Author Archives: Andrea

What I waste could feed another family

I had a lesson the other day in how much I waste and what a luxury it is to live in this free and abundant world of ours.  The other day I was washing vegetables and chopping them for soup, and I had a small compost pile going.  I chopped fresh garlic, an onion, 2 carrots, 2 celery stalks, fresh green beans and kale.  I had a chicken thigh in the fridge so I cut the fat and skin off and added it to the soup.  As it began cooking, I noticed the small pile of veggie peels, the carrot and celery tops, the green bean tips and tough kale ends.  That would make a good soup in itself, I thought.  To a third world family, this could make an entire giant soup to feed them for a night.  I put it in a pot on the stove and added in the chicken fat and skin.  Forty minutes later it was just as delicious as the main soup.  I’ll be more mindful the next time I chop.  In the meantime, I have a bunny outside who loves the carrot tops and kale ends.  And now I appreciate what I have so much more.

Funny how this psychic stuff works — when psychics are wrong

I was talking with a friend today who asked about when psychics get something wrong, meaning they pick up something out of your own mind rather than what is really happening. An example happened this week.  I was at the rental watching Tod McNeal connect plumbing under the bathroom sink.  The lines were close together and it was very tight in there.  A thought popped into my head and I said, “Do you think the inside line is the hot water?” and Tod said yes.  So I thought, “Cool, we both intuited where the hot water was.”  However, we were wrong.  How could we both be wrong?  My experience tells me that what happened was that the thought popped into my head when Tod thought “the inside line is the hot water.”  I was just picking up his thought.  Here I thought the great and mighty Oz was giving me the big answer from the Universe, however I was only picking up Tod’s thought.  We both laughed.  But sometimes it’s not so funny.  Like when you go to a psychic because you’re worried your man is cheating.  When the reading says he’s cheating, it’s most likely the reader is picking up your own fear and, your own thoughtform.   Continue reading

When you just want to start all over

I used to think I’d like to wake up one morning and all my past would be behind me, that I would automatically do and say the right things, and everyone would receive me with fresh eyes.  It happens to all of us, thoughts of wishing we could leave behind the past momentum and just wake up and be different.  No obligations, no burdens, no responsibilities, no consequences.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  But that’s not usually how it goes.  How it goes is that, one by one, day by day, you start becoming aware of how you act and react with people.  You start wishing you hadn’t told Debra what you really thought or had taken that extra shot before the block party last night and jumped naked in the pool with your neighbor.  You start feeling embarrassed and ashamed to be around people you’ve treated unfairly in the past, and sometimes it makes you feel so guilty that you avoid being around them.  Then they notice you doing that and begin staying out of your way, then you begin to feel isolated.  Sound familiar?  Of course it does, and not just to the 12 steppers.  It’s just a stage in the process of life on the Path and we all go through it.  It’s just evolution of consciousness,  just the shakti moving up the chakras and the higher it goes, the more cobwebs are removed, the more Light comes in, the more awake and aware you become.  Sometimes waking up to who are is a welcome change, sometimes it’s SO not. Continue reading

Thank you

Dear God/Goddess/Creator/Great Spirit, thank you for bringing this blessed being into my life — you know who I mean.  Because of their direction and dedicated hard work, my physical world is being transformed and upgraded.  Whatever I did to attract them into my life, let me know so I can keep doing more of the same.  Bless them for the work they do, and may they be paid back a thousand fold.  Andrea

Be secure from a change for the worse

No mirror ever became iron again;  no bread ever became wheat;  no ripened grape ever became sour fruit.    Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse.  Become the light.  Rumi

I’ve butted my nose where it didn’t belong

I’ve butted my nose where it didn’t belong and disappointed someone. I asked her to drop a matter with another friend altho she feels cheated. She’s written a long explanation I did not read. I said I’m out of the matter and don’t want to vibe in that place. I apologize for butting in. I ask her to forgive me. She thinks I’m discussing it with the other party and I’m not. This, too, shall pass.

The Truth About Hair and why Indians would keep their hair long

Reported by C. Young: This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Viet Nam War.   Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue.  Back in the Viet Nam war however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.  Hair is an extension of the nervous system and transmits vast amounts of information to the brain, including enhanced intuition and  precognition. Continue reading

When I prayed for patience, why did my life get more hectic?

Years ago I prayed for patience and wondered why my life got more hectic.  What about ask and you shall receive?  Where’s my freaken patience?   Years later, it finally sunk in:  If I ask for patience, the Universe will give me new opportunities to respond differently when a situation demanding patience arises.   I can choose to continue being pissed off, anxious and restless, or I can take the time to sit back and breathe and remind myself not to sweat the small stuff.   And that, yes, really, it is all small stuff.