Author Archives: Andrea

Some flowers won’t bloom in a shadow

My ginger in bloom

I was outside watering yesterday morning and happy to see that just a little bit of water made so many of the yard plants bloom.  A friend planted several pineapples a few years ago and since they are completely under shade, they have only grown a little. They won’t bloom and fruit unless they’re out in the sun.  I found a couple of  yellow allamanda that were barely growing just under the eleagnus, and I thought, “Well, they are existing just fine, safe in the shadow of the eleagnus bushes, but they are not growing much and they won’t bloom under there.”  I thought how it is the same with me.  I can exist fine in a shadow but if I want to grow and bloom, I need to get myself in a little more light and keep myself watered.  And some days I don’t care if I grow or not, and not everything that’s meant to bloom has to.  It’s nice to have choices.

Doesn’t matter if it’s true: telling a whiney story doesn’t help you

Yesterday I was speaking with a friend and began to tell a story of an email I’d received from someone.  The writer was quoting inaccurate source materials, that is, she was complaining yet talking about something she had no experience of, as she was just repeating what other writers said.  When I mentioned the phrase “the conservative media,” my friend on the phone launched into asking me who I considered the conservative media and that segued into him telling me his thoughts on how the liberal media spreads misinformation.  He stated unequivocially that there’s no evidence anywhere that Fox News ever lied about anything.   He believes the liberal media spreads more mis-info; I believe the conservative media does.  It doesn’t matter who’s right, if we’re on this topic, it isn’t helping us achieve a happy life.

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What I did last weekend

I had a busy weekend and didn’t even step into the office once.  That’s rare for me.  Saturday was the Celebration of Life and Memorial for Rev. Judith Vidal.   I loved that the address it was held at was “343.”  To me, 343 is the number of the heart chakra, 4th chakra, 3 above, 3 below.  It was so fitting for Rev. Judith.  It was a great service of memories, stories, music and laughter.  Yes, laughter.  When someone has had physical pain for years, it’s a blessing to have the body drop and everyone there understood that.  Even so, the body has times it wants to cry even when I’m not sad, so at times the tears flowed freely during the music and memories.  I wrote on Facebook later,  “A heads up:  If you know you’ll be somewhere that you end up crying like a baby and want a really really waterproof mascara that doesn’t flake or clump, try  Maybelline’s Falsies.  An outstanding job, even in hot, humid Florida.  (Did you know all the mascara ads you see on tv and in print show models wearing false lashes?)   I connected with good friends, including Rev. William McNeely of the Crystal Center of Illumination in Fort Pierce, a long time spiritual brother.     Continue reading

Nothing was wrong after all, I just needed to change my perception and discard an outdated prior belief

OK so yesterday I contacted technical support for my bookkeeping program upgrade from MYOB to Acclivity/Account Edge and told them my problem.  My problem was I could see in the Recurring Transactions List an amount in the far right column.  In the old program, an amount there would signal me that there was a balance due.  That’s not what it means in the new program though.  Now it just means that’s the amount of the recurring transaction.  So I didn’t need technical support to tell me how to fix anything, I just needed them to tell me to change my perception and not look at the new info and process it with old beliefs.  Isn’t that the way it always is?  Nothing ever needs to change but my perception.  Good to know.

The Celebration of Life and Memorial for Judith Vidal will be Saturday June 4th from noon to 4pm

Our Shamana, Rev. Judith Vidal

For  those  joining in the celebration of life and memorial service for  Rev. Judith E. Vidal (Shamana) of Spiritual Path Foundation, the service will be  held Saturday, June 4th, 2011, at Christian Development Center,  343 Nail Street, Palm Bay, Florida,  32907.  This church is located next to the family’s home. The service is from 12:00 pm to  4:00 pm.  After, you are welcome to join the family at their home  for further celebration and drumming.  Her beloved husband, Rev. Eugene (Spititweaver) and the family thanks all for  their support.

The End of Death As We Know It

Facebook, LinkedIn AND Florida Today all down at the same time? Must be the eclipse. However, if this is my last day…

After meditation this morning, I sat down at the laptop as usual to check Facebook and see what I’d missed overnight.  No Facebook.  Hmmm.  So I went over to Twitter to see if anyone was talking about why Facebook was down and didn’t see anything about it there.  Then I went over to LinkedIn and it was down as well.  I switched from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox 4 in case it was a browser problem.  Still down.  I went over to Google News and clicked on Space Coast news, and Florida Today was down.  I decided for whatever reason, the Universe doesn’t think I need to be at the computer at 6:00am , so I’m going back to bed.  Maybe it’s just the eclipse.  Maybe it’s the rapture.  Whatever, I’ll be somewhere when I wake up.  And if this is my last day on Earth, it’s been a blast and I’m thrilled I’m the one who got to live my life. Continue reading

My magical garden experience with the blue gray nuthatchers

The Nuthatch

Yesterday afternoon I had the coolest experience in the garden.  I’d just moved the sprinkler from one section of the garden to another and 3-4 little grey/blue/white wren-like birds began landing on branches in front of me and darting from branch to branch and to the waterpot, over and over.  They took drinks and preened right in font of me, I could have reached and touched them.  I was walking when they began doing it, so I stood still to see how long they would stay.   It was such a cool moment!  I love my NOW.  Even now.  And now, too.  I wonder what the birds were, does anyone know?  They were definitely a blue/grey/white, not brown, and otherwise looked like wrens. My bird book only shows brown wrens. They are thumb sized (including wings and head) and they kind of hover but are not hummingbirds.  On Facebook, Rhonda Gaylord suggested it might be the blue-gray gnatcatcher and they look real silimar but a little bigger.  Galpal Suzanne Richmond suggested a nuthatch and  I see that’s exactly what they are.

At 59 I’m happy with how my butt looks in jeans

I hate to waste food, but I’ve learned to discard it rather than eat the few bites left just to not waste them.  My tummy thanks me, my hips thank me and my clothes thank me by fitting perfectly.  Who knew at 59 I’d be thrilled with how my butt looks in jeans?   I wrote in Counting Carbs — I Won’t Do That Again “The last thing I want to do when I’m an old chick is drag around some fat and sick body while I’m trying to have my fun adventures.”

If you could begin again now, with no responsibilities from the past, no debt, no family obligations, what would you do?  The money doesn’t matter and you can bring from the past anything you’d like.  What would you do?