Category Archives: Uncategorized

My tenant of nine years passes away

The sweet woman who was my tenant of nine years passed away this afternoon.  My prayers are with her and her family.  The good news is the doctor discovered the mass in her lung just 30 days ago and ordered her in the hospital right away. She said she’d smoked for 40 years and figured it just caught up with her. Last week she learned it was lung cancer and lymphoma – so she didn’t suffer or worry for too long.  We’ll meet again.

The end of death as we know it: What the crossing over experience is like as reported by those who have passed

Syncronicity and The Idiot Who Survives

Has anyone noticed this besides me?  On Facebook, there’s this silly post going around,  it says, “Go to your profile. Look to your left. First 7 friends are your Zombie Apocalypse Team. Here’s mine.”  Then you list them in the order they appear.  Mine were:
Sidekick: Tim Tedana
Heavy Weapons: Robert Goldberg
The idiot that survives: Morgana Starr
The Sniper: Miro Posavec
The one that loses it: Julie Hall
The Brains: Raymond Hines III
The First to Die: Sharon Greene

I don’t know what the name Zombie Apocalyse refers to exactly, a movie or game, but I get the drift. I didn’t think too much about the post I made, except thought it was funny that Morgana Starr was The Idiot Who Survives.   LOL   She would be.  Then, as friends began posting on their Walls, I began taking delight in who each had as The Idiot Who Survives and I began to see a pattern. Continue reading

Turning on utilities and finishing up the magazine

Sunday I worked all day and evening on final layout for the September issue of Horizons Magazine.   I didn’t even go over to the rental, so I could stay focused.  That’s the only problem with being self employed and being my own boss – since I can do anything I want, I have to discipline myself to stay focused on priorities.  A lot of what I do has a deadline or appointment time, so I  use those as guidelines.  Friends see me off and on Facebook all day and think I goof off all the time.  Ok, I do, but I’m also in between phone calls and appointments, or I’m rebooting the main computer or I’m taking a break from a job whose deadline is just days or hours away.  I’ve always got days worth of info floating around in my head waiting to be thought upon and pondered when I get free thought time.  If I’m typing and reading, part of my head stays open for the pondering list to run in the background.  If  I’m talking and listening, it’s not.   That’s why I can play on Facebook when I won’t make time to chitchat on the phone. Continue reading

Why Do Spiritual People Ever Get Sick? Welcome your symptoms as evidence the body is clearing out toxins

I got an email yesterday after blogging about a tummy bug last week and nicotine poisoning this week.  The writer asked, “I’m confused.  Why do you  ever get sick since you always write about being spiritual and knowing how to attract your reality?”   I get asked questions like that all the time.  Being spiritual doesn’t mean you don’t get sick, it means you act and react in a conscious way when you do.   I attract way more wellness than sickness, way more good than bad, way more joy than aggravation.  I have no complaints whatever.   As far as getting sick, I figure stuff is always moving through my body and if I’m being a little too resistant (consciously or unconsciously) then it’ll linger a day or so. Everything moves on quickly enough, so I don’t think of it as a problem.  In reality, what we call “sick” is just our body’s reaction to expelling a toxin. A diagnosis is just a snapshot in time and our symptoms are usually the cleansing stage.   Now that I know what it is, I’ve learned not to be afraid and think it’s the beginning stage of some scary, big illness.  I’ve learned to accept the symptoms and love them because that means the ick is on its way out.   Continue reading

Wear gloves cleaning nicotine damage to avoid poisoning

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

I wrote yesterday I am cleaning my rental home of nicotine.   I believe I’ve now cleaned enough nicotine from the front bathroom that I can begin actually cleaning the room.  It’s remarkable how much nicotine comes off the walls, even after several washes with Fabulouso cleaner.   I’ll continue to wash all surfaces each morning until it’s all gone.  Last night I could smell the nicotine on my fingers and in my lungs.  I’m not a hater, if people want to smoke they should smoke and it rarely bothers me.  But I’m talking here about the physical effects on the interior of a building.  And it didn’t occur to me until today that I really should have worn gloves the whole time I had my bare hands in it. Continue reading

