Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Way Into The Vortex

Abraham-Hicks says, “The fastest way to get somewhere other than where you are is to make peace with where you are. What are the positive aspects about where you are right now? Stop making excuses.  Stop telling the old story  Stop giving any conversation to anything not in the vortex. Just get in there.  No more excuses, no more conversation about what you see happening that you don’t want.  Tell the story that brings you the greater relief,  Get hooked on alignment with Source energy.  Complaining is out of the vortex, whether your complaint is valid or not. Think the better feeling thought. That’s the way into the vortex.”

Don’t tell anyone else the story of what all has been going wrong, even if it’s a good, juicy story.  Telling the story would just make you vibe in a place you don’t want to vibe at and it would keep you from moving on to other good stuff.  Then don’t beat yourself up for it.  We all want to tell the juicy story; we all want to tell our side.  We don’t think we will be held back too long by just telling the story one more time.  But we can nip it in the bud if we want.  Stop telling the old story and start telling the story of everything there is to appreciate in the life you have right now.

I get to practice what I preach and make a decision as if the $$ did not matter

Last week I got to practice what I preach: make a choice of action as if the money didn’t matter.  I woke up wanting to work in the east garden even though I was at deadline with layout on the April Horizons Magazine.  I opened email and  a fave advertiser decided to skip advertising for the summer and renew in the fall.  Hers was a big dollar renewal as she pays in advance to get the uber best price.  I’d had another fave suspend advertising the month before, as well.  But I didn’t let it bother me.  Initially my thoughts were to either (1) make a bunch of calls and try to sell the pages or (2) go work out in the garden.  If the right choice is to always do what feels best, what you would do if the money did not matter, then my choice would be to work in the garden.  I knew that if I worked in the garden, my mind and thoughts would go to that happy place, and that is when the magic happens.  When my mind is in a happy place. Continue reading

Despite inflation, you have the ability to attract what you need

Despite inflation and the economy, you can be guided and inspired to ever increasing resources so that rising prices needn’t freak you out.  All you have to do is know that it’s possible and look for evidence of it.  All you have to do is stop listening to what the news says is the jobless rate or the homeless rate or their theories of why anything is happening.  All you have to do is know that we attract what we expect and believe, and we know what we believe by what we have appearing in front of us on a daily basis.  If we begin to believe that something out there greater than us knows what they’re doing and wants us to have what we want for ourselves, then we begin to see evidence of it every day.  If  we’re on the phone or Facebook every day with friends talking about how everyone’s out of work and can’t pay their bills, we have to recognize that’s not true for everyone.  If everyone around YOU is unemployed and has no hope for the future, and YOU hear about it every day, remember that YOU are only there because right now YOU are vibrating in harmony with them.  It could be that you discuss it with them every day.  It could be you listen to news reports about it.  it could be you read Facebook posts about it.   It’s not easy to hold a hopeful thought if everyone around you is saying it’s hopeless and getting worse.  But if you are to pull yourself out of this situation, you must begin to spend less time in discussion about what’s wrong.   YOU are only in that place because YOU are vibrating right there due to your choice of focus.  If there was only one thought you ever changed in your life, a helpful one would be, “My life is getting better.  Good things are on the way.  Miracles happen all the time.”  Then look for evidence of it, everywhere.  A belief is just a thought you keep on thinking.  Believe that it’s in YOU to change what you attract.  Then spend a little more time away from technology and watch the magic unfold.

Don’t lay around waiting to feel better, just get into your day

... Exhausted by 11:00am

………….. Exhausted by 11:00am

I spoke with Domino today.  The last few months she’s felt very low energy and on the verge of maybe catching a cold;  tired, sniffly.  She wants to go to bed after being up 2-3 hours, yet sleep does not refresh her.  She’s not overweight but eats a typical bread and meat diet and drinks sodas, coffee and tea.  She says feels better when she eats better, but her life is too busy to eat right all the time.  I suggested one remedy if you’re not going to change your action is to change your perception of it.  If you know eating bread and chips slow your body down, when you feel tired 2 hours into your day, remind yourself that this is how it feels on this type of fuel.  Remind yourself that sleeping doesn’t make it better, so you may as well keep on working even if you feel sluggish.  That way, at the end of the day you haven’t lain around all day waiting to feel better before you got anything done.

