Category Archives: Creative visualization

13 Steps Back To Balance

I’ve found the best way to get anyone to want to change to a better life is to let my own life be my example. To let my life be my message. To let others feel hopeful that good things can come their way if they redo some self talk on what the future may hold. Got some stinking thinking? Write a script and read it to yourself everytime that other thought comes up. Sound silly? I don’t care, it works for me.  It’s mostly just reminding myself what I already know. Repeating phrases that I know to be true and repeating them long enough that they overtake the other thoughts and replace them. Phrases like these: Continue reading

And THIS is how we manifest with vibrational matching

Six hours after typing my post at  The Perfect Time to Place the Craigslist Ad For Best Response, I found the perfect new tenants for the rental home.  A perfect example of deciding ahead of time what I want, prepaving it, using creative visualization to amp up my attraction vibe, and then getting happy enough for long enough to let it in.   If I can do it, you can do it. Check out these Creative Visualization Links.

I get an unexpected discount on my print job after doing a fave visualization about dollars coming in

Wow, people are throwing money at me now! I just got more evidence my daily visualizations work:  Sunday I got the May Horizons Magazine off to the printer.  I called this morning at 8:00am to make sure they received it and that all was well.  It was.  Yay!  I could go back to sleep! Two hours later I’m awoken by the printer calling to tell me my job was printed and “they goofed it up.”  He told me the goof.  I yawned. It was no big deal.  I mean, Horizons is not Time Magazine. He apologized and offered me a discount on the print job.  Yay!  Unexpected money!  Last month the visualization I’d been doing was the one in this link: I get evidence my visualizations are working, where my viz topic was about “finding unexpected money and sources of income that I may already have and have forgotten about.”  I read it over a few times each day and that was it. Dollars are fine and I’m grateful every day.


An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself

Here I give a detailed process to draw forth intuitive guidance from within yourself. The work is taking place even if you do not know it. Seeds are planted in your psyche that will come to fruition whether you are aware of it or not. As you do this, you will become more intuitive and learn to trust yourself.

Dear Andrea: Thank you for agreeing to do a reading by email for me. I have 6 questions:

1. Will I be able to move to Florida by the end of the year?
2. Where will the money come from?
3. Will I be successful in my home schooling for my B.S. in Psychology?
4. When will I meet the love of my life in Florida (after 3 years I hope it’s soon)
5. Will I lose weight?
6. Will my health stay good?

Thank you. I enjoy reading Horizons Magazine every month. Katrina

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Amazing how the right people fall into your life as soon as others make room for them and your vibration changes

Who’d have thunk it?  Oh right, ME because I know how law of attraction works. I know to pivot grouchy thoughts to fun ones when I realize I’m in it.  I know to spend time prepaving – via visualization – what I want to experience in the future.  I know to have an idea of what I want to do or have or be, yet I stand ready to change all of it dependent upon my evolution of consciousness.

Create the space for the phone to ring off the hook

The last two weeks, I’ve been doing a visualization about taking credit card numbers over the phone.  This week, my phone has been ringing off the hook with, you guessed it, people wanting to pay me by credit card.  When I do a Paypal Visualization, my Paypal payments increase. When I do My Making Up The Bank Deposit Visualization, more checks than usual come in.  Build it and indeed: they will come. I build it in my mind. In my consciousness, if I create the space for dollars, the space will call the dollars to itself. It’s never not happened.

Life Transforming Links here for Creative Visualization 

Adjusting to sharing space

Yesterday my roommate was involved in a variety of projects which kept drawing my attention to what he was doing, rather than what I needed to be doing.  I told him it’s like watching the bunny do one cute thing after another. At at the end of the day — in box still full, calls unreturned, emails unanswered —  I realize I’ve done nothing all day except follow the flippin bunny.  And I wonder how I get off schedule?  My biggest occupational hazard has always been feeling as though I have no time to myself.  As a spiritual counselor, I connect with dozens of people each week and listen to their challenges and concerns.  If I’m not mindful, I can allow myself to fall into their vibe and let myself get caught up in their tension and worry.   If I do it enough, I can slow my income down to a trickle.  It only ever happens when I just let the hamster wheel run through my head, rather than stepping away and letting myself take time for conscious thought. Continue reading

Do you really want to live this way another 40 years when you have access to so much more? It’s all related.

I got a surprise this morning when I stopped to see a friend.  After I left, I remembered something and came back.  I honked as I pulled in the driveway and he met me at the door.  We stepped into the house to pick up the item I forgot, and I could hear he’d turned the radio on.  Fox News Radio blared.  Really loud.  I made a joke at the time but just now it percolated back into consciousness.  It never occurred to me that this person would listen to the news, much less Fox news, before work every day.  That that is part of his routine in preparing for the day.  Not that I’m judging what he wants to do, I’m just surprised is all.

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