Category Archives: Uncategorized

Rest in Peace, Bryan Tilford

Bryan Tilford

Bryan Tilford, Beloved B, you will be missed.

A beloved spiritual brother chose today to drop his Earth robes.  We first met back in the late 80’s when I was at WFIT. The sadness of losing a loved one is made bearable by knowing we left nothing unsaid between us. We’ll meet again, Beloved B.
Rumi says: On the day I die, don’t say he’s gone. Death has nothing to do with going away.  The sun sets, and the moon sets but they’re not gone.  Death is a coming together.  The human seed goes down into the ground like a bucket, and comes up with some unimagined beauty. Your mouth closes here, and immediately opens with a shout of joy there. Continue reading

My account was hacked from FB – if you get an email, just delete it

Ny account was hacked so if you got a weird email “Subject: RE: Fw: Re:” just DELETE IT without replying. It’s not a virus, you’re safe unless you click on the link. You can’t get a virus if you don’t click on the link. If you REPLY to the email, that lets them know a real person is at that address. If you just delete it without clicking the link or replying, you’ll only get a few. All passwords have been changed.  But I know how it happened. Yesterday on Facebook I went to “Settings” and chose “Download a copy of your Facebook data.”  Don’t do that!  It was going to send the data to my email account in a zip file.  It did not do that. It looks like what happened is anyone in my FB friends list that lists their email address in their Facebook info got some spam from my old AOL account.

I know it’s connected to Facebook because many of the names it went to are FB friends I don’t know and don’t have in my AOL address book. Like several friends who do not list their email address on FB yet I have in my AOL address book did not get the spam email. But on the upside I got to connect with friends and got two ads for the upcoming magazine!  There are no mistakes, ever.

RELATED: These sites tell if your account has been hacked

Take what you have and make what you want

breakfast mexicanTake what you have and make what you want! I had a good exercise in faith this morning.  I’d gone for an early walk and was closer to a friend’s home than mine when it began raining, so I dashed onto his porch.  I offered to cook breakfast in return for a ride home in the rain, since I had freshly baked potatoes.  He challenged me to make breakfast at his place.  Hmmm… upon first glance in the fridge, he had the typical bachelor ingredients: condiments,  some lettuce, almond milk, not much.  My exercise in faith was that, despite his fridge looking rather bare, there were a lot of wrapped items that could be just about anything. Fingers crossed! Continue reading

HALLELUJAH Big surprise for Bride and Groom… Chris and Leah Wedding April 5, 2014

Happy birthday to me!  It’s an Allelujah kind of day.  I’m not sentimental and don’t believe in marriage but this video is awesome, the priest who marries the couple unexpectedly sings a customized wedding song for them  —>  Big surprise for Bride and Groom… Chris and Leah Wedding April 5, 2014.  As I was watching this and singing along in full voice last midnight, I heard the neighbor’s car door slam. I wonder how long he stood in the driveway across from mine listening to my Allelujahs out the window. I thought I’d be safe since he keeps the a/c on…  Here’s a version of the original song I love by K.D. Lang, and one by Espen Lind, Askil Holm, Alejandro Fuentes and Kurt Nilsen. Here are Leonard Cohen’s lyrics to Hallelujah       Continue reading

12 Easy Steps to Prepare Yourself for Handling Earth Changes

Drunvalo Melchizedek on preparing for Earth changes:  “We meditate to understand our connection to God and to all of life. When we know our connection to God and to all of life, we can view events like Earth changes without fear or worry.  If you really think that you are a little being inside a body and everything out there is totally out of your control and has no connection to you — that way of interpreting reality, which many people have, it’s going to be a very fearful situation. That kind of person needs to begin to do internal work. They need to begin to work on their emotional bodies, physical bodies and get into a spiritual path and begin to understand the nature of who they are, and that there is only One Spirit moving through everything.”  With the news and the talk about Earth changes, it can look out of control if you get wrapped up in it. It’s comforting knowing that with a little daily work we can get to a place of inner knowing, where we truly feel connected and safe and protected and loved. Here are twelve easy steps to prepare yourself for handling Earth changes. Continue reading

The fireflies are out tonight

I just came back from a midnight walk under the waxing gibbous moon. I love walking alone in the dark cool night, alone with my thoughts. It’s my nightly review of all the cool things that happened to me throughout the day! The fireflies are out and the neighborhood is looking especially magical. I’m blessed to live where I live and be who I am and have the loved ones I have. Thank you Whoever is in charge of that – including me for attracting it.

I don’t send email blasts and I don’t share my mailing list but I do have a magazine I publish monthly the last 22 years…

A new publicist for a national speaker asked me to send an email blast about their event. Being in the business, I am at the receiving end of everyone’s promotional material. I see what the market gets flooded with, and I get feedback on what gets read.  I replied I don’t send email blasts.  They wanted to pay me for my email list. I don’t do that either. What I do, though, is have an in-print and online magazine the last 22 years where it costs you far less to list your event than I’d charge for an email blast or sharing my mailing list.  Our  rates are affordable because we’re in it for the outcome, not the income.  Do I think by not sharing my list that I’m denying my peeps the opportunity to hear about the important new person, product or service?  No, because each will attract exactly what they resonate with and will find each other with or without me.
RELATED:  Our Ad Rates
I’ve heard it all by now

I think I can fix my shower leak myself

It sprays out at the elbow where the horizontal pipe hooks into the vertical its just a tiny stream but a steady stream when the shower is on

It sprays out at the elbow where the horizontal pipe hooks into the vertical. It’s just a tiny stream but a steady stream when the shower is on.

I’m watching Youtube videos. I have a leaking shower arm and I cut away the drywall to expose where the arm goes into the pipe. I can see water spurt out from the joint.  It’s been leaking awhile. I was sure the drywall behind the tile could use replacing, which meant replacing the tile also. It felt sturdy but I thought it had gotten wet for a few months. I stuck my cell phone camera in the hole I cut in the drywall and took a pic. Yay – it looks like zero water damage in there! I know it spurted (just a little squirt but it’s steady when the shower is on) for awhile before it made a wet spot in the drywall that I cut away to see inside. I was gonna cut the hole larger to stick my entire phone down in there, but I’ve already cut away all the soft crumbly stuff. If the drywall is that sturdy and dry, I just need to replace the shower arm and make sure it seals properly. Likely just the seal has been broken due to the fixture being 26 years old.

4-30-14 update: I replaced the shower arm and shower head!

It’s about time. Back to Planet Fitness

I’ve decided to go back to Planet Fitness. I cancelled last year after I didn’t want to drive west anymore, now my body is like WTF? Yes, I can work out and lift weights here, but there I’m motivated to do more. I like an early dawn workout, the moment I get up, go jump on the treadmill while I wake up and decide what my work out will be for the day. By the time I’m halfway through my rounds, I’m awake and pumped for the rest of the workout.  Last year I checked out the new Anytime Fitness right next to the Publix I’m in every other day. It was a nice facility but the enrollment and monthly price was much higher than Planet Fitness, something like $89 to join and $54 a month.  For me, the extra amenities didn’t matter and $10 to join and $10 a month is fine.  I’m here for the treadmill, the weights and the machines. I don’t need pool or steam or tanning. Oooo, which reminds me I have access to a pool three miles away if I want to swim.  Win/win! Continue reading