Author Archives: Andrea

Easy Transitions – how to make the most of your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond

In Make the Most of Every Decade, Sandra Gordon writes:  From crawling, walking and babbling to the angst and rebellion of the tween and teen years, children go through a predictable set of developmental stages. But stages aren’t just a kid thing. In fact, every decade poses its own predictable set of “normative tasks,” says Dr. Diane Finley, a developmental psychologist at Prince George’s Community College in Largo, Md., and spokesperson for the American Psychological Association. That’s psychology speak for adult milestones. But this isn’t your mother’s straightforward life track. In the past, you got married and had all your kids by your late 20s, spent your 30s raising them and began seeing them off to college by the time you hit your 40s, which paved the way for the empty nest. Now, it’s more of a zigzag. You may be spending your 20s and 30s laying the groundwork for your career and not getting married and starting a family until your mid-30s or 40s or even later. That timing can shift your personal course of development and the life issues you’re dealing with, so can divorce and the fact that we’re living longer. Continue reading

Three Fall Equinox Rituals

RITUAL NO. 1 Preparing for the Fall Equinox

In nature, the Fall Equinox marks the beginning of the new year. While most of us have a different idea of when the new year begins, when we work with nature’s new year timing, we can definitely benefit. The Fall Equinox allows us to do this by moving us directly into the flow of nature’s energy in a conscious, formal and respectful way.  The Fall Equinox offers us the chance to clarify where we want to be headed, and to re-envision and re-energize our goals. It is in the moments of the Fall Equinox that nature puts forth the architectural structure for the coming year. When we actively join in this process, the architecture for our coming year is clarified and enhanced. Continue reading

Synchronicity Strikes Again

Yesterday I had an interesting synchronicity with a caller.  Lynn Thomas had downloaded my Connecting with the Angels mp3 file and the sound was so distorted she contacted me about it.  The voice was very whispery, she said, very hard to hear and almost scary sounding.  I’d never had someone tell me that before.  “Oh yes, that’s probably just Satan coming thru” I joked, “and well, you attracted it…”  We laughed and I told her I’d forward her email to my brother, the techy wizard, who would figure it out for us.  Then she went to play the mp3 file for me – and I prayed, Oh please let that work for her – and it did!  We both laughed.  We didn’t try to figure out why it happened.  We knew it meant we were supposed to talk to each other.  We spoke for about 20 minutes about there being no mistakes. We’re meant to connect. Now we just have to figure out what our joint mission is to be. I asked if she was on Facebook and also if she had a blog.  Not surprisingly, she does, at  As I read thru it to see what clues it held clues for our work/play together, I could see why we had to “accidentally” meet yesterday.  I wrote her and told her I’d like to use some of her articles in Horizons Magazine.
She wrote about our call at

Autumn! I open my windows and open my mind

Late yesterday afternoon it got cool enough for me to open all the windows and doors in the house. Doors?  Yes, I have screen doors and also burglar bars, being from Miami, so I never wonder if someone is going to wander in uninvited.  Not human anyway.  The raccoons and opossums are another story.  They think they can come right in the cat door and make a beeline for the cat food.  I can always tell when a raccoon has been inside: the cats’ drinking water is dirty from the coons washing the kibble in it.  Ugh!  The temperature on the news said 85 however my outside thermometer said 71.  Since I’m covered in deep shade with lots of woods around me, it stays cooler right here.  Just around the corner in the Publix parking lot it’s a whole lot warmer.  The humidity dropping to under 70% is the biggest factor.  If you haven’t been to Florida (or the Amazon), you can’t imagine what I’m talking about.  But now it’s cooling off! Continue reading

Don’t Burn Bridges. It’s not a big blowup, it’s just a bump in the road

A couple of friends recently had an experience that I wrote about at Before you hire a website designer. It’s important to know that all of us involved are friends and run in the same circles.  So it’s to everyone’s advantage to keep everything in the open.  We may be ticked at what Domino did creating the websites, but we remember it’s just a situation to be resolved and not a person to hate or gossip about or avoid.  I wrote to Domino just now: I just wanted you to know that even though yes I know Josie is unsatisfied with how the job is going, and even though I made the blog post at Before you hire a website designer,  this is just a bump in the road between us all and not the big loss of friendship or business for all time.

I have to remember you’re young and don’t have lots of life experience, so you may take things personally.  Don’t.  It’s no big deal. You have lots of time to suss things out with Josie so she doesn’t feel taken advantage of by the time the whole thing is over with. Continue reading

Excitement in the Hood Last Night

Excitement in the hood last night! I was driving out and saw a half dozen cars on the next street over, plainclothes 5-0 stepping out, guns drawn and going into a home on Vantage. I turned my car around and an unmarked car is instantly at my side, officer out, gun drawn, asking me to show my hands. “Why’d you turn around?” he asked.  Because I just want to go to the store, not a gunfight at the O.K. Corrall.

I posted it on Facebook and got some hilarious comments. Continue reading

Psychic Readings and Channellings from the Astral Plane

Many psychics and channellers read the astral plane, so when they give you info, that’s usually where it’s coming from.  That’s often how they can pull out of your mind a thought you’ve been having.  That’s also why they are so often wrong with their predictions.  Think of the astral plane as the next thought-plane up from our awakened plane of consciousness.  What does that mean?  That means that every thought and feeling  — and thoughts about feelings — that everyone on the planet has gets deposited in there, good, bad, indifferent, as well as our dreams, fantasies, wishes, visualizations, recollections.  So when we have an intuitive thought or feeling, this is the database we encounter. Continue reading

A Tale of 3 Huts on a Deserted Island

A man was found on a desert island alone and had three huts.  The folks who found him asked, why three huts?  He said the first hut is my home, a man needs someplace to call his own.  The second hut is my church. I’m very religious. I don’t go to bars or nightclubs.  When church is open, I’m there.  So they asked, what is third hut?  That’s my old church, he said, we had trouble there and had to leave.

Attitude is Everything: A Tale of 3 Hairs

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror,
And noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
“Well,” she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today.”
So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror
And saw that she had only two hairs on her head.
“H-M-M,” she said, “I think I’ll part my hair down the middle today.”
So she did and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed
That she had only one hair on her head.
“Well,” she said, “today I’m going to wear my hair in a pony tail.”
So she did, and she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and
Noticed that there wasn’t a single hair on her head.
“YAY!” she exclaimed. “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

Attitude is everything.