Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to Grow a Three Sisters Garden (begin mid Spring)

A Three Sisters Garden

The Three Sisters all work together. Critters will find it harder to invade your garden by interplanting your corn, beans and squash. The corn stalk serves as a pole for the beans, the beans help to add the nitrogen to the soil that the corn needs, and the squash provides a ground cover of shade that helps the soil retain moisture.

What is a Three Sisters Garden?  It is an ancient method of gardening using an intercropping system which grows corn, beans, and squash crops simultaneously in the same growing area that is typically a rounded mound of soil, often called a hill. Continue reading

I love my Toro 20332 – Recycler lawn mower

I love my Toro 20332 – Recycler lawn mower. It creates its own mulch as I go along. Good for my yard since I get a lot of pine needles and oak leaves. And twigs, that I just run right over.  My pal Denise has the same mower. She showed me how to change the filter the other day.  It really needed it after 2 years.  It stopped self propelling a couple of months ago. I drained the gas out into a pan and tipped the mower over and checked the front drive underneath. I had a mile of grapevine tangled around the drive rod, so I cut it off then I was good to go.  9-28-17 Update, cleared drive rod again but self propeller still didn’t work. I’ll take it in to be checked and report back. This mower is 10 years old!

Why I like Facebook

I love search engines.  If a thought comes to me that I want to know more about, I Google it. A movie coming on that I want to know more about?  I Google it.  When someone on Facebook posts an interesting quote, I Google the author’s name and see what else they’ve written that might interest me.  I love to research and learn, and Facebook lets me keep up with whatever my friends are interested in.  Facebook, that’s another reason I spend more time on the computer.  Since 2008, Facebook has been my social life and that’s one reason I spend so much time on it.  I can take a few moments here and there during my work day, to pop in and say hi and see what my Facebook friends are doing.  Several dozen are my real life friends who live locally, and if I had more free time, I’d hang out with them in person.  Facebook helps me feel connected even when my schedule doesn’t allow me to attend many events. Continue reading

“I listened to your Connecting with Your Angels, Guides and Teachers cd and meditated for the first time ever”

I got the best letter the other day, the kind of letter I live for.  I’ve known a friend for a very long time and he is not into what he calls airy-fairy, new-age nonsense like meditation, visualization and affirmations. Forget about creating your own reality, he believes everything is pre-ordained.  Being brought up Baptist and raised Republican, he had a limited lens through which he viewed his world growing up. I’m not hatin’ just statin’ so you know his background.  When his business began failing, his wife left him.  When he began drinking, his health went downhill.  As a friend, I’ve given him pep talks throughout the years, but he made it clear that he did not want me to ever sneak and do any spiritual counseling or psychic readings or hypnosis on him.  Yes, that’s how his mind works, he’s been warned his whole life that people will try to sneak up and trick you.  He’s been told when someone asks him to keep an open mind, that means Satan is about to try to trick him.  He’s been told when you sit to meditate, you are inviting Satan to sit down with you I asked him what did he expect if he sat down with that thought? I told him he can choose to dial in to whatever channel he wants to hear, just as he does on the radio or the tv.  There’s not just one station in there.  Those were the words, he later told me, that were his awakening trigger. Continue reading

A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time

Abraham-Hicks says “Stop looking for anything other than your mental and emotional state of being as answers to why you feel how you feel in your body. It is all Vibrational – no exception! And when you get that, then it doesn’t matter what diagnosis has been given to you—it doesn’t matter—it’s temporary.”  

If we got tested and screened to know what ailments moved in and out through our bodies every day, we would be stunned.  Most of them do not stay.  A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time.  Moments later that condition can have left us – but we think it’s still there so we continue to think it’s a problem. 

Our attention to it is what keeps it alive and animates it.  Why not instead think back and remember when every cell of your body was healthy and alive and strong.  Keep reminding yourself what that felt like.  Keep your focus and attention on how remarkable it is that the cells of your body renew themselves all the time, and that you can make sure the weaker cells are replaced by ever stronger cells, all by how you think about your body and your health.  Wow, that’s power.

A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time
When “thinking positive” doesn’t help
Get diagnosed or not?
Why Do Spiritual People Ever Get Sick?
Doing Experimental Creat-ive Visualizations
Do you really have this or that diagnosis? Keep talking about it and you will.
Remember that modern medicine is amazing, prayer works and miracles happen every day. This is how we change a thoughtform.



I expand my space and get a new perspective

The only thingTo begin living a different life, you need to CHANGE SOMETHING.  Anything.  Go somewhere new, see different sights so you can put different thoughts in your head.  The only thing that ever needs to change is my perception.  Sometimes I need to do and see new stuff for that to happen.  Sometimes my imagination is enough.  Saturday morning I awoke with the thought that I wanted to drive out and do something different.  I had an unexpected day off! I’m always glad when a client cancels because it means I have the choice to take a spontaneous goof off day – or fill the time with appointments that have been waiting months for a cancellation.  I checked the Horizons calendar of events, then signed on to Facebook to see what everyone in town was doing.  I was looking for something to peak my interest and draw me to it.  Nothing really did.  I thought of driving down to the boardwalk in Indialantic for a surf check, but when I stepped outside, I thought I should do some watering first while it was cool.  At 8:00am, it was 80 degrees and 90% humidity, with a light breeze, not bad.  I sprayed Avon’s Skin So Soft on my legs and arms for the misquitoes and headed outside. Continue reading

Crispy, Crunchy Low Fat Oven Fried Eggplant

It had been a few days since I had hummus or eggplant and I was jonesing, so last night’s dinner was oven fried eggplant wrapped in a pita with hummus, tahina sauce and mediterranean pickles.  Into the toaster oven for 10 minutes wrapped loosely in foil. Add lettuce and tomato before eating.  I had to make this blog post so I could find the recipe again.

