Category Archives: Uncategorized

Where’d you learn to swim? From a dog?

pool noodle pretzelA sunset dip in the pool, water was 81 degrees. I have two skinny pool noodles that I love using new ways!  Today I twisted them into pretzels and stuck my arms through and I swam up and down the pool with them. They keep me high enough to keep my hair out of the water. “Where’d you learn to swim? From a dog?” Very funny. No, I just never got the hang of swimming and don’t put my face under. But I can float like a mofo!

I just discovered Granite Flats on Netflix

granite flats just discovered Granite Flats on Netflix. Three youngsters on the trail of a mystery! I didn’t raise kids and don’t usually care for movies about kids and families but in this one, the kids are smart, curious, purposed and engaging.  I’m digging it since I’m not an action movie, violence, shoot em up, horror, zombie, lovey dovey, tearjerker movie watcher.

A text will get me right away, a call I need time to get to

It’s happening again, calls piling up to return. If we’re supposed to speak by phone, if we can do it by text or Facebook message or email, it will happen lots quicker. Thanks for understanding. I need to to learn discipline to not schedule myself so tightly. I’ve done this for years. 11:45 means 11:45. Now I have a couple of friends waiting for calls back but I need this call first. Wah! first world problems! If only I could successfully return calls between 2-5am I’d be set.

A teaching moment: I’m motivated to get my eating habits back on track

I haven’t been tummy sick for three years. I generally eat healthy with very few processed foods, nothing packaged, nothing fried, no four legged animals. When I eat something too heavy or fatty, my system lets me know. It rejects it mid process, saying “Enough, no more.” It’s not like it happened overnight. It’s not like I had no warning. The last 12 months I’d begun eating bread again, rediscovering sandwiches and eating them almost every day. That in itself is heavy for me. I began drinking coffee and Teechino almost daily, with milk. That’s good for 15 extra pounds a year later. I’d also begun enjoying tasty fried catfish. I’d gone seven years of absolutely no fried anything to eating it once or twice a month without guilt. Yesterday was one of those days.   Continue reading

Invisible Helpers by Charles W. Leadbeater

Excerpt from Chapter V: The Reality of Superphysical Life. It seems difficult for those who are accustomed only to ordinary and somewhat materialistic lines of thought to believe in and realize fully a condition of perfect consciousness apart from the physical body. Every Christian is bound by the very foundations of his creed to believe that he possesses a soul; but if you suggest the possibility that that soul may be a sufficiently real thing to become visible under certain conditions apart from the body either during life or after death, the chances are he will  tell you that he does not believe in ghosts, and that such an idea is nothing but an exploded medieval superstition. If we are at all to comprehend the work of the band of invisible helpers, and learn to assist in it, we must shake ourselves free from contemporary thought on these subjects, and endeavor to grasp the great truth that the physical body is nothing but a vehicle or vesture of the real man.

Link to entire book here –>  Invisible Helpers by C. W. Leadbeater, American Revised Edition 1915

Free on Kindle right now by CW Leadbeater: Thoughtforms