Category Archives: Uncategorized

I pickle myself into hot flashes and night sweats

I wrote at I’ve been making crisp, quick pickled watermelon rind that I’ve been making pickles this week, and also the past two weeks eating – almost daily – Hummus and Babaganoush with lots of fresh garlic and mediterreanean pickles on the side.  I love spicy, flavorful foods, especially when they’re low fat and healthy.  Even when I eat a can of Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, I add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a splash of srichacha sauce. The past year I noticed I’ve had far fewer hot flashes than usual, but this week I began having them again and Friday night I had the night sweats for the first time in many months.  As I looked over my food journal to remind me what I ate Friday, I saw that I’d eaten pickles all day long.

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A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts

This is one of the self talk scripts I read over to remind me of what I know.  I read this whenever I am having continuing thoughts that I want to replace with better feeling thoughts.  This is one set of replacement thoughts I use.  I read it over to myself until I realize that what it says is true.

I know I am in charge of my own wellbeing.

I know that what comes to me is a result of how I think about life and how I react to it. Continue reading

My sleep/work habits are morphing again; using self talk to change my perception

My sleep schedule is changing again and that’s always interesting.  My habit for years was to be up at 4:00am for morning meditation and then go back to bed from about 6:00-9:00am, then go into the office.  The past month I’ve been unable to go back to sleep, and then I crash about 6:00-7:00pm until midnight or 2:00am. That plays havoc with my reading practice,  typically between 10pm and 2am.  Then I stay up until about 6:00pm the next day.  I’ll do what my body wants, however I’m sure having to change my perception of what to do at dawn.  It seems I’m always waiting for daybreak. Continue reading

The Invisible Counselors are now in session

This website was created so I could share my experience with the Invisible Counselor’s process from Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich. With this workbook, you will discover who your Invisible Counselors are, and you will record your sessions with them.   I’ve shared transcripts of my own initial meetings and included exercises to help you hold your own.  It’s fun to get together in a group and do the workbook.  The exercises are designed to help you to carve those neural pathways, through the mental muscle memory in your mind and let you become practiced at it.  As you have new thoughts and beliefs, you realize more and more what is possible for you, and you will attract clearer guidance and more interesting invisible counselors at your table..

AN INVITATION FOR YOU TO JOIN ME.  I’ve had a lot of success and fun using this workbook and would like to invite you to share your experiences.  You can email me at  If the images don’t show up properly for you at the site, use the Mozilla Firefox browser.

Building momentum – do it for the income and do it for the outcome

There are times when I’m real productive and motivated and times when I’m not.  In those down times, what carries me forward is the momentum I’ve built up from the past. When I’m in my crazy workaholic mode, I set a lot of projects and ideas into motion. I talk to a lot of people and we get a lot of things going.  Many of these projects are income related but all of them are outcome related.  I’ve learned it’s important for me to build momentum in both areas. Continue reading

Andrea’s Meditation Process and links

Many people write and ask me how to meditate, especially on Facebook. I always suggest they read the book The Relaxation Response by Herbert Benson . In it, Dr. Benson gives the exact technique as Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s  Transcendental Meditation, but without the religious or spiritual overtones. The book also details what happens physiologically when you meditate.  Many people find it relaxing to listen to a guided visualization cd, where they close their eyes and allow their mind to follow guided imagery. They call this a guided meditation, but it’s not what I mean by the word meditation.  Here’s my process: Continue reading

10 Spiritually Transmitted Diseases by Mariana Caplan, Ph.D.

Mariana Caplan, Ph.D. Psychotherapist and Author, Eyes Wide Open: Cultivating Discernment on the Spiritual Path writes, “It is a jungle out there, and it is no less true about spiritual life than any other aspect of life. Do we really think that just because someone has been meditating for five years, or doing 10 years of yoga practice, that they will be any less neurotic than the next person? At best, perhaps they will be a little bit more aware of it. A little bit. It is for this reason that I spent the last 15 years of my life researching and writing books on cultivating discernment on the spiritual path in all the gritty areas–power, sex, enlightenment, gurus, scandals, psychology, neurosis — as well as earnest, but just plain confused and unconscious, motivations on the path. My partner (author and teacher Marc Gafni) and I are developing a new series of books, courses and practices to bring further clarification to these issues.” Continue reading

The Magical Frittata and the Coast Guard Boarding

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

A friend emailed me a recipe for a frittata this week, and Cousin heard me laughing when it came in.  What’s so funny about a frittata? he asked.  A frittata is an unturned unfolded omelette, similar to a stovetop quiche, which is best served right off the stove.  It has a wonderful creamy texture when eaten within moments of being cooked.  If it sits too long, it is less tasty, kind of like cold scrambled eggs.  Ugh.  Why is that funny?  The email came from a good buddy of mine, whom I went on a three month sailing trip with in 1983.  Mark Tietig, now an attorney who handles civil rights cases, notably the “Topfree 10” in Florida, was blinded in a sailing accident in 1979.  We met in 1982 and become fast friends immediately.  An avid sailor before being blinded, Mark taught me how to sail and in 1983 we embarked upon what would be a three month sailing trip up the coast from Miami to Annapolis in his 33′ Cheoy Lee cutter rigged sailboat, La Calma. Continue reading

A Prayer From Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto‘s research reveals that water physically responds to emotions and communications. He says “Now let’s give energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all the living creatures in Mexico Gulf by praying like this:  To the water, whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in our Gulf of Mexico, I apologize.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.  I love you.*”

Masaru Emoto May, 9th 2010

*This is also the ho’oponopono process

I attract the denial of my mortgage refinance

The past week has been spent waiting to hear back about the mortgage refinance I applied for a week agoEverything had fallen magically into place for me, I had not even anticipated applying an hour before I did.  I just figured OK the Universe wants me to get a mortgage refinance, that’s why it’s all happening so easily. The inspector and appraiser came out within days, I got good reports back and an appraisal within $4K of my guess-stimate.  I did not need any repairs done – it was all good news!  But then I began to have second thoughts about having jumped in so quickly with such a major decision.  I’d also applied to include a $5500 loan for home improvements and thought – did I really want to finance that for 30 years?   That seemed mega-stoopid.  Continue reading