology, Mercury is the natural ruler of the nervous system. Its position in your horoscope is a significant indicator of the health and resilience of your nervous system and how you will cope with stress. The nervous system carries info regarding the condition of the body to the brain. It then processes it and carries back instructions from the brain to the rest of the body regarding function. Mercury oversees the sifting and synthesis of information, and is the common linking factor between the systems of the body. The mechanism of breathing is also ruled by Mercury.  Mercury disorders are the nervous disorders, both physical and mental, from neurological disorders where disease affects the brain and nervous system disturbing its normal function, to situations where the ill health is more of a mental nature, disrupting the nervous state of the individual.  Neurological disorders range from vertigo, convulsions, paralysis, sciatica, Parkinson’s and respiratory complaints. Nervous disorders tend toward communication and learning problems as well as to anxiety and nervousness. Obviously, Mercury being the planet of connections, there is frequently an overlap between nervous and neurological disturbances.
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Florida real estate for sale, inexpensive lots off I-95

Adjoining property

Adjoining property

I like to hang on to land that I own.  I learned that from my family.  But I’ve also learned to stay as debt free as I can be.  I have these properties for sale so I can eliminate a debt that comes due shortly.  I would love for them to go to someone I know!

You may read the original post below, however all updated info is contained here –> Florida Land for Sale just 30 Minutes South of Daytona.   Continue reading

Restful sleep and increasing melatonin levels naturally

I’ve been experimenting with melatonin supplements as a natural sleep aid.  When I have enough melatonin being naturally produced in my system, it’s because I get a good half hour of morning sunshine each day, and because I put myself in quiet and darkness for sleeping each night.  When I’m stressed, my melatonin is sucked away and that affects my ability to achieve restful sleep.  Not good.  Sleep is crucial and affects all aspects of health. Reasons to get enough sleep include improving learning and memory, balancing metabolism and weight, preventing mistakes, enhancing mood, promoting cardiovascular health and supporting stronger immune function. Continue reading

Brain Chemicals: The effect of reduced serotonin, melatonin, dopamine levels

Brain Chemicals and Modern Life:  It all comes down to our chemistry.  Fidgeting, concentration, sleep, energy levels, mood swings, even the ability to sweat are controlled by the chemicals lurking about our bodies.  Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, melatonin, insulin, and prostaglandins are some of the more important ones… and these in turn are influenced strongly by stress, diet, exercise, sunlight, sleep and other life style factors.  Of course the life style of today is radically different than it was 20,000 years ago.  Continue reading

Applying to refinance my mortgage, everything falls into place magically

I spent yesterday getting documents together to refinance my home mortgage at a better interest rate. That wasn’t what I set out to do when I woke up. I was due at the downtown Melbourne post office at 8:30am Monday for the mailing of the June Horizons Magazine.  Then I was going to drive north to Cassadaga.  As I was packing the car, I thought, I should make up a deposit since I’ll pass right by the bank.  As I made up the deposit, I thought, I should ask what the balance is on my mortgage while I’m there.  As I grabbed my bank file so I’d have my account number in the car with me, I thought let me take my homeowner’s insurance file also, to ask what my $283 increase was for.  I saw my tax returns and thought, maybe I should see if I prequalify for a refinance while I’m at the bank, but didn’t take them.  I had a busy few days ahead and would think about that later. Continue reading

If You Could See Where I Have Gone

This is a poem my mom faxed me a few weeks before she passed, Author Unknown

If you could see where I have gone, the beauty of this place,
and how it feels to know you’re home, to see the Savior’s face.

To wake in peace and know no fear, just joy beyond compare,
while still on Earth you miss me yet, you wouldn’t want me there,
if you could see where I have gone.

If you could see where I have gone, had made the trip with me,
you’d know I didn’t go alone, the Savior came with me.

When I awoke, He was by my side and reached down His hand
He said “Hurry now, you’re going Home, to a grand and glorious land,
don’t worry over those you love, for I’m not just with you,
and don’t you know with you at Home, they’ll long to be here, too?”

If you could see where I have gone and see what I’ve been shown.
You’d never know another fear or ever feel alone.
You’d marvel at the care of God, His hand on every life.
And realize that He really cares and bears with us each strife,
and that He weeps when one is lost, His heart is filled with pain;
but oh, the joy when one comes Home; a child is Home again.

