Author Archives: Andrea


To me the best relationship is where both people have their own lives and do what they want and they still get along.  They do some things together and they have fun doing whatever they are doing.  Neither one has to have updates about where they are in the relationship or where it’s going.   If it’s going well, it keeps on.  If it’s not going well, we move on and no hard feelings.

The Eyebrow Debacle

Joan Crawford

Last night I did something on a whim that I’ve never done before.  I shaved my eyebrows off.  Completely.  I figured they’ll grow back in a couple of weeks.  It makes it easier to draw them on while I am experimenting with finding a light enough brow color to wear.  My brows are getting more sparse as time goes on, and I’ve been wearing brow color at times to define them.  Even using the lightest shades, I end up looking like Joan Crawford because my natural brows are so high and wide.   In the 90′s, a hairdresser friend wanted to wax my brows, so I let her.  I figured they would grow back.  Well, they really didn’t.  The good news is I only have to tweeze about 6 stray hairs every few months.  The bad news is that she waxed so much underneath the brows that they have ever after been the thinner brow that I don’t care for.   But I’ve gotten used to it and it’s no big deal. By age 55 they began coming in again.   Continue reading

Jim Feldott’s Herbal All Natural Magic Juice

Magic Juice

I met Jim Feldott yesterday in Mt. Dora and had a shot of his Magic Juice.  I’m used to apple cider vinegar, fresh ginger and cayenne, so I was prepared for the kick.  I wasn’t prepared for it to be so delicious.  I bought a bottle on the spot.  I both use a half shot straight with a water chaser, and also use it as a salad dressing with olive oil on fresh organic greens.   I know the science and I’m a believer.  Jim told me he didn’t have a computer and he didn’t have a website, although one is in the works.  Until then, I wanted to help get the word out about him and his Magic Juice. I  loved it so much that I ran home and created a website for him. I already knew of the extraordinary health benefits of the ingredients he uses, but frankly, the taste  — and his engaging personality — is what sold me..

You can call his number and ask if a health food store in your town has it, in Brevard County, Sunseed in Cape Canaveral carries it.

RELATED:  Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar A – Z

My Cansema Treatment Update

I wrote earlier at My experience with Cansema, a natural skin cancer remedy that I was ready to begin a new session of treatment with it.  On Thursday, February 24, 2011 at about 8:00am I applied to to a spot on my right leg, below and to the outer side of the knee.  By 8:45am I could feel a slight burning.  Oh, I should have taken a photo of that mark before I caked the Cansema on it…  It just looked like a flat mole that was just a little bit darker than the skin around it.  I applied Cansema on it in 2003 and it reacted big time but I wondered if there was any more in there.  We’ll see.   Continue reading

My experience with Cansema, a natural skin cancer remedy

I just bought some Amazon Salve, formerly known as Cansema (bloodroot.)  I used it in 2002 and 2011 for some facial skin cancers with great result.  It’s a thick black paste which you apply to the spot.  There are no adverse reactions and it cannot harm healthy skin.  But on cancerous cells, it turns all black and weird and crusty and if you don’t read about it beforehand, you’ll freak yourself out.   I found my notes from 2002 and wanted to share my experience with you.  (My notes from 2011 are here.)  Also below you will find the instructions for using Cansema.

They have machines that tell where the “pre-cancers” or actinic keratoses (sun damage) is, but I saw mine in my aura and that told me where to apply the paste. Everywhere I had one, it reacted, so my self-diagnosis was accurate.  In 2-6 weeks, it pulled out the diseased tissue and turned into a black cornflake on my face then fell off. I had one on the tip of my nose, and looked like a panda for 2 weeks. One below my knee took 6 months to heal because it is below the heart and has less circulation than my face.  Here are my journal entries about it:   Continue reading

