Category Archives: Uncategorized

As a journalist, I draw the reader’s attention to the good that is happening

see-the-goodI’ve learned to stay away from the news, simply because I don’t care to vibrate there.  As a journalist, I recognize the hype.  Journalists, by definition, put information in their own words and make it creative in their own way so it will draw attention.  Personally, my attention is never drawn to doom and gloom.  I’ve learned to be prepared for change.  To pre-pave into my future that I will feel hopeful and have deep faith, belief and expectation then as I do now, so that my happy tomorrows will be there waiting for me, they will take on lives of their own and call ME to THEM.  My attention is drawn by the most hopeful “what if?”  My attention is drawn by demonstrations of unwavering faith in the face of adversity. If, as a journalist, it is my choice as to what I wish to draw the reader’s attention to, then this is it: Continue reading

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth – bug killer that won’t kill you

Diatomaceous Earth (food grade): bug killer you can eat!   Diatomaceous Earth (often referred to as “DE”) is an off white talc-like powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. When sprinkled on a bug that has an exoskeleton (such as bed bugs, ants or fleas) it gets caught between their little exoskeleton joints. As they move, the diatomaceous earth acts like razor blades and cuts them up. But it doesn’t hurt mammals. We can eat it. We do eat it! It’s in lots of grain based foods because lots of grains are stored with diatomaceous earth to keep the bugs from eating the grain. Continue reading

The Imposter Syndrome: just another social phobia we invent for ourselves

According to Wikipedia, “The Impostor Syndrome, sometimes called impostor phenomenon or fraud syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize  their accomplishments.  Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be.  The Impostor Syndrome, in which competent people find it impossible to believe in their own competence, can be viewed as complementary to the Dunning–Kruger effect, in which incompetent people find it impossible to believe in their own incompetence.”  Interesting. Continue reading

Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies

THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more. In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Continue reading

I’m motivated when those around me are motivated

There are a lot of new projects going on since a friend is helping out.  He organized and rearranged the kitchen and cabinets, pantry and laundry area.  Immediate upgrade! He spent hours fixing the garage door that had stopped working, and another many hours fixing the front window that I’d managed to yank some part out of its housing.  He turned the back porch into a man cave and fixed all the bent aluminum from when the oak tree came down on the porch roof during Hurricane Jeanne in 2004.  He replaced the door handle so it now works and locks. He’s certainly upgraded my life, and not just by being Mr. Fix It, although that’s an unexpected plus. Continue reading

How one solitary monk adapts to having a roommate

I’m suddenly sharing space after 15 years of relative monkdom and functional solitude.  It’s been easier than I thought it’d be, although it has thrown my working/sleeping schedule waaay off.  And accelerated my candy consumption for the first month. This has been most helpful since it points out to me patterns of behavior I was unaware I had.  Such as: I know I need quiet time to write.  What I did not know was that I keep a running total in my head of how much quiet and rest I am getting in order to stay energetically recouped.  My keeping track keeps me uptight about it.  I also notice I do things like announcing I don’t want to dialogue while I’m giving thought time to something.  Then if I allow myself to be distracted, I begin the clock (the countdown to sleep) all over again.  Meaning that all the quiet and rest time I’ve intermittedly had is now erased and I have to start over.  Nice mind trick, huh, when I’m trying to wind down and relax?  I do it all the time.  The result is I feel I don’t get much solitude time.  However, I’ve learned I simply need to change my perception that I need anything to be other than it is in order to accomodate me.  Train myself to find the rest and quiet within the chaos that is the world.  Also change my perception of how much sleep I need and how much rest I’m actually getting.

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Spidey sense is back

It’s baaaaack!

I’m glad to see the spidey sense is back and operational after the xanax I’d taken for anxiety in February had dumbed down the intuition to almost non existent.  Last night, I intuited a particular person would make a first time visit this morning and they did.  Last week, I intuited a friend would have an early morning visitor and I called to let him know just as she was knocking on his door.  Life is sure easier this way.

I see Pluto is in my 9th house from 2004 thru 2017

 “During this transit there is an emphasis on your philosophy, beliefs and educational values. Your belief systems may undergo a radical transformation in the course of this transit, ideally toward developing your own unique ideology based on a more conscious understanding of your own point of view rather than socially accepted beliefs received from others. You may become a zealous spokesperson for a particular philosophy or cause during this time, or be tempted to coerce others into accepting your own views. All in all it serves you to be less dogmatic. By moderating your expression you can bring your ideas to others with a better chance of acceptance on their part, and serve a more socially active purpose at the same time as you advance your own understanding.”
…Wow, I hope I don’t tick too many people off…
If you’d like me to do your astrological transit report for you, to tell where your planets are now and what that means in your daily life, you can order it here.


I wrote the ants a note and they left

“We just fended off an alien invasion!” I wrote on Facebook Saturday evening.  “I thought there were 50-100 of them but My friend says it was more like 27,000. Whew, that was close.”  Upon close inspection, he said they were not termites, they were carpenter ants and they were along the baseboard where I spilled coffee last week. I washed the wall and floor where it was spilled, but apparently I didn’t get it all. They were ganged up right below the spot it spilled.  I Googled online to learn about them.  “Homeowners may be concerned if they see carpenter ants inside. But, seeing carpenter ants inside the home does not necessarily mean the house is actually infested. It could mean the house is simply within foraging distance of a colony.”  Good news… I called my pest control dude anyway.  He called back and said the carpenter ants are just swarming now, and they should be gone by Wednesday. If not, he’ll come out Thursday if I need him. And here I thought they all left because we wrote them a note last night: “Dear Ants, I know we share this space.  We would appreciate if you stayed outside and we have the inside.  Thank you.  We forgive you.  Please forgive us.”  We signed it. They left.  I learned this technique years ago and wrote about it at Communicating with the critters you share space with.    Continue reading

There would be so many more good psychic readers if they just believed in their ability to (really) develop their skills

A friend asked me if I’d seen Long Island Medium yet and I had not.  He said he has a problem, that no psychics are able to read him.  I told him that few can read me but that’s because my experience is many “readers” are giving a canned speech which they give to 80% of everyone and it’s so general and vague that 80% of the people can think it applies to them.   And when they’re unseasoned, they don’t know that it’s obvious to someone when they are doing that.  There would be so many more good psychic readers if they just believed in their ability to develop their skills, and keep them honed.  The aura changes when they fall out of guidance and into their practiced “advice.” It changes when they get a psychic flash which they recognize as a thought popping into their head, a thought they feel compelled to speak aloud. If they’re smart, they meditate to learn to distinguish their random thoughts from the thoughts of guidance. If they don’t begin to train to distinguish the voice of guidance, they may think they have to voice every “thought” aloud. Continue reading