A little more uncluttering, some painting and I’ll have my new space

I’m a morning person.  I’m up at first light, feet on the floor and ready to get into the day.  This past week I’ve been in and out of the garage and shed, moving items, discarding items, recycling items, setting old books aside to give away.  I love it when I get on a kick like this, because I always end up with so much more space than I thought I had. I never have much clutter, just the occasional closet or scrap wood pile to organize and straighten up.  At dawn this morning after meditation I went out and moved some white shelving and vertical blinds from the garage into the shed, also the bicycle and a straight backed chair.  I moved a dozen cardboard boxes out of the shed and into the garage to cut up for recycling.

I once again cleared the floor of the shed, moving ladders and plywood around, and gave it all a good sweeping.  Then I set off a bug bomb and later this afternoon I’ll go air the space out. Then I’ll go back in and clean off the countertops and paint them.  Then I’ll decide how to design a workshop area around the stored items.  When I unclutter my personal space, my mind clears as well.  Once all the clutter is out of the way, I have a blank canvas to begin designing a more expansive life.  Out of the fast lane and into the vast lane.  What helps you clear your mind?

RELATED: I clear away yet another layer of nonessential stuff