Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Parable of the Rainbow Room by Kryon

I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly, one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and that’s why it’s called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time. Continue reading

In Florida, Damp Rid is bad ass for keeping moisture out of your closets

damp ridI’ve been using Damp Rid for years.  It draws out a cup or more of water every few weeks from the moisture in each closet.  The first time trying it, I bought a little 1 quart container that I opened and placed in my clothes closet.  Two weeks later it had drawn out almost two cups of water, and the closet smelled fresh.  I was sold.  I bought one for every closet in the house.  I find it especially helpful in the office supply closet where I store paper products.  In Florida, we can live with the windows open half the year but that’s when the moisture gets in as well.  Damp Rid will remove it for you.  No moisture = so mildew, no mold and no moldy smell.  Yay. I learned hard lessons when I neglected my situation and had to have a Montreal mold inspector come into my place and give me some sombre news, water damage is as serious as fire damage in some cases.

I buy the refill packages now since I bought the containers the first time

I buy the refill packages now since I bought the containers the first time

How DampRid Works:  The DampRid® crystals are calcium chloride, a type of salt that, like similar salts, attracts moisture. We use the word moisture because it is the most universal term, but the most accurate words for what the product absorbs are humidity or water vapor. The “loose” water molecules of the vapor are more easily absorbed by the calcium chloride crystals than liquid or solid water are. By absorbing water vapor from the air DampRid begins to dry the air, thus promoting the evaporation of liquid water, which, given time, can allow this to be absorbed as well. DampRid works best in high humidity areas. Without the humidity to absorb DampRid will not function, or not function as quickly.

Backing myself into a corner, getting myself unstuck

Yesterday I saw a rainbow twice, once at 7:45am in Melbourne and again at 8:00am in  Palm Bay.  It was an auspicious beginning to a very good day.   On the way home from Melbourne, I stopped at Big Lots to see if they had any coffeemakers, since mine had stopped working.  At 8:00am, they weren’t to be open for another hour, so I figured I’d check when I went to the post office later.  Yesterday’s main job was to finish billing for the November Horizons Magazine, and I finished just in time for it to be picked up by the mailchick.  Yay, no trip to the post office needed!  Then I got a call from one of the stores that carry the magazine, telling me their envelope had arrived empty and could I please send her magazines right away since her customers love it.  Of course!  I readied the mailing and mused that I thought I’d get one day I didn’t have to drive to the post office, but it’s no big deal as it’s just 3 miles from me.  At the post office, I ran into a friend of mine, who said he’d just been thinking of me.  We hadn’t seen each other in 20 years.  We both had planned on going to the post office earlier, then decided not to, then showed up at the same time.  Synchronicity! We chatted while we waited in line, then went for coffee so I could give him a reading.  I like it when friends have good things on the way to them and I can let them know to expect it.   The coffeemaker flashed in my head, to try Goodwill.  Sure enough, I found a Mr. Coffee Programmable Coffeemaker for $4.99 and a digital alarm clock for $1.99.  Bounty! I love recycling still-good old stuff!

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It is time for ALL non-indigenous practitioners of Earth Wisdom to step forth and be who they are

It is time for ALL non-indigenous practitioners of Earth Wisdom to step forth and be who they are, representatives of a contemporary Earth Wisdom, and stop seeking to gain points by piggy-backing their practices upon the honor and respect of the ancient traditions of indigenous cultures. In this approach the practitioners of contemporary Earth Wisdom can earn respect. Respect will never come through misappropriation of another culture’s practices, whether by imitation or claiming ceremonies to be what they are not and were never meant to be.  IMHO… A problem arises when a person or persons have spiritual insight – perhaps even inspired or guided by an indigenous people’s spiritual practices and perspectives – and then pronounce their spiritual wisdom to be that of the indigenous peoples themselves. This is, at best, misguided, and may even be out and out misappropriation… a lie. It does not, however, mean that the spiritual principles being presented are without value or an inherent truth.   Continue reading

Sexuality on the Spiritual Path: just another facet of Personality Integration

couple blue cosmicI asked on Facebook, “When you first became aware of being on a spiritual path, did your sex drive increase, decrease or stay the same?”   Mine would swing from zero to overload.  Using breath meditation, I learned to distribute the prana, the chi, the kundalini, the energy, throughout the system so it was easier to integrate.  What we feel as sexual energy is simply the flow of life force energy focused in a particular energy center (chakra) of our body.  As we walk along the spiritual path, our focus of attention will begin to take us on a journey through all the chakras.  In time you’ll learn which chakras you are currently focused in, where there is a free flow of energy.  If you are polarized in a particular area, you’ll know it because you’ll notice the symptoms and take measures to correct them. Continue reading

Domino asks how to get over a broken heart

Domino writes: “Once again I thought I found the man of my dreams.  Without warning, last month he said we were over.   True, we’re not very compatible but we had fun so my heart hurts from missing him.  We work together and are in the same social circles, so I see him almost every day.  How do I remove the hurt from my heart?  I feel like maybe I should change jobs and go to different churches and restaurants so I won’t see him anymore.  How do I stop the pain?