I clean my rental home of nicotine stains

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Nine years of nicotine stains, this fixture had a light cover

Today was dedicated to thorough toothbrush cleaning of every surface in the front bedroom of my rental unit at Holiday Park with Fabulouso cleaner.   Look what years of nicotine smoke can do – and yes the light fixture had a cover on it until now.   The ceiling was primed yesterday with stain killer, then painted.  I can’t really complain though.  My tenant lived there for 9 years, she was the ideal tenant, paid rent on time and asked for minimal repairs.  Even the dozens of cigarette burn holes were on the carpet that she put down.   There was the matter of me finding that underneath both bathroom sinks, the shelves had all but crumbled due to some water leak in the past.  I wrote on Facebook, “And it’s deja vu all over again in the front bathroom cabinet under the sink. This crumbling set of shelves my tenant never told me about. I’ll have my friend and master craftsman Tod McNeal check it out. ”   Continue reading

Getting my rental property ready for the next lucky tenant

I went to Holiday Park since the painter called early and said he could paint today instead of tomorrow.  I’d planned to sleep all day and recupe from my earlier tummy bug this week, but that was not to be.  While I was there and lay on the floor for a break, I looked up and saw the ceilings and freaked.  My tenant was a smoker and, after 9 years, the ceiling in two rooms had a fine yellow layer of nicotine.  It was easy to tell because she’d removed a wall about 4 years ago (! – yes, I know…) and I could see the difference in color between where the air was exposed to smoke and where it had not been.  So besides cleaning and painting, all the switch plates and wall receptacles and smoke detectors, etc. will be replaced now, too.  The new tenant deserves a fresh place with a fresh look.  Plus, it’s good feng shui! Continue reading

Do you really have this or that diagnosis? Keep talking about it and you will.

I talk to a lot of people.   During the day I take Horizons Magazine calls and evenings I do about 40 spiritual consultations or psychic readings a month.   Since so many people tell me snippets of their personal life, it’s easy for me to see patterns that most others wouldn’t.  There are always patterns going on, because we’re all on this path together.  Lately I’ve had several people tell me they’ve been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or inflammatory bowel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Asperger’s.

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The planet Mars just moved into my 3rd house

As I checked my astrological transits, I see the planet Mars just moved into my 3rd house.   Mars is the planet of action and the expression of will through activity.  Mars represents strength, determination and achievement.  The third house is the house of communication, local travel, siblings, neighbors and education.  This means I will likely have increased activity in these areas during the 6 weeks of this transit.   The text for this transit reads: “Information comes easily to you and is available for use at this time.  Your communications and thought processes partake of an energetic nature.  During this transit, for about six weeks, you are adventurous and mentally active and may also find yourself inclined toward sarcasm, or there could be verbal conflicts with friends and relatives. You may need to work through being sharp-tongued or possibly indulging in gossip during this period of time. You are also especially dexterous and creative mechanically. It is important at this time to make good use of your available energy, rather than waste it on idle chatter, or in simply attempting to impose your ideas on other people.”   Good to know.  I’ll curb the sarcasm and idle chatter.

RELATED:  I study Chiron, the wounded healer
I notice my Saturn Return
Soul Centered Astrology Reports

I Notice My Saturn Return

I’ve been catching up on sending out the astrological transits reports. While I’m doing everyone else’s, I check mine as well. That’s what I mostly use the transits for, to let me know when I’ll be on the other side of challenging times.  Here are some excerpts of my transits for this week.  It’s good to know this one will be over by the end of the week because I have felt unusually restless for no real reason: Transiting Saturn square natal Uranus. You may feel restrictions to your freedom during this period of time, or feel that you want to be breaking away from something, but find yourself unable to do so. Powerful feelings of restlessness may come up for you at this time, but you may feel stifled and unable to cope with them or break out of the rut you feel yourself to be in at the moment. This conflict is unsettling for a time, but it will pass as the transit moves on and eventually diminishes in its influence. What you can take away from the experience is a more focused awareness of your energy for freedom and the search for new horizons, in spite of remaining, and to whatever extent you do remain, in the limitations of your established place in the world. Continue reading