How to be good in a crisis

My friend Domino said to me the other day, “I’m real good in a crisis situation.  I know how to take charge and get things done.  If it was the end of the world, I’d help everyone stay calm.  I’d save everyone. I’d be like Will Smith. “  I thought that is all well and good if someone announces on Tuesday that the end of the world will be here on Friday.  But that’s not how it happens. Maybe we just wake up one day and have no power and no cable and no internet and no phone and have no way of knowing what’s going on.  We keep thinking it will all be back on in a minute.  Maybe after a few days of that, we step outside and begin talking to our neighbors.  Maybe we find out they aren’t so annoying after all.  Maybe we make a new friend and it feels good to have a friend when we’re in an unknown situation.  It feels good to support each other in this.  Maybe we begin to hear rumors that it’s the end of the world and we see that some people are very afraid and beginning to panic.  We can help by turning their thoughts to more pleasant things.  We can remind them that no matter what’s going on, it will pass soon and we’ll be on the other side of it.   We can ask them to talk about hopes they have for the future, once this situation has passed.  We can ask them to recall the happy times in their lives, and get them vibrating in a better feeling place.  We can help them be hopeful, because when we are hopeful, we attract a more satisfying experience to ourselves.   That’s the most important thing  we can do in a crisis.   Continue reading

I don’t always recognize the lesson playing out in my life

I’m like everyone else.  The Universe is sending me messages all the time but I’m not always in the receiving mode, so I don’t always “get it.”  Only when it comes back around again and again and again in the form of different people do I finally drop my blinders and begin to see what’s been playing out in front of me.  I have to laugh at my own blindness because it reminds me to be more aware in each moment.  That every moment contains so much more than I can quickly grasp, unless I’m paying attention.  And, as it turns out,  that’s what it’s all about.  Paying attention in each moment. Continue reading

Spice up cooking with coriander, cumin, fennel, fenugreek seeds

I like to cook.  I like to cook light meals and mostly vegetarian dishes.  For health and weight, I keep my fat grams to under 60 per day, so when cooking, I use a lot of fresh ground spices to keep the flavor high.  Some favorites are fennel seeds (licorce-y), coriander seeds (citrus-y), cumin seeds (smoky/nutty), mustard seeds (hot-ish) black cardamom seeds (aromatic, smoky/cool) and fenugreek seeds (maple-y).  How I use them is I crush the seeds using a mortar and pestle or using the spice grinder.  I often use equal parts of the above seeds (maybe 1/2 tsp each) but I always use less of the mustard seeds since they’re hot.  Most often  I saute the crushed seeds in oil in a pan before adding in my veggies. Continue reading

That yellow wrapped paper on your driveway? How to unsubscribe from Your Essential Shopper

Take it back, take it back, take that thing right outta here. Right away, far away, take that thing right outta here. — Take It Back (Cream)

Like most of you, I get a yellow wrapped paper thrown onto my driveway every week that sits there unopened until recycling day.  It’s weekly junk mail from “Yes! Your Essential Shopper, An Edition of Florida Today”.   Inside the all-ad newspaper, I found a contest phone number and the call center gave me the number to call for Customer Service at Florida Today for Brevard County, FL. I called 877-424-0156 and asked Tonya Washington to unsubscribe me.  She said she took me off the list but as of 3-4-11 I am still getting it.  I called again today and asked Jennifer the same thing and she sent an email to those in charge asking that it be discontinued.

3-18-11 Update I spoke to Karen Bross who said she will remove me from the list.  We’ll see.

RELATED:  Online customer service for all U.S. newspapers

All you can wish for is all included in the price of admission

I once heard a great story about a very poor family who was taking a very long boat trip and they were so poor that they brought only bread and cheese to eat for the trip. So each day they are eating their bread and cheese sandwiches and the little boy sees the other kids eating ice cream and he keeps asking his dad to give him money so he can have one also. Finally the dad gives in, even tho they can ill afford it, and after awhile the boy comes back with his ice cream and a big grin on his face and he gives his father back his money. The father asks how the ice cream is and why he didn’t have to use his money, and the boy says, the ice cream is great and so was the steak and the hot dogs and the baked beans and the watermelon, and he didn’t have to pay for it, because it was all included in the price of the admission for the trip!

How often do we not know enough to ask for something or are too shy, when all the time it’s included in the price of the ticket?