If you could see where I have gone, could stay awhile with me;
could share the things that God has made to grace eternity.

the-flood-72-300x194But no, you couldn’t ever leave, once Heaven’s joy you’ve known,
you couldn’t bear to walk Earth’s paths, once Heaven was your Home.

If you could see where I have gone, you’d know we’ll meet someday
And though I’m parted from you now, that I am just away.

And now that I’m Home with Him, secure in every way,
I’m waiting here at Heaven’s door to greet you some sweet day.

The End of Death As We Know It.  What the crossing over
experience is like as reported by those who have passed

Being alone with your thoughts at the end – I dream of… Dennis Rodman?

I  had an all night dream Sunday night about Dennis RodmanEach time I woke up and went back to sleep, I went back into the dream. I joked on Facebook, “Now it will take me all day to shake that off, brrrrr…”  I like Facebook because it’s like walking into a cafe 24/7 and chatting with whatever friends are there taking a break with me.  Instant feedback and discussion whenever I feel like it – neat.  Friends asked about tattooes and shaved heads and what he was wearing and if it was a sex dream. It wasn’t a sex dream, I dunno where it came from, although I did watch Celebrity Rehab and on it thought he acted like a complete ass.  A friend commented “I just read that he was drinking again in South Beach. I hope that he can overcome his inner demons. Sad he thinks he must act the way he does for attention or whatever… it is not his authentic self, that’s for sure… probably doesn’t even know what that is.”    Continue reading

How I pivoted my bitchy consciousness around – just in time

I’m usually in a smiling, happy go lucky frame of mind 96% of the time. I’m happy with my life and seldom worry or have conflict.  I get over stuff quickly.  I roll with the punches.  I don’t let other people’s words or behavior concern me.  I’m my own boss.  What’s not to like?  But I have my unconscious days also, days that I forget who I really am and let things get to me.  Last week was one of those days.  It gave me a chance to really show what I know when it comes to recognizing when I’ve gotten myself stuck in the muck, then using my will to focus my attention to pivot my thoughts to get out of there.  Abraham-Hicks defines pivoting as to consciously change the direction of your thought. To deliberately choose a thought that feels better, about a topic you enjoy.  It’s the secret for getting through today’s world, having the best possible time while you’re here. Continue reading

Freaky Physics Proves Parallel Universes Exist – How I Find it Relates to Mediumship and Lets Me Do What I Do

When doing mediumship work, I find “time” is of the essence.  Anything to do with linear time I have to lose before I can get in that place where I have access to info.  When I came across the below article, it helped me understand why.

Look past the details of a wonky discovery by a group of California scientists — that a quantum state is now observable with the human eye — and consider its implications: Time travel may be feasible.  In the movie “Back to the Future,” Doc Brown builds a time machine into a Delorean. New research brings that vehicle one step closer to reality.  The strange discovery by quantum physicists at the University of California Santa Barbara means that an object you can see in front of you may exist simultaneously in a parallel universe — a multi-state condition that has scientists theorizing that traveling through time may be much more than just the plaything of science fiction writers.  And it’s all because of a tiny bit of metal — a “paddle” about the width of a human hair, an item that is incredibly small but still something you can see with the naked eye. Continue reading

I remember Momma 2010

Mom 1968I wrote in detail about my mom last year at I remember Momma; If you could see where I have gone.  We had a great relationship growing up, and I don’t feel anything was left unsaid between us when she died on April 8, 1996 of her first heart attack.  It was two days before my birthday, two days before I was scheduled to leave for California, and it was unexpected, so there was very little stress about it.  I was told she was fine, but to drive to Tampa to see her.  When I arrived, she was asleep, her husband and his family said all was well, so I left that night to come back the next day.  The next morning when I arrived, some of the family seemed ticked at me and hours later I am told that my mother’s condition was actually quite serious but that her husband and her sister did not want to upset me by telling me so.  So the others were surprised that I left the first night.  They didn’t know that I didn’t know her condition, I hadn’t spoken to the doctor, since her husband and my aunt assured me she was fine, and just resting.   That was their way, to just pretend something isn’t happening (bless their hearts). Continue reading