Usually I saute the eggplant but I wanted to oven-fry it this time to give it a crispy crust.
1. Preheat a 425 degree oven
2. Cut eggplant into 1/2″ rounds
3. Dip in Eggbeaters
4. Coat with seasoned panko or Italian breadcrumbs
5. 15 minutes in a metal pan (sprayed with olive oil Pam) on a lower rack in the oven.
6. Then spray the tops with more Pam, turn and let brown another 10-15 minutes. I’m a 25 minute gal.

This was really good, it was the first time I’d done eggplant that way. It put like a fried chicken kinda crust on it, and the eggplant doesn’t get mooshy. This would also make a good sandwich on a sub roll with sauteed bell peppers and onions.  The eggplant takes on a meaty-ish texture when done like this.  If you don’t care about low fat, brush the eggplant rounds with olive oil as they bake.

I’ve also added 1 tsp each crushed coriander seeds and fennel seeds to the panko/breadcrumbs and it is delicious.  Buy the mediterranean pickles .

Read Horizons Magazine online

How to heat up Smoked “Fully Cooked” Turkey Drumsticks

Ever buy a smoked turkey leg at the deli and you could only eat 1/3 of it because it was so tough?  I love the prepackaged smoked turkey drumsticks I buy at WalMart and I found how to cook them fall-off-the-bone-tender. First I Googled how to heat the Eddy’s smoked turkey drumsticks and got a lot of wrong answers.  Most said simply heat them up in the oven or microwave — that leaves them very, very tough.  I experimented to find how to heat them so they are tender. I found the juiciest way to cook them so they fall right off the bone. This applies also for the Frick’s Smoked Turkey Drums and Alexander & Hornung Smoked Turkey Legs.

Here is the oven method I used for years, but I now prefer cooking them on the stove — see directions below for both methods.   Yes, they are technically already cooked as is but they need to be rehydrated. Continue reading

I connect owner with missing dog

I had an interesting thing happen yesterday.  I was backing my car out of the driveway just as another car was driving down the street.  We get very few cars and I know most of them, but this was a white sedan I’d not seen before.  I didn’t think much of it.  They passed and I backed out of my driveway and closed the garage door.  Then I saw a little dog sitting behind the tire of a truck parked at the side of the road.  I didn’t know the truck, but I immediately knew this dog belonged to the people in the white car and they were looking for him.  I didn’t see which way they went but they couldn’t have gotten far.  I quickly drove around a few blocks but did not see them.  Then I saw a house with a silver sedan in the driveway.  I knew it was theirs.  My mind reasoned with me that the car I saw pass was white.  Then I reasoned maybe that was a ploy to get me to this house and the white car was not otherwise involved. I didn’t want to park behind the silver car and was looking for a spot to park on the road when the white car pulled into the driveway right in front of me.  Problem solved!  I asked if they were looking for a dog, they were, they followed me the few blocks home and their dog was still sitting behind the truck tire.  I love when that happens.

Sometimes the Spidey Sense Works and Sometimes it Doesn’t

A Realistic Personal Ad

personal adSWM in dead-end job seeks dumpy neurotic for mutual psychological torture, tepid sex, and co-dependency.  I enjoy drinking, smoking, pornography, and self-righteous indignation. I can’t stand movies, and the last album I bought was The Marshall Tucker Band’s Greatest Hits.  I have middling intelligence but try to appear smarter by  affecting a world-weary air, memorizing useless facts, and  chuckling at my own mean-spirited, agenda-driven jokes.  I’m 32 but look 40 and feel 60. You are: a whiny, bitter shrew with a misplaced sense of entitlement and unrealistic expectations.  In time you will become coolly hostile when I don’t fulfill every unmet need you’ve ever had.  Bonus points if you just finished boinking every guy in town and but now want to take it slow with me. My perfect night would include getting hammered in a sh*t-hole bar while you flirt with seedy old drunks, followed by an embarrassing screaming match.  I would be open to an unsatisfying fling that leaves me filled with regret and dread but prefer a long-term, soul crushing descent into booze and pills.  No friendships. I don’t need any damn friends. Age unimportant, but I will condescend to women under 30 and rehash mother issues with women over 40.  Serious replies only, please.

Online dating: E-Harmony vs. — Beware of the Scammers
A Fly On The Wall Of A Dating Site Hook-Up with a Scammer
Online dating scams; hot singles are waiting for you

RELATED:  I found my old profile