Author Archives: Andrea

If you’re in Palm Bay waiting for your recycle bin

If you live in Palm Bay, FL and have not yet received your spanking new recycling bin, I requested one in November and today when I called was told I am on a delivery list, it is just there are so many who they have not yet been delivered to.    Louis at 321-952-3420 said until I we get the new recycle cart, to continue using the old recycle bins.  Now I know.

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and everything that arrived into my life, then I was prosperous. Wayne Dyer

The way to happiness is through training yourself to think thoughts that bring you joy and give you hope

The way to happiness is through training yourself to think thoughts that bring you joy and give you hope.  The way to think thoughts that bring you joy is to look for the good in every person and situation you see in front of you, to look for things to appreciate in each Now moment. The way to have hope is to bring to mind all the good times and know they can be again.  Convince yourself of it, cheerlead yourself on to it with your self talk and internal dialog until you believe it and expect it.  That’s all, boo.


 Getting well: a diagnosis is just a snapshot in time, so begin thinking the new thought to have the new result

I’ve got several friends and clients who are sick with colds and flus, and it happens for them each time the weather turns cold.  I’ve avoided a cold this year by increasing my vitamin intake, especially Vitamin D.  I also make it a habit to keep hand sanitizer in my car and to use it after I’ve been to the stores, the post office and to church; anywhere I’m going to touch anything someone has touched.  I’m not obsessive or paranoid about it, I just know I began having less colds when I began washing and sanitizing my hands after contact.  But now that you’ve got your cold and are right in the middle of it, here’s how to get over it and maybe rid yourself of the pattern once and for all.  First of all, stop reminding yourself that you get a cold each time it turns cold.  Having that thought repeatedly ingrained into your consciousness keeps you on the hamster wheel of having the thought then having the cold, year after year after year.  I thought the same thing until I realized what I was doing to myself.   Continue reading

I’ve been wearing the Nano Quantum Scalar Energy Pendant and using the Nano Energy Wand on my carpal tunnel

quantum energy pendantI’ve been wearing the Quantum Science Pendant with 3 earth stones on back of pendant since November, and ordered one for my brother as well.  Now we have matching pendants.  The “science” of how they work is shown below.  I’m not a scientist so I don’t know if what is written is accurate, but I have a few friends who wear various energy pendants and Qlink, primarily for protection from EMFs or electromagnetic fieldsI figured it couldn’t hurt and it’s a nice looking piece of jewelry.  I also got the Nano Energy WandThe science of it is below. I could right away tell there was something to the wand. I tried it on my left hand, since my carpal tunnel was flaring up.  I could immediately tell it did something to disturb the auric field.  I could also feel relief of congestion at different points as I moved the wand around.  Interesting.  I tried it on the right wrist.  Again, I could tell it disturbed the energy field around my hand and arm, and I felt relief.  I’d done my little prayer beforehand, “let me relax into what I’m about to do so I may benefit by what it has to offer.“  I know I’m a very suggestible person, so I can’t be sure I didn’t talk myself out of my own pain with each treatment, or simply summon universal healing energy through my own fingers… But nevertheless, something in the wand impacts the aura in a real and tangible way.  Here’s what the promotional language for both products say:   Continue reading

Winter Solstice at the Firepit

The last two early mornings I’ve gone out to the firepit just before dawn and built a small fire in the chimenea, watching it burn down while I ponder the changing of the seasons.  I love to wander around in the yard, quietly collecting small twigs for kindling for the next fire and it was easy this morning under last night’s full moon.  I could see the tiny twigs glistening white against the brown leaf mulch garden floor.  There is plenty of oak and pine branch deadfall for firewood and sometimes I use dried pine needles and palmetto fronds as starters.  Today I began clearing the firepit area, cutting back the dead palmetto fronds and dead grapevine.  Last winter, I made an archway out of bamboo and grapevines and I took that down to accomodate the bay tree, which had grown so much bigger. I always cut some bay and camphor branches to dry for the next fire, I love the smell of them when they release their scent in the flame.  I began cutting the palmettos back away from the trail in the west woods.  I’d let them grow all year long and it was time.  I only cut the main trail today.  Tomorrow I’ll pick up all the cut fronds and decide where the side trails should be.  I look to see where the animals have been walking, because I want to stay off their space, and I have two big gopher tortoise burrows I don’t want to disturb.  They live here, too.

