Category Archives: Uncategorized

I polish my toenails for the first time in a decade or more

This afternoon I bought a pale pink glittery nail polish for my toes. I’m not really a girly girl. I haven’t worn nail polish for a decade or more, but I felt in a girly mood. I thought ahead and bought polish remover as well.  Now my toenails toenails pinkare all pink and glittery and they look really cute. The only problem is I forgot that nail polish has a smell.  A chemical smell.  A strong one.  I smelled it for several hours after polishing my nails. So what if it’s toxic, right? It’s pretty!  UPDATE: Not being used to the chemically smell, I found it really distracted me and dimmed down the spidey sense. Strong soaps and fragrances do that to me as well.  Good to know: no fresh mani / pedi before doing a reading!

How sweet to be remembered

How sweet that an ex has put all the personal love poems he wrote to me years ago on his blog as mystical poetry.  I love being an inspiration to connect someone to something higher than they’ve ever reached. We think we go into a relationship with one idea in mind and yet it’s really only souls searching for that higher place. Sometimes we think the physical attraction means this is our soul mate, when that is merely the fuel that keeps you involved long enough to work out karma together. The feeling of Connection that people are looking for, the exhilaration of being with someone with hearts soaring, is not a function of the person you are with, but instead it is a function of your own Connection with You. 

Connie Zweig writes, “This holy longing for something transcendant, something beyond our skin-bound individuality urges us to glimpse the divine Beloved in another human being.  It guides us to teachers who offer timeless wisdom and a direction for our devotion.  And, if we learn to hold the tension of our yearning, to honor the restlessness of the soul rather than resist it, our holy longing points the way home.” If we don’t learn, then we pretend those people and events never happened in our lives and we don’t bless them for bringing us to where we are.  

Thank you, no matter how you showed up in my life. Whether you pushed me or pulled me, drained me or fueled me, loved me or left me, hurt me or helped me, you are part of my growth and no kidding, I love you and thank you for it.

Kundalini Management 101
The Chakras, a 101 Primer
Sexuality on the Spiritual Path

Why darkness is important to recuperative sleep

DARKNESS IS IMPORTANT TO RECUPERATIVE SLEEP.  In order to get the highest quality sleep, you need to be in a room that is dark as possible. Even the slightest bit of light can disrupt your body’s circadian rhythm and production of melatonin and serotonin, two hormones vital to your health. Many people are not aware that exposure to the smallest amount of light at night will cause your body to halt production of those hormones. Exposure to light while your body is trying to sleep activates your stress response and weakens your immune system, which is why irregular sleep cycles can lead to stress-related disorders. Many of your major organs and body systems have their own internal clocks. These clocks influence everything from your body temperature to hormone production to your heart rate. When these clocks are out of whack, all kinds of things can happen which impact your daily life and your overall health. See these links for tips on getting good sleep naturally:   Continue reading

Our Ancestors Used to Sleep Twice a Night

Sleep restful by pino8 hour sleeping is a modern invention.  Imagine you are a denizen of the 18th century. It’s just past 8:30 P.M., you’ve got your night-cap on. You blow out your candles and fall asleep to the smell of the wax and the wick, which gently fills the air around your bed. Some hours pass. 2:30 AM. You awaken, grab your coat, and visit the neighbors because they, too, are up. Doing quiet reading, prayer, or even having sex. Well, apparently before the age of electricity, sleeping twice a night was completely ubiquitous.  Back in those times, we slept twice a night, getting up for an hour or two for recreation before heading back to bed until dawn.

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I tell you I’m busy then you see me on Facebook – WTF?

too busy memeOften I tell someone I’m working and then they see me on Facebook and wonder WTF? They’re not being ignored, it’s just that is part of my working process: I have many projects running at the same time and work on each of them every day. I work alone and do the work of 3-4 people. When I have a few minutes free, yet not long enough to take on another task, I sneak onto FB and take a break.  If I didn’t take as many breaks as I take, I wouldn’t get as much done. I’m like the Chinese lettuce farmer who grew bitter lettuce yet wrote wonderful poetry. “Why not stop growing your bad lettuce and simply write your beautiful poetry all day long?” he was asked.  “That was impossible,” he said, “because if I did not grow such bitter lettuce, I wouldn’t be able to write such sweet poetry.”  Continue reading

Wow, that’s the fastest a prayer ever worked!