Andrea responded, “Those you attract to you are a manifestation of your vibration, every time.  They come as evidence of what you’re doing vibrationally, every time. They came because you summoned them with your practiced vibration.”   If you are with your partner as evidence of what you’ve been habitually doing vibrationally, it stands to reason that if you’d like a change, you’ll begin doing things to vibrate in a different place yourself. That can be as simple as focusing on new topics, focusing on new people, focusing on new places.

When parting from any kind of relationship, while it’s freeing to be able to say what you feel and have it all out in the open, there’s no need to go back and rehash “but you said this,” or “you promised that.”  All that becomes irrelevant in the moment that either thinks, “This is no longer my destination.”  Continuing beyond that point is a disservice to both parties.  Now it’s time to move on to better feeling thoughts.  Continue reading

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001

Now flying free

What I remember about Sept 11th, 2001, is turning the computer on and AOL flashing a photo, and me clicking on it.  I briefly watched the news, then began sitting in prayer for those involved. The next few days were updates and stories from those who would typically be in the World Trade Center at that time, and how they were guided to be elsewhere.  A child’s artwork (wish I could find it online, I cannot) depicted the World Trade Center in fire and smoke, with many angels flying upward, representing those who died.  I contemplated those who died and thanked them for their part in this co-creation.  On some level, they chose to die in this way, when you consider that we choose our life circumstances before we incarnate into each lifetime.   When you consider that we have endless lifetimes to create whatever we wish, that there is no death. Continue reading

4 step process using symbols for emotional release and manifestation

unlock the doorFrom Linda Mathews: A number of people have requested this info from the recent discussion so I am passing it on. For those of you who are not into metaphysics I refer you to “The Secret” video which is available in our library system and can be picked up or ordered to be delivered at your local library.  This video has numerous scientists and others commenting on the science of how thoughts and feelings affect what happens or “manifests” in our lives.  After researching the university-studied healing method devised by William Bengston (which initially provided a 100% cure rate in 100% fatal cancer in mice, later when used on humans the cure rate was lessened by the length of the disease), I came up with a very simple explanation as to how it works (Bengston does not know) and a very simple way to do something similar (Bengston’s method is long and complex. You can buy his method with 5-6 CD’s for $50).  Mine is free for you right here below. Continue reading

I crack myself up sometimes with my choice of thoughts

I crack myself up, when I find myself thinking an aggravating thought and continuing to think it  rather than seek a better feeling thought to focus upon.  When I allow myself to wallow a moment longer in justifying and blaming, when if there’s blame to be had, it’s equally shared.  Catching myself continuing to think the thought, even for another moment longer, even though the thinking of it serves merely to incite negative emotion within me.  I can fuel that negative emotion with more of the same thoughts, or I can make a conscious choice to pivot my thoughts to something more pleasant, something more playful, something silly or just some crazy song on the radio.  Whatever it takes to keep me in a happy and uplifted state of mind, despite anything that is going on around me.  That is the peace that passeth all understanding: knowing I am in control of everything that comes my way.  My prayer is to be always able to remember to use my powers for good.

Why competition and jealousy on the Path?
How I pivoted my bitchy consciousness around – just in time 
Stay aggravated or stay on the better feeling thought?

Every moment is happy if you choose to perceive it that way; you have nothing to learn from someone being unkind, the lesson is for them

I’d written on Facebook: “It’s very sad when someone who is done with someone else can’t have a civil conversation about it. Live and learn.”   My friend Terri Mermis  said, “If no one ever brings you down, how would you ever have a chance to rise above it all and pat yourself on the back for recognizing they have no power over your feelings unless you give it away to them. Every moment is happy if you choose to perceive it that way. So much easier to live and let live, you have nothing to learn from someone being unkind, the lesson is for them. Be blessed abundantly!”