Related: Camping In My Woods Defrags My Stress 
A New Crop Of Baby Hawks and the Bonfire Metaphor

Vitamin D helps me with the spidey sense

I wrote before that in October, I began taking a Vitamin D supplement dosage of 400 IU three times a day for a month after hearing the symptoms for Vitamin D deficiency included low energy, fatigue, crankiness.  I was more low energy than cranky, but figured I might need it.  The blood test results for my “Vitamin D, 25 hydroxy” score was low at 28. And that was after taking it three times a day for a month before the test! It says the optimum level is 30-80 ng/mL.  In December I doubled my dosage after reading more about it, and am now taking two 400 IU tabs three times a day, after eating.  That’s 2400 IU.  People with higher rates of vitamin D in their blood have lower rates of disease and lower death rate, wind up with fewer bone fractures and fewer falls.  I can’t remember when I last had a cold, and my bones are strong.   Continue reading

The Spidey Sense: Sometimes it Works and Sometimes it Doesn’t

Earlier this year I wrote aI connect owner with missing dog: “I had an interesting thing happen yesterday.  I was backing my car out of the driveway just as another car was driving down the street.  We get very few cars and I know most of them, but this was a white sedan I’d not seen before.  I didn’t think much of it.  They passed and I backed out of my driveway and closed the garage door.  Then I saw a little dog sitting behind the tire of a truck parked at the side of the road.  I didn’t know the truck, but I immediately knew this dog belonged to the people in the white car and they were looking for him.  I didn’t see which way they went but they couldn’t have gotten far.  I quickly drove around a few blocks but did not see them.  Then I saw a house with a silver sedan in the driveway.  I knew it was theirs.  My mind reasoned with me that the car I saw pass was white.  Then I reasoned maybe that was a ploy to get me to this house and the white car was not otherwise involved. I didn’t want to park behind the silver car and was looking for a spot to park on the road when the white car pulled into the driveway right in front of me.  Problem solved!  I asked if they were looking for a dog, they were, they followed me the few blocks home and their dog was still sitting behind the truck tire.  I love when that happens.”


Yesterday the dog’s owner came to my door and asked if I knew where the dog was as he was missing again.  I did not.  She was confused since I knew everything the last time.  The spidey sense: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.  To the extent I’m clear and open and focused, to that extent does the spidey sense work for me.  If I’m scattered or thinking of a million other things or dumbing myself down, I get zip.  Plus, it’s a good thing — she won’t come to the door again.

Saturday Dec 18th Yoga Shakti Mission Christmas Pageant and Luncheon

Ma Yoga Shakti

Ma Yoga Shakti

On Saturday (18th Dec)  there will be a children’s Christmas party and Pageant from 12 noon to 1 pm.  Meet our beloved Ma Yoga Shakti. Lunch will be served (bring a vegetarian dish or sweet to share )  Children of all ages invited.  All are welcome to come No charge, but donations gratefully accepted.

Ma Yogashakti will conduct Meditation Classes on 28th and 29th December 2010 from 6.45 to 7.30 PM in the Yogashakti Mission Meditation Hall.  Suggested donation $10 per session.  Please pre-register in advance. Yoga Shakti Mission, 3895 Hield Rd NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907, 321-725-4024

Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh. Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen. (See page 32 at this link for an excerpt of India’s Female Yogis)

Vitamin D sufficiency causes lower rates of disease and death, fewer bone fractures and fewer falls

In October 2010, I began taking a Vitamin D supplement dosage of 400 IU three times a day for a month after hearing the symptoms for Vitamin D deficiency included low energy, fatigue, crankiness.  I was more low energy than cranky, but figured I might need it.  The blood test results for my “Vitamin D, 25 hydroxy” score was low at 28.  And that was after taking it three times a day for a month before the test! It says the optimum level is 30-80 ng/mL.

In December I doubled my dosage after reading more about it, and am now taking two 400 IU tabs three times a day, after eating.  That’s 2400 IU a day.  People with higher rates of vitamin D in their blood have lower rates of disease and lower death rate, wind up with fewer bone fractures and fewer falls.  I can’t remember when I last had a cold, and my bones are strong.

Related: My iron and vitamin scores after taking supplements for 30 days