Author Archives: Andrea

Sometimes I just have to unfriend a friend for awhile

I unfriended a few friends this week.  My Facebook posts are a combination of me telling the antics of the day and me seeking input and thoughts on a particular situation for research purposes for my work.  I get some of my best study done this way, learning what real life people today think about something.  Sometimes friends hijack my wall with nonsense then the the topic changes to responding to the nonsense.  That’s fun to a point. Sometimes friends will repeatedly promote themselves and include links in their comments.  Sometimes I know the person talking isn’t one who walks it, so that gets old.  And sometimes I just get tired of hearing someone who takes every post as though it’s a topic for him to teach a class on or tell everything he knows.  That’s what his Facebook wall is for.  Mine is for whatever I want to be there.  For two of them, this coincides astrologically with their Uranus opposition. I’m so glad there wasn’t a Facebook when I began my Uranus opposition and began seeing my life in a new way.  I’d have worn my fingers to the bone and been ostracized for thumping.  During my Uranus opposition,  I discovered Abraham-Hicks, began seeing new possibilities in my life and Horizons Magazine was born.  Every little insight I had, I had to tell everyone.  The unfolding was so fascinating to me, how could it not be fascinating to everyone else, too? But, in Facebook, as in life, a little goes a long way, especially when you’re preaching 101 and to the choir.  If someone sees a post I’ve made on someone else’s wall and wants to know who I am and what I think about something, they can check my profile and find my websites and search my blog for the topic.  They can send me a message or email me.  There are a lot of ways someone can learn who I am and what I have to offer without me having to write it all over friends’ Facebook walls.  That’s like writing it on the side of their house.  Again, a little goes a long way.  I’m just taking a time out.  No hard feelings, no loss of love.  This, too, shall pass.

Ages 39-42: The Uranus Opposition in Astrology

Some friends and clients are having their lives shaken up in financial and emotional ways.  I looked first to astrology to see what the planets reflected back to me.  Each is going through their Uranus opposition, that time in our lives that society calls the mid life crisis. During this time, your entire life can be turned around and spun into a new direction.  When I began my Uranus opposition, I gained 30 pounds, discovered Abraham-Hicks, began seeing new possibilities in my life and Horizons Magazine was born.   Every little insight I had, I had to tell everyone.  The unfolding was so fascinating to me, how could it not be fascinating to everyone else, too?  The Uranus opposition can be an exciting and fun time, and a time to test your faith.  Mine changed my life, literally.  Continue reading

Finally Google Maps has updated their photo database

Finally Google Maps has updated with new photos so my house is nice and hidden!   They’ve been using a years old pic  showing my basketball hoop and also the freeze damage from the winter before.  Winter.  In Florida.  What a hoot.  Anyway, they must have taken the new pics in April 2011. I can tell by how tall and sparse the bamboo is. Now the rains have that area filled out. Go type in your address in Google maps and look at your house.

Don’t send me a Facebook message and expect me to see it

To everyone who’s sent me a message on Facebook since June and didn’t get an answer, I just found all those messages. How nice that Facebook lets me archive them for Big Brother rather than delete all the nonsense spam that people I don’t know fill my box with so I can’t see messages from friends 🙂

The new Facebook design lets us work our brains and keep our neurons firing

To everyone who’s sent me a message on Facebook the last year and didn’t get an answer, I just found all those messages.   How nice that Facebook lets me archive them for Big Brother rather than delete all the nonsense spam people I don’t know fill my box with so I can’t see messages from friends.  Hopefully friends know if they are ignored, it’s simply I don’t have time to wade thru the spam to uncover valid messges from people I actually know.  And all the dudes I don’t know who act like Facebook is a dating service?  Come on guys, annoying!

The new design looks fine to me, different but easy enought to navigate once I took a moment to figure it out.  I seldom use the message feature since so many people, even ones not friends, send stuff there and it hides my real friends messages.  I have over 3000 friends.  I get like 20 a day spam messages and I just don’t look at it anymore.  Now it seems I cannot send a Facebook message to someone unless I have my chat feature open and then it is a chat message to them. I stay offline just to not have nonsense sent there. Hey, if it was easy we wouldn’t get to work our brains and keep our neurons firing!

If you knew it’s all connected and all sacred and no limitations, WWYD?

When I began seeing studying the life force energy, I became aware of the deeper significance of my life and everything and everyone in it.  I could see as well as feel the connection more acutely and behaviors that had before been mundane now became sacred to me.  I learned that by looking at life as though everything and everyone is connected and that the Universe is joyously waiting to do my bidding, I tuned into and became part of some great flow.  Thirty years later, I am still learning to surf it.  Think about it:  say you wake up tomorrow morning and know it’s all sacred and connected, and you have no responsibilities from the past, no dollars owed, no discordant relationships, nothing you have to do.  And you’ve got about $112 million in the bank.   What do you do that day just for the fun of doing it?  What plans would you make and who would be there with you in them?

We don’t see things as THEY are, we see them as WE are

I think it’s hilarious that even when something is in writing so it can be easily read and understood, and just a few lines,  many, many people read stuff into it that clearly is not there.  It’s true, we don’t see things as THEY are, we see them as WE are.  And boy, are we unfocused, out of touch and take stuff personally.  Glad I’ve stopped taking things personally and thinking it’s all about me.   As Valerie Allen says, “It is not reality, but our perception of reality that leads to our actions.”

Plan B or Plan A? Where’s your focus?

Beloved Bernadette

I wrote on Facebook about a couple I know who split after 28 years and said, “We must always be on the lookout for plan B.”  My smart guru galpal Bernadette Carter-King reminded me, “My opinion is we will always get what we are on the lookout for.  What would happen if we stay focused on plan A?  Since we create our reality, plan B will happen in spite of how plan A could have succeeded.”   No one knows how to put me in my place like my pals!