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

A friend emailed me the other day and mentioned her husband Domino was having health problems.  I somehow knew she was going to say it was Fibromyalgia and she wrote me back that it was.  I’ve seen this happen many times.  This is what I wrote to her:   I don’t expect Domino to believe me; he doesn’t know me from Adam, but I feel he may be misdiagnosed and is instead having a chemical imbalance due to something he eats on a regular basis.  That was my thought at the time I met him last year.  Whether it’s a sensitivity to wheat or milk products, things that never bothered him before, I feel his immune system is a little weak right now and letting him experience a bunch of symptoms that someone who didn’t know any better thought was best labelled “fibromyalgia.”  If it were me, I’d do a trial for 30 days eating just grilled or roasted meats with vegetables and salads. Potato and sweet potato for starches, eggs are ok, no butter or mayo, only 3-4 tbsp of olive or coconut oil a day to cook.  No bread, no pasta, nothing made with flour or sugar, no coffee or black tea or cola, especially no diet cola, no alcohol.  This is the important part for the 30 days is no processsed food, nothing with a label.  The reason to do this is not only to give the body a rest, but to identify any problem foods when you add them back in one at a time.   Continue reading

The Pentagram has nothing to do with the Christian Satan, despite what you may have been told

Pentagram or Pentacle, synonomous, neither is evil

Pentagram or Pentacle, synonomous, neither is evil

Contrary to what you may have heard, the pentagram symbol is not a sign of “the devil” but is used by a large number of people who share a common belief in the sanctity of life. They don’t sacrifice living things for any reason.  They do not worship the Christian Satan, nor do they revere any similar figure; most do not even recognize the existence of Satan. They do not cast spells to cause evil or to befall others. They believe that causing evil will bring evil back to the one who causes it. Their religion is based on nature, and is founded on the belief that the whole world is interrelated, that everyone is responsible for their own actions, and that peace, love, and tolerance for everyone should be encouraged everywhere. Pentagrams are used today as a symbol of faith by many Wiccans and neopagans, akin to the use of the cross by Christians and the Star of David by Jews.   Christians once more commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus. The pentagram has associations with Freemasonry  and is also utilized by other belief systems.

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The secret to rest is staying in bed in the dark with eyes closed and no external stimuli

When I was a kid, I was told I didn’t have to sleep, but I had to lie quietly with eyes closed in a darkened room for an hour each afternoon.  It worked then and it works now. Get yourself in a dark room with no light and sound, then see how much better you sleep.  I like a fan on me as well, since I find it so pleasurable. Email me your experience to

Holy Basil Extract, a natural aid for stress, insomnia and depression
Restful sleep and increasing melatonin levels naturally...
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2,000-10,000 IU Daily of Vitamin D3 Reduces Risk of Common Health Concerns

Vitamin D3 deficiency has been implicated in low mood, psychiatric and neurologic disorder.  Vitamin D3 improves cognition and immune health, bone health and the health of the musculoskeletal system. Vitamin D3 deficiency is associated with an increased risk of developing high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, age-related macular degeneration, some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, musculoskeletal disorders and  chronic low back pain. Patients with low back pain had significantly lower Vitamin D3 levels.   Vitamin D3 deficiency precipitates and exacerbates bone disease and muscle weakness.

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Holy Basil Extract, a natural aid for stress, insomnia and depression

According to a study, 500 mg of holy basil capsules taken two times a day after meals can significantly lower the intensity of generalized anxiety disorder. Some animal studies have also indicated that holy basil extracts have the ability to attenuate depression and anxiety in laboratory animals. Managing anxiety and depression may, in turn, help treat insomnia. Continue reading

Worst Valentine’s Day Ever

Go on a cruise, they said. It'll be fun, they said.

Go on a cruise, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.

True Valentine’s Day story.  I had a 3 day weekend one President’s Day in the early 80’s and decided to go on a cruise out of Miami to Nassau.  I didn’t even consider that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.  The entire cruise was couples, with very few solo.  The Greek crew members all paid special attention to the single women and it was quite a fiasco, since I like hanging out alone.  It wasn’t a great experience and I learned I don’t care for cruises. I got seasick for the first time ever, after having been on small boats my whole life.  I don’t drink or gamble but wanted something different to do and cruises out of Miami, where I lived, were so cheap. The sleeping rooms were very small.  The food was good, it wasn’t heavy, the dining times staggered to accommodate so many people.  Walking on deck I was aware we were all bound to a small piece of plastic in a gigantic ocean miles deep. I couldn’t just jump in my car and drive back home if I didn’t like it. I learned cruises are not for me. The highlight of the weekend was when I went into Nassau and I saw my father and his wife on the cover of The Sunday Miami Herald when I’d not been prepared for the story. It was quite the memorable Valentine Day weekend. Here’s a pdf of the article I saw –> Hermits Face Disruptions in Big Cypress Hideaway.