Category Archives: Uncategorized

The nature wall gets rebuilt

grapevine frame copyToday I tore down and rebuilt the nature wall across the back property access left by the tree cutters. I didn’t build it well before, so I pulled all the bamboo down and layered it proper.  The wall started out with a frame similar to this shown to the right but using bamboo rods. I secured the rods with living grape vines and then overlaid with palmetto stumps, fronds and potato vine. I forgot to leave a space for me to sneak out of.

I buy new floor lamps

floor lamp copyI’m turning into my mother. For months I’ve been haunting yard sales and thrift stores for a couple of pole lamps. Yesterday I had the bright idea to just go to Home Depot and buy them new. We’re only talking $24.97 each. I now have full bright light capability in every room. I kinda like it. I usually keep lights dim and sounds low when I’m not working, finding it more restful. The brights though are invigorating.

It doesn’t end here

believe72To everyone who’s not thrilled with the election results, this too shall pass. Think of today as a good lesson in surrendering, going with the flow and offering it up. Remember that whatever happens is the will of God – and if we’re in the midst of God’s will — like it or not — how can we not rejoice? It doesn’t end here. The best is yet to be.

RELATED:  Life after the election: It’s up to me what I experience because it’s up to me where I choose to place my focus

Life after the election: It’s up to me what I experience because it’s up to me where I choose to place my focus

house left standingLots of people are unhappy with election results.  But that’s always the way.  Lots of these people didn’t vote. But that’s always the way.  At times like this we are encouraged to practice knowing that nothing that happens in the world needs to affect our happiness.  It helps to remember that during a storm, the small, slim willow bends in the wind while the giant oak, firmly rooted, may break and fall.  A storm may rage on all around us, yet we be completely safe and untouched where we are.  Entire neighborhoods may be devastated in an earthquake, yet that one lone house on the cliff remain intact.  Continue reading

A healthy alternative to the pre-fried instant ramen noodles

Chuka Soba Curly Noodles

Chuka Soba Curly Noodles

Dig the texture of instant ramen noodles, but not the 17 grams of fat and 1,800 mg sodium?  The instant noodles have an ingredient that, when eaten too often and built up in your tummy, will slow your digestion down to a crawl. A healthy alternative is chuka soba curly noodles. Only three minutes to cook and much better nutritionally than instant ramen.  Sure, it’s 20-30 times more expensive than the instant but that’s just $2 to $3 a package.  Http://  I love the instant ramen noodle texture and bite but when I discovered they were pre-fried and almost plastic coated, I really dig having a healthy alternative. Once a couple of years ago, I had instant ramen for lunch and also for dinner the same day.  I never used the spice packet, I always added my own sauce and spices. It was very slow to digest and felt very heavy moving through my system. I researched why and now am glad there’s a healthy alternative.

The process to gather momentum and amplify attraction power

dinette setA friend sent a group Facebook message this morning to several of us seeking referral to those who could help produce a fundraiser.  He graciously included a line at the end that he’d understand if any of us left the conversation. Since I had no referrals for him, I left the conversation. I almost instantly felt a twinge, as though he might take it as a snub.  Not taking the time to soul search why that was my first thought, I went to his Facebook wall to see what he was up to.  As soon as I saw his post about seeking a dinette set, I knew that I knew someone who had one for him.  I didn’t know who it was but knew there was someone.  I was right.   Continue reading

Be Frog

frog sittingSuzuki Shunryu said of frogs sitting, “I always admire their practice. They never get sleepy. Their eyes are always open, and they do things intuitively in an appropriate way. When something to eat comes by, they go like this: Gulp! They never miss anything, they are always calm and still. I wish I could be like a frog.”

November 2014 Editorial

11-14 andrea Eileen Jacobs Beach Smiles 72Hello and welcome to the November 2014 edition of Horizons Magazine. It’s  finally cooling off and we’ve had all the windows open here at the office since mid October. It’s such a relief when the first cold fronts of the season bring drier  air. Being in the subtropics as we are in Florida, half the year our humidity is above 80% and in the summer it can be oppressive. Visitors remark that walking out of the airport in Florida for the first time, the humidity hits you like a wall of water, and you feel as though you’ve gained 50 pounds and are moving in slow motion. So when we get the first cool days of fall, everyone I know perks up and feels like frisking around in the outdoors.  The cooler weather also signals the end of another year, a time when many of us reflect back on the past 12 months and consider whether we’ve made progress toward those things we set goals for last year. I counsel with dozens of people each week, so it’s easy for me to see patterns of thought and behavior before others are aware of it. Many who set their goal last year of finding their calling, are frustrated that they haven’t made much progress. They’ve been buying all the right books and listening to the right tapes and attending the right seminars and still they feel stuck in a job they don’t enjoy.   Continue reading

I found my stash of wallpaper from 1986!

wallpaperI was all ready to paint or get new wallpaper for the kitchen to match the new stove, but it matches well right now. It’s 28 years old but I did such a good job putting it up that I can’t pull a loose edge anywhere. But I’m ready for a new look. Decisions, decisions.  YAY!  I went out to the garage to see if I had any oil based paint, but all I had was water based, which might lift the wallpaper. I looked at my stash of wallpaper from the 80’s to see if there was any I might use. Lo and behold! Guess who just found a double roll of my beloved kitchen wallpaper unopened from 1986. Yay for me for thinking ahead and buying extra of stuff like this. See why I love it? The little pineapples match my terra cotta colored counters perfectly!