Author Archives: Andrea

Wear your look with confidence

girl tugging short skirt copyRandom observation and suggestion: whatever look you choose for yourself, OWN IT with confidence. Don’t keep flipping back your extensions or tugging at your skirt hem or pulling at your eyelashes. Doing it a time or two is fine, but when there’s a video and you’re in the audience doing it continually, everyone is focused on your discomfort.  If what you are wearing makes you continually self conscious and tugging at it, that makes us just as uncomfortable looking at it as it is for you to wear it.

Mercury Retrograde Effects may be felt until Oct 24, 2015

mercury retrograde afterMercury was retrograde September 17 thru October 9th but it’s not until October 24 that will Mercury will be back to where it was  on Sept 17. That means whatever was left unfinished, you’ll have the chance to properly complete after October 24.  Mercury Retrograde is nothing to fear. It just means review, reconsider, return for more info. Pay extra attention to detail.  Check everything twice.  Slow down during this time to be as effective as you can be. Make Mercury retrograde a time for you to be extra careful paying attention to details.  During the retrograde, look back in review, proof-read and edit for instances – don’t look forward or plan.  Things will begin to straighten out as Mercury passes the point where it first turned retrograde (15:54 Libra) and you can pick back up where you left off before it went retrograde. Save the contracts and commitments until after October 24th. This is also the time to repair any mis-takes of the retrograde period.  Mercury goes into Scorpio on November 3rd and then Sagittarius on November 21. Here is what Mercury retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius can mean:   Continue reading

Making it up or processing inner guidance?

angel visitationVisitations come in different forms to different people. We all know the one. She has to one-up everyone at the table with tales of her adventures with spirit guides and angels. Yet her life is continually a mess and she doesn’t seem to be working on fixing any of it. It used to irk me when I had to spend time with people like that until I realized what was happening. Are they making up stories to get attention? And if they are led to do that, is that all that’s happening? We often mistake what is the deeper happening of a situation. Yes, many people have angelic or spirit guide visitation and their lives may or may not reflect that. Guidance is being given to every one of us every day, and how much we receive depends on the amount of resistance we have. Yes, many people change in the instant of a new realization about themselves, and live their lives forever after in a different way. Some people need a few more a-ha moments before a realization makes its way in before changing their behavior and their lives for the better. Then there are those who have a hard time handling the inner expansion they experience when faced with realizations about themselves. They aren’t ready to look at their lives from that broader perspective because, quite frankly, it hasn’t been a pretty sight up to now. They fail to see the sparkling gem within.   Continue reading

Meaning of the Natal Planets in Retrograde

retrograde-meansAccording to many astrologers, planets which were retrograde at the time of our birth indicate karmic lessons we’ve brought into this life.  Some say they’re an indication of latent genius in areas pertaining to the planet and sign in which the retrograde occurs, and which manifests later in life; still others, that those with retrograde planets are here to increase consciousness and create change on a global scale.Others claim that those with retrograde planets in their natal charts are seldom seen as they actually are. In other words, their full and true potential is hidden, and that there is often much more to an individual with planets in retrograde than can be readily seen.  Because they are karmic in nature, this is an indication of a past life influence.
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More importantly, why do you care what she’s doing?

why do you careI wrote in There’s no competition that you can’t make everyone understand. A client is working on boundary issues and trying to shake victim consciousness. It’s a daily struggle. Her outlook is that life is a battle and we have to fight to get our share of a very limited pie. Each year, she relocates her store down the street from another of the same type business. She can’t understand why the neighbor shopkeepers never welcome her with open arms.  Her story is she’s once again victimized by haters. This time she named her business almost the same as a similar business 15 miles away.  She doesn’t see this as an encroachment on a colleague’s boundaries. She doesn’t see that there’s enough for everybody without her having to do that. She’s working on it.  But that’s not the big issue here.
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The theme for 2015 has been ease and grace and synchronicity

Blue buddha handsIn taking stock of all the projects I’ve been involved in this year, it looks like the ongoing theme has been ease and grace and synchronicity. Sometimes I get so many things going at once that it’s like spinning plates to keep them all going. Other times, it all flows smoothly, one into another. Kudos to me for making a daily choice to live mindfully and intentionally enough to attract such a good flow into my life.