Author Archives: Andrea

A business plan? That’s not how I do business

I woke up at 10pm to an email my tax chick sent asking for more info for my 2014 return. I got excited she was working on it! I’m glad I keep everything filed because I found it all right away. Then I began my billing while I was in numbers mode. LOL I did notice that however my new tax accountant was blessed with so much work that she couldn’t keep up with it all so she filed me an extension and we’re finishing up right now. A friend asked how can I be at the end of July and not have a business plan for the next year if I did not know how my business did last year? But that’s not how I do business.

RELATED:  My suggestions for any business
Increasing your business by using creative visualization
Using The Secret For Successful Marketing: How the Law of Attraction Can Bring You More Business

Magnesium Chloride for Health and Rejuvenation

Magnesium is nothing short of a miracle mineral in its healing effect on a wide range of diseases as well as in its ability to rejuvenate the aging body. We know that it is essential for many enzyme reactions, especially in regard to cellular energy production, for the health of the brain and nervous system and also for healthy teeth and bones. However, it may come as a surprise that in the form of magnesium chloride it is also an impressive infection fighter.   Continue reading

I restore my meditation area to its original location

altar 7-29-15I woke up yesterday morning and sat to meditate. It wasn’t happening. I’d moved my altar area a few months ago and it still did not feel comfortable. Today was the day to do something about it. Since I’m rehabbing my knee, I moved the exercise bike, the HealthRider and the rebounder off to one side. I also can’t sit cross legged on the floor right now, either, which cramps my style. Formerly, I had the inside of my fireplace lined in mirrored tiles, with altar items inside and posters of deities overhead on the mantelpiece. I had to take them out of the fireplace because Benny the Cat thought that was a cool place to walk around. I moved a two shelf cabinet with clear doors in front of the fireplace. It has a short strand of lights inside and now contains all the altar items, as well as on top. I moved a café table and two chairs to the center of the room. My meditation area was now situated the same as it had been the last 20+ years. It felt familiar again. I felt in the slot once more. Meditation came easily after that.   

Andrea’s Meditation Process (and links!)
Meditation Twice a Day Keeps the Outside World at Bay
Preparing For Relaxation; Preparing For Meditation; Daily Practice
Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is Transcendental Meditation minus the ritual
Paving neural pathways to achieve meditation and access elusive inner states
Neurotheology: How God Changes Your Brain
Regulate your body chemistry: meditation as anti-aging medicine
A list of meditation’s positive effect on some of your body’s chemicals
Meditating to the superconscious state
An 11 Minute, 11 Step Meditation to Develop Compassionate Understanding
(also type “meditation” in the search box and find more)

One reason I don’t plan things ahead of time

Once again it’s near midnight as I plan tomorrow. I need to drive to Cassadaga this week to deliver the August Horizons to them, and want to ask a galpal to take the ride with me. Except I won’t know until I wake up which day I want to go. I’d leave by 8:30am. She’s not an early riser. I like to let people sleep. I may also wake up wanting to go alone. The best I can hope for is to text her as soon as I wake up and know and if she can do it, yay. I spent a lot of years having friends get ticked at me for breaking commitments to attend things I should never have committed to doing in the first place. That was so unfair to everyone, and disrespectful of their time. I learned my lesson. But then I’m one of those people who if I have something scheduled and someone cancels, I’m stoked to have the extra time back.

A friend finds a good handyman to replace his shallow well pump

The new pump and fittings!

The new pump and fittings!

A friend’s shallow well water pump at home went out and I did a shout out on Facebook for referrals to get it replaced. The house was built in 2006 yet the pump had to be replaced in 2014. It should not have gone out again. Mine lasted me 25 years. I also asked my spidey sense friends to locate the receipt for the 2014 pump installation, which belongs in the manila envelope in the hutch. We’ve looked thru all paper in the house several times and can’t find it. A friend referred me to handyman Robert DiBenedetto, who was here an hour later.   Continue reading

Connecting with playful others keep me young and vital

happy girl copyNow that I’m almost halfway thru my gig on this planet in this lifetime, I understand a lot more about people. I feel my age is about 35-40 so am amused when some youngblood relates to me as a senior. But I get it. I’m 63. If I don’t know someone, I can look at them and make assumptions about their age and their lifestyle. If I know them and we’ve had fun smiling times, I remember them as more youthful since we’ve actively interacted in playful pursuits. If I’ve known them many years, I see that younger person in them no matter what they look like now. I grew up in a playful family, so when I meet other playful adults, that triggers my inner kid. Connecting with that energy definitely keeps me feeling young. Paying attention to how I treat my body determines how young I look.

It has to be hard to be my friend

It has to be hard to be my friend. I never firmly commit to anything ahead of time. I am up at dawn wanting to run out for an adventure. If I wait too long to get going, I lose motivation. Like now, I’m having to do bookkeeping and make up a bank deposit and I want to get out and run around delivering the magazine. The good news is, that gives the sidekick time to wake up so when I drive over at the last minute saying “wanna go?” he’s likely to be ready.

Don’t wish ill on others, it comes back on you

You know all those folks who tick you off? Since what you sent out is what you get back, you know not to wish ill will upon anyone, right? A galpal who frankly gets pissed off at almost everything wonders why her appliances are always breaking down, her phone, her car, constantly. She’s proof that when you complain, the Universe sends you more to complain about. Maybe she’s also proof that when you wish ill on others, an equivalent always comes back to you.

RELATED: It’s all related

Add Gelatin to Smoothies, even Coffee: Health Benefits of Collagen and Gelatin

Coffee protein smoothie for breakfast, now with gelatin! I’ve been reading up on gelatin and the benefits of collagen, so have been having a tablespoon a day of Knox gelatin in a smoothie or hot drink. I’ve been buying bone-in chicken thighs and now wonder if that’s my body’s way of saying *more collagen please* “Collagen is important for skin and bone health, bone and joint health, heal intestinal issues by restoring the normal mucosal layer in the gut.”  The story of gelatin actually starts with a protein called collagen. Collagen is the most important protein in connective tissue, skin, and bones; you actually have more collagen in your body than any other type of protein. Degradation or lack of collagen can cause problems from skin wrinkles to osteoporosis. Continue reading

I self talk myself to sleep with suggestions for the next day

Well, I’m glad yesterday’s “I don’t wanna work” mood changed at dawn this morning into “let’s whip right thru this job” since the I’ve got a mega busy day ahead. If I go to bed not wanting to finish a job, I self talk myself to sleep with suggestions about how easy and quick I can make it so I can get on to more fun stuff. Without fail I’ll wake up excited to get into it. 

A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts
Why This Affirmation Works
Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts
Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story
It’s All Related
Shall I Spend Time Saying Affirmations or Playing?