Category Archives: Uncategorized

If your inner voice isn’t your friend, stop listening, you’ve just got old software running

If your inner voice treats you more like an enemy than a friend, STOP LISTENING, says  Judy Belmont.  My friend Cat Wendell of Ocala Ghost Walks says, “Try to listen to whose voice it is, might find it is someone from the past like a parent figure in an old program. Tell them to be quiet and take over.” Good advice!  I thought, “That’s it.  The old software gets to running when we go on auto pilot, unless we’ve trained ourself to stay conscious of what we think.  Stop laughing. It’s possible although it’s not always easy.  The path of least resistance is to continue to think an old, outdated thought that has been running so long that it’s on autopilot.  If it’s no longer true for you (ask yourself) or if it’s not hopeful and optimistic, reformat your system and upgrade to new software. You do that via discovering what you like to do and focusing on it via creative visualization. You discover what you like to do via observance around you. You contemplate those thoughts during your meditation time. Twenty eight days in a row and you’ll have evidence it is working in your life. Is it time to upgrade your thoughts in any area to new software? I can always use  an upgrade.

Related: Creative Visualization Links
Related: Meditation links 

The Love is what matters, not the Who or Why of it

The love feeling is our awareness of our connection to God. Who we choose to focus our love on will change, but it still represents the Love of the Divine. We are attracted to those who give us attention, for they stoke that fire for the Beloved within us. We are born into this Earth with pre-planned purpose, for things we want to do and those we want to work things out with. These are the ones who catch our attention.  Whoever is in your experience, for good or for bad, is part of your soul group and you all chose to incarnate at this time for that reason. A friend asked how did I feel about an ex writing love songs to his ex when we met and singing with a new gf the songs he wrote when we were together.  Understand this and you will understand much: WHO never matters in the long run. That the LOVE is flowing is the point. Keep your attention focused on what brings up that loving feeling inside you. Let all else fall away. Make peace with your past. Ease in to the flow. That’s how we follow our bliss and stay focused on our happiness. That’s how we can find joy in the moment, no matter what has come before. And when we believe it, we will see it.  Continue reading

When a friend’s limit of expansion reaches a new place

A reading this morning with Domino  mirrored something I’d experienced earlier this year.  She had a friendship with someone, which turned ugly when the limit of his expansion reached a place he’d never gotten to before.  Nothing could be the same after that, and he didn’t know how to handle it.  Now they’re not speaking. There’s no right or wrong, there’s no higher or lower, there is no enlightened or asleep, there are only levels of understanding. When someone gets their shakti shaken up, they will go through cycles of aftershocks that appear as personality changes, as the psyche wrestles with what its always been told and what it now knows firsthand to be true. It can take days or decades. No matter who, if it’s not pleasant to be around them, get elsewhere or you’re dragging everyone down. She wasn’t happy with what I told her but she doesn’t pay me to make her happy.  She pays me to help her connect with inner guidance and expand her perception of the world around her, and her place in that world. She also pays me for accurate predictions of what she can expect. She’s been a quarterly client for 15 years and she knows she can trust what I say to her will come to be.   As hard as it is for her to cut the cord while he figures his own self out, she has to cut the cord,  for everyone’s sake.  They can always mend it later if they want.  I told her, “Don’t be so impatient.  Don’t take score so soon. Get on with your life, set some new goals, don’t look back.  You’ll either talk again or not, either way, it’s the right happening.” We can’t make people “get it,” especially if they think they already get it.  I thought I knew everything at 40.  At 60, I know I am just beginning to get it.  People are where they are.  If you try to adjust them too quickly, you shock their system.  Then the two of you are no longer in vibrational resonance.  When the two of them come back into vibrational resonance again, if they do, that is when they will reconnect. And if they never do, they will instead connect with those with whom they ARE in vibrational harmony.  Either way, everyone wins.