prayer worksI know prayer works but wow, that was fast!  (See my process below.)  I came in the office at 8:00am after five days off. I turned my flip desk calendar to today and found my stack of “bills to be paid”. The stack looked pretty hefty since I paid all my property taxes last week. That’s the nature of my business: there are times when we squeak for a few days between billing and bank deposit.  We’ve never NOT paid something on time, so my experience is that it always gets done by the time it needs to get done. That’s pretty much all I need to know about that.  I did, however, goof and saw my car payment was due from Wednesday. Hmmm. So I said a prayer that it would be taken care of and almost immediately the office phone rang. Continue reading

When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past

How funny to go to a sick friend’s Facebook page and see a “supportive” comment to her by a woman who has does nothing but malign her (and a dozen other “ex” friends) behind the back. She used to know that her self talk determines her future outcome and that it’s all related, but if you really understand that, you don’t forget it. You can’t be one way in front of someone and another way behind their back.  The Universe sees that. You can’t disrespect people and lie and be arrogant and purposely hurtful and steal and gossip without knowing that it will come back on you. Sometimes it returns by coming down on your closest loved ones. When they suddenly see trials and plagues, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past. That’s not what you want to contribute to their life. Ignoring it and not addressing it simply leaves the energy back where you left off with it – angry, jealous and unresolved.  She clearly doesn’t honor herself enough to stop her hatefulness, perhaps she actually loves her (troubled and sick) partner enough to stop bringing karma down on them both.  By their fruits do we know them.

RELATED:  It’s all related – everything
our self talk determines your future outcome

RELATED: Tie Up Loose Ends
Your misdeeds affect your loved ones
Building momentum
Riding Out Past Momentum
Factoring in past momentum
Creating Momentum To Move In A New Direction
The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power
Turn your attention elsewhere and stop creating more karma
When your karma visits your loved ones, you can help them by cutting out your nonsense and cleaning up your past
If you’re being blocked, look for unresolved issues to clear
When you’re doing all the “right” things and still get hit by karma, that’s past momentum
You destroy the chance for your future by not clearing up your past

Sunday Morning in Cassadaga, I get a message from Marla Chirnside

We drove Sunday morning to deliver the December Horizons Magazine to Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and arrived just after the Colby Temple church service. We headed over to the bookstore for the afternoon message service held in the meeting room each Sunday at 12:30. I got a surprise message from Spirit through psychic medium Marla Chirnside – it was an emotional connection, uplifting, encouraging, personally relevant.  See Marla on the 10-28-13 episode of Florida Crossroads, and on the NBC Today Show (Cassadaga The Psychic Capital of the World episode) that aired last summer. In both film clips, she is shown giving a reading in the message service and then each reporter follows up with the person that received the message. Both individuals, a man and a woman, said that she was very accurate with her message.  I can agree. Continue reading

Healing and Medicinal Properties of Cooking Spices

spicesThe spices I use are known to possess therapeutic and healing properties. Spices help you elevate any dish from the ordinary to a feast for the senses of sight, smell, and taste. Spice your meals to enhance your food with better taste and medicinal and healing properties without adding calories. Spices and herbs maximize nutrient density. Herbs and spices contain antioxidants, minerals and multivitamins. Spices naturally increase your metabolism. Because spices are nutrient dense, they are thermogenic, which means they naturally increase your metabolism. Spices have real medicinal properties. Centuries old eastern medicine and now recent studies and scientific research both boast the healing benefits of spices. My faves: Continue reading

What has been a significant defining moment in your life?

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

On Facebook, my spiritual brother Jeffery Stone asked a great question: “I’ve been pondering life and my journey, thinking about how I am defined by my life experiences and those moments that molded my character. I thought about how so many things could have worked out quite differently had things not changed on a dime or been different by a mere  two degrees … good, bad or indifferent …   So I’d like to ask that you think about and share what you feel has been a significant defining moment in your own lives … I know that we all have so many ...”  GREAT QUESTION! After pondering, I shared, “In 1983, I went on a 3 month sailing trip from Miami, FL to Anapolis, MD with a friend who’d been blinded in a sailing accident four years earlier. Afraid of the ocean and being near large submerged objects, it was a daily test for me of faith and trust. It culminated in me doing something I would never have considered doing months earlier: My blind friend set out on a solo sail with his guide dog using his 33′ Cheoy Lee sailboat’s voice feature for the satellite navigation system. We’d be filming from a boat behind him. I was on the crew that sailed him out of Government Cut in Miami, the channel out to open sea. Once in open waters, we transferred on to the other boat. That means standing on the very bow of the boat, about 3 feet away from the other boat, and waiting for the waves to sync up before jumping onto the second boat, without falling into the deep ocean in between. Continue reading