Category Archives: Uncategorized

Three Dreams by Willis Harman

IN THE FIRST DREAM  I am walking along a very rough terrain, on the way to climb a high and rather forbidding mountain, the top of which is concealed by mist and clouds.  It is clear that the ascent of this mountain symbolizes my whole life. Clambering over the rubble in front of me is not too daunting, but as I look ahead I see that my way is blocked by several cliffs that appear to be around ten feet high.  Beyond those are some still higher cliffs, the farthest being perhaps hundreds of feet high. I have no idea how I will deal with those when I get to them, but meanwhile there seems nothing to do but forge ahead. However, although I didn’t know notice it at first, I am growing in stature as I go along, so that by the time I finally reach the ten-foot cliffs I am tall enough that I can simply step up over them.  The same with the hundred-foot cliffs. Continue reading

The games I play with time and time management

I’ve grown up having to keep my eye on the clock. My entire life I’ve been on a time schedule.  From the time clocks of the 1970’s to the 22  years as a paralegal keeping track of time — in 6 minute segments — for client billing purposes.  Later, the hourly billing for spiritual counseling and psychic readings.  I work on publisher’s deadlines for contract work, on my tax accountant’s deadline for quarterly reporting, and on a commercial print shop’s monthly magazine print schedule.  I keep two appointment books: one for daytime 6:00am to 6:00pm, and the other for evenings 6:00pm to 6:00am.  I’ve gotten so programmed that I can even wake up in the dark middle of the night and guess within minutes of what time it is.   I used to resent being tied to a clock since it basically meant I was never able to completely relax.  I later realized it was simply how I choose to perceive it. Continue reading

Let’s send some love to John Springer

John Springer

9-26-11 update:  Tests back, no cancer!  In the 20 years I’ve known John Springer, he’s been a dedicated lightworker and networker and community builder.  John and his wife, Patricia, are always assisting people to discover joy.  John’s in the hospital right now getting tests done and we’re asking for absentee healing for him – that he is restored to physical health and wholeness that he may continue his good work, and continue his leadership of love and light.  We ask for all those he has inspired and uplifted in the past, and they number in the thousands, to include his healing in your thoughts, your prayers, and your healing circles.  For those who do not yet know John, that you will meet and experience his love of nature and all life.   John’s analogy is that he is in the car shop for a tune up, to check the fluids, change the oil and kick the tires.  He thanks all for the prayers and healings. If  John has touched your life, please go to his page and donate a few dollars towards their expenses right now.   Pay it forward.  It comes back around.

Oh, and a little ho’oponopono couldn’t hurt.    Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian Healing Process .

9-26-11 update from Patricia Springer:  Hello friends and spiritual family,  John is finally off of all IV’s . He is waiting for a bed in rehab. for 2-3 wks , then he will come home until his infection is cleared up for the Dr. to do prostate surgery 6-8 wks.  Fll of the test that they have done come back negative for cancer, YEH. THANK YOU ALL FOR THE MANY PRAYERS , KEEP THEM COMING still a long way to go. Today is day 22,

Why do I have time for some friends and not others?

I’ve always got a lot of things going on at once, it’s how I operate.  I spend much of each day and evening on the phone for work, so I seldom make social phone calls.  I haven’t had time for anyone since the end of July when I began readying my rental for the market.  I’ve got a buddy I often call from the car for a quick hello when I’m out and about.  Sometimes I just want to hear a friendly voice of someone I know in person and hear a few minutes about their day to stay connected with them.  Everyone knows all about my day, I blab it all over the magazine and this blog.  So when I call and ask, after not speaking for a week or two, “So what have you been doing? How was work today?” it’s frustrating to hear the one-word answer “worky.” It doesn’t matter how much I care for someone, if it’s not an easy flow to be around them, I have other things to do. A few hours later, a friend and coworker stopped by and I asked “How was your day?”  It was an ordinary work day of simple stories and insights, but it immediately told me my friend’s state of mind and also made it easy for conversation to unfold.  When beloved friends wonder why I have time for someone else and not them, it always has to do with what keeps me in the flow. I am also very mission oriented.  I tend to hang with whoever I happen to look up and find walking alongside me on the path, on their own mission.  And as far as men and dating: truth be told, I’d always rather have a brother on the path than a romantic partner.