RELATED: Shakti Management 101
RELATED: Sessions with Andrea

Saturday at Divas Rock! Spidey sense and the cell phone

I attended Pam Partridge Jacob‘s Divas Rock! Rock Out the Violence Music Festival today  at the Wickham Park Pavilion at BCC, to benefit Serene Harbor Domestic Violence Center. The bands from noon til 7pm were Berna & The Bernouts, Undecided, WEEP, Rock Candy, Queen Bees, Bittersweet and Pam’s band Chain Reaction with Guest Divas.  Pam has a giant amazing voice, she had everyone up and dancing in short order. There were also rows of vendors, a kids’ zone, a poker run, and a car show.  I got to meet Facebook friend Linda Thorpe in person and get a hug.  An hour later, I saw a cell phone unattended on one of the benches so I put it up on the table.  As I saw Linda walk around the corner later, I instantly knew it was hers, so pointed it out.  Neat how just one hug can tune you into someone to catch stuff like that. A day of fun and friends.

I spent my Friday in very Venus-like pursuits

I did a fun yard project today! This morning they delivered the May Horizons Magazine, so I packaged up the stacks and took them to the downtown Melbourne post office. I was excited to get back home to my project!  Earlier, I was gifted two wooden pallets and, using the pallets and recycled Horizons Magazines, I made a garden box, then filled with dirt and put plants in.  I covered it with leaf mulch and stuck a bunch of neat rocks around it for design.   I picked up a bunch of oak and pine branch deadfall and cut some palmetto fronds.  I spent a few hours playing in the yard then ran out for a surf check.  Halfway into town, I changed my mind and headed back.  I got home just in time for the heavens to open up and pour some rain on my happy land. I thought I’d have to do some heavy watering in the back yard, but I see rain is scheduled for the weekend, too. I did my garden project today just in time PLUS turned around just in time to not have to drive in the rain.  Friday is Venus’ Day and Venus is all about pleasure, appreciation, gratitude, sharing, peace, beauty, gentleness.  I had a very Venus Friday.

If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you

“Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse it and it will curse you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you.” – Emmet Fox.  Someone asked me how to “bless.” What I do is simply say, bless this person, bless this situation. When I hear a siren, I say bless the first responders, bless the patient, bless the family, bless the medical personnel. Nothing fancy needed. Just say bless them, bless them and mean it, send love from your heart. They receive it.



Until you know how you attract “negativity,” you will continue to attract it. You attract it by your continued attention to it

Not knowing you’re in the cycle, keeps you in the cycle.  A friend wrote on Facebook: “I’ve removed myself this week from several very dark energies and as soon as I did, I started getting some amazing opportunities. Just a word of advice. When you surround yourself with deceitful people, their energy transfers onto you and it’s like being bound in chains. It’s ok to let these people go and never look back. You have to pull down the dark curtains sometimes to let God’s light shine in.”  I don’t know her or the situation, but it’s true.  The thing is, it’s always a vibrational match to the energy you’re putting out. This is especially tough when we don’t know what we did to attract it. In truly forgiving them and moving on, in not discussing it with third parties, that’s where our power and freedom lies. We value them showing us what we’re ready to be free of. Bless the haters, their hate always comes back to them, and when they least expect it.   Continue reading

A sundown ocean walk, I get to return a favor and pay it forward

Today ended in a sand walk with a spirit brother for some sundown ocean medicine. Sea gulls flying, little crabs scurrying in and out of their holes. He picked up a thumb sized jellyfish to look closely at it then put it gently back in the tide. The sliver of moon was directly overhead. I got to wet my braided leather ankle bracelet for the second time, grounding its intention with good ocean energy.   Earlier today I got a chance to return a favor and pay it forward for one given to me yesterday. Yesterday the printer made an error and I let them slide and got a $ benefit for doing so. This morning an advertiser called and had forgotten to add an important date to their ad. I added it to the online magazine and replaced one of my own ads with a small one for them as a gift. A thank you for the big bucks they pay me all year!  I mowed the front lawn today.  Mowing is something I love to do.  Yard work in general is something I enjoy.  I see it as truly a moving meditation.  I did chair dips at the concrete bench in the courtyard and my crunches on a yoga mat in the soft mulch under the windchimes. I notice the wooden support for the chimes needs a new piece cut for it. Even old and rotting as it is, it can still support a song that is clear and sweet.  Another day in Paradise.