Author Archives: Andrea

The “myth” of Christianity?

Ok, very funny but point taken.
Christianity:  The belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.  Makes perfect sense.

Glad I dressed for the gym because it got me there

I woke up with magazine work on my mind, thinking I had no time to work out. I had to run out to the bank and post office so I put my gym gear on anyway.  I’m glad I did because it psyched me up for an hour at Planet Fitness.  I’m figuring out where all the machines are, what muscle groups they work and how much weight I can handle on each.  It’s like a biology lesson and physics lesson all in one.  The human body is an amazing creation and I’m so stoked I get to have one this lifetime.

Glad I dressed for the gym because it got me there
The home fitness room expands
I’m lighter, healthier and more fit at the end of the year than when it began
Working out as soon as I wake up works best for me
I join Planet Fitness the day before Thanksgiving
Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

I foil myself trying to save time

I’ve always been a note taker and journal writer. I just came across several notebooks of writings from lectures I’d attended in the 80’s. Good stuff I wanted to recall forever. But the notes are half written using a shorthand that I don’t recognize anymore. Isn’t it funny how I foil myself by not thinking things though? If information is to be helpful to me, I have to not only take it in, but be able to understand it well enough to spit it back out without relying on notes that may or may not be there in the future to guide my way.

Domino orders sex toys sent to her brother by mistake. No more multi-tasking for her.

Not a gift you expect from your sister

My friend Domino likes to multitask.  So do I.  We all do.  But the key to doing it successfully is keeping yourself focused and conscious of what you’re doing.  Domino calls herself a scatterbrain, and in fact that’s what we’ve been working on together.  I always tell her, “don’t worry, when it is time for you to get that lesson, you will get that lesson.”  She called me frantically this morning.  She’d just made an online order for vitamins and and a variety of sex toys for her new beau and accidently chose her brother’s shipping address, since she ships him vitamins.  Now she’s frantic.  The good news?  Now she has incentive to be a little more mindful, which will improve her multitasking skills.

I prophesize an article/ad event

I dreamed last night I was in an argument with a faceless someone who was mad I wouldn’t print their article and pulled their ad because of it.  I’ve never had anything like that happen, it was just a quick vignette in a dream.   Today an advertiser called to downsize her ad and let me know a popular publication used an article of hers that I had previously rejected for word count.  No argument, tho, yay!  Life is such a hoot.  I’m not worried, my client mantra is – for every one I lose, a dozen more will come.

A note on word count:  Mark Twain told a publisher asking for a 300 word essay in 3 days, “In 3 days I can give you a 3000 word essay…to produce 300 words, I shall need 30 days!”

Dec. 6, 2011 Gita Jayanti Celebration with Ma Yoga Shakti 6:45pm

Ma Yoga Shakti

Ma Yoga Shakti

Gita Jayanti

There will be a Geeta Jayanti Celebration with Ma Yoga Shakti  Tuesday Dec 6th from 6.45 – 7.30 pm.    It is a special day to celebrate the Bhagavad Geeta.  Love donation.  On time is 15 minutes early. If you come at 6:30pm you will see them perform aarti in the temple.

All are welcome to attend.  Yoga Shakti Mission is located at 3895 Hield Rd NW in Palm Bay, FL 32907, phone 321-725 4024

Come bask in the presence of this holy teacher, whom we are blessed to have among us in the flesh. Mataji is one of 5 living female hindu saints documented in Daughters of the Goddess, The Women Saints of India authored by Linda Johnsen. (See page 32 at this link for an excerpt of India’s Female Yogis)

Working out as soon as I wake up works best for me

Bicep curl

I woke up thinking today is too busy of a Monday, I am in the final days of final layout for the January Horizons Magazine, so  I’ll skip the gym or go later. I know what that means. I got dressed and drove over there and did 20 minutes at 2.8 mph and 2.0 incline on the treadmill (yes, I’m a lightweight) while I woke up and decided if I wanted to work out. Heck, I’m here, I may as well. I worked my back and biceps. My back is good, must be the years of yoga.  My biceps are barking, they are glad to get this. Me, too.  I’m glad Planet Fitness is just 2 miles away.  I know I can be there and back before I can finish arguing with myself whether to go or not.  I’ve done that too often with too many previous gyms throughout my life.  Just a week in, I already have more energy and better sleep.  I can feel which muscles are being worked and that makes me excited about what they’ll be like 5 weeks from now, in their new incarnation, stronger and better.

Glad I dressed for the gym because it got me there
The home fitness room expands
I’m lighter, healthier and more fit at the end of the year than when it began
Working out as soon as I wake up works best for me
I join Planet Fitness the day before Thanksgiving
Hereinafter “Ab Day” will be Core Strengthening Day instead

Age 28-31 and 58-61: The Saturn Returns

I have two very deep and close friends and we are all in the midst of soul work together.  One is going through his first Saturn return, one through his Uranus opposition, and I am in my second Saturn return.  They both have a 20 degrees Taurus rising sign, mine is 25 Aries.  There is a lot of transformation and alchemy happening, not all of it fun.  But what IS fun is that we all know we’re being tested and we’re surfing it and having a good time finding all the symbolism, coincidence and synchronicity between us.  I found this article online:

It has often been said that under strong Saturn transits one can choose between exhaustion and depression — some choice! It implies that because Saturn is often about doing real work in the mundane world that exhaustion is the better choice— hinting that “it’s better to wear out than to rust out”as Mark Twain once said. So folks who understand “just a little” astrology sometimes view the coming of a Saturn Return with raised eyebrows and deep sighs. But then a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.   Saturn brings to mind the two ancient Greek maxims, inscribed at the Temple at Delphi: “Know Thyself” and “Nothing in Excess.” One might think that by understanding and trying to live by these wise sayings one could avoid the great troubles in life. Perhaps they help; but still we seem to suffer. Our understanding of these words change as we age, but life often plays some nasty tricks on us in the meantime. Perhaps this is why we have Saturn transits—it’s a chance to get it right this time.

Continue reading

This one is so for you know who

Yes, you.

Yes, you.  If you have taken the time to read this… God has seen YOU struggling with something… God says it’s over.  A blessing is coming your way.  If you believe in God send this message on.  Please don’t ignore it, you are being tested. God is going to fix two things (BIG) tonight in your favor.  If you believe in God… drop everything and re-post it. I still believe in miracles.

Saturday Dec. 3rd live music fundraiser from 10am Palm Bay

God has no hands but ours

PALM BAY, FL Angela was a 28 year old that was recently diagnosed with leukemia and passed on very quickly. She left a husband and children behind who are struggling with their loss. Single parenthood, medical bills, and Walmart wages add up to make it a tough road for this family. Walmart stores in the area are all pitching in this Saturday, December 3rd, 2011 for a fundraising event in front of the store at 845 Palm Bay Road, just east of I-95 exit 176. There will be a ton of food, so come grab some lunch and help this family out with donations of cash or canned goods.  The event will be from 10AM to 5PM.  Live Music: Musicians Mark Mahoney and Ken Sharp will stop by to do a special ‘unplugged’ set for a couple hours leading up to lunch. Bring some friends.  Every dollar helps.  It will return to you a thousandfold.

God has no hands but ours