In case I go anytime soon…

I posted on Facebook that I am getting ready to list my rental on Craigslist and lots of well meaning friends are warning me of the dangers of doing that.  I know it’s all about vibrational matching and I don’t typically attract much danger.   But if I do, hey, this life has been a blast and even if there are horrible headlines about what happened to me, the fact will be that I was happy to be here and happy to go and was out of my body and onto my next good thang before it got too crazy 🙂

If this is my last song by Daniel Nahmod
The end of death as we know it

Ages 39-42: The Uranus Opposition in Astrology

Some friends and clients are having their lives shaken up in financial and emotional ways.  I looked first to astrology to see what the planets reflected back to me.  Each is going through their Uranus opposition, that time in our lives that society calls the mid life crisis. During this time, your entire life can be turned around and spun into a new direction.  When I began my Uranus opposition, I gained 30 pounds, discovered Abraham-Hicks, began seeing new possibilities in my life and Horizons Magazine was born.   Every little insight I had, I had to tell everyone.  The unfolding was so fascinating to me, how could it not be fascinating to everyone else, too?  The Uranus opposition can be an exciting and fun time, and a time to test your faith.  Mine changed my life, literally.  Continue reading

Sample Well Thought Out Calendar of Events Listing

Typical listing: Oct. 28-29 CASSADAGA Halloween from 4-11pm.  Come join the fun.
Sample well thought out listing: Fri-Sat Oct 28-29 CASSADAGA Cassadaga’s Halloween “Dance with Spirit” 4pm-11pm $10/$5  Stroll down Stevens Street and take a picture in the Devil’s Chair, check out vendors, do a $5 Gallery Reading in our Bookstore, listen to Spooky Stories, dance with Blisters Band, karaoke then scream in the Haunted Walk, leave with a photo of an orb and a smile. For more info, visit us at

Now that’s a great calendar listing.  That makes me want to attend!  If you’ve got a calendar of events listing for an upcoming Horizons Magazine, email it and Paypal payment to

My two cents about working toward being together

A friend of mine has an out of the country girlfriend the past year.  He said they can’t wait to be together.  I asked, “Why isn’t she here now?”  He said she is working on her thesis and when that is done they can be together.  The original date for the thesis to be done was  April 2011.  His situation is so similar to that of half a dozen clients I have, that I thought it warranted a blog post.  Everyone thinks they are the only one going through something.  I  counsel on the phone with so many people each week the past 20+ years that I see patterns in behavior that others don’t get to see.  I average maybe 50 hours/50 clients/50 readings a month.  That means 50 people each month have an hour to tell me about their most important concern.  When I hear 5 or 10 people  having similar detailed experiences, I begin to see the pattern.  Continue reading

The tipping table knows

table-tipping-isolated-copyFirst my cereal boxes fell off the refrigerator, then my timer fell to the floor.  When I heard a book fall from the shelf and walked into the living room and saw my tipping table, I was reminded I had a session with Domino in a few hours.   Since 1999, I’ve done readings for Domino a couple of times a year.  She’s always got a lot going on in her life and she can be dramatically emotional.  Sometimes during a reading with someone like that, the items on my tipping table will move and shift as if an invisible cat were batting at them.  That particular table is used to being a conduit for elemental communication, so it picks right up on whatever emotion is in the air.   Our emotions exist in the astral field and on the astral plane.  Different writers use different words for it, so the first dozen years of study will confuse you.   Most people are polarized in their 2nd and 3rd chakras and they receive much of their input from the astral plane.  They act and react to the emotional responses of those around them, for better and for worse.  The elemental energies, they’ve also been called devas, faeries, nature spirits and poltergeists, also exist on the astral plane.  That’s why poltergeist activity frequently happens around emotionally charged people.  Our emotion is what fuels them (see loosh) and tickles them into action.  Since my table is used to such activity, it’s not uncommon for it to began to show some action when the atmosphere is emotionally charged.  Such as a few hours before Domino calls for her reading.  I’m used to it by now.

RELATED:  I go to a table tipping
Home Clearing, Spirit Releasement and Entity Attachment
We clear Domino’s house of a playful spirit
What is the value of contacting ghosts or loved ones in spirit?
The haunted chair, journeys out of the body
What Andrea believes

The End of Death As We Know It: What The Crossing Over Experience Was Like As Reported By Those Who Made The Transition

Don’t be ticked when I don’t want to hear any of your big long complaint

Friends, when you send me a massive email telling me your side to a big long argument with someone, don’t be angry when I don’t want to read it.  If I read yours, then to be fair I should hear the other side.  I don’t want to hear either side.  Work it out.  Get over it. You’re adults.  If you really want my input, I’m glad to schedule a session for $160 an hour for you.  We’ll work that right out.  You let me know.