Author Archives: Andrea

The Lord’s Prayer – from the original Aramaic language

O Birther! Father – Mother of the Cosmos Focus your light within us – make it useful.  Create your reign of unity now  through our fiery hearts and willing hands.     Help us love beyond our ideals  and sprout acts of compassion for all creatures.  Animate the earth within us: we then  feel the Wisdom underneath supporting all.  Untangle the knots within  so that we can mend our hearts’ simple ties to each other.     Don’t let surface things delude us,  But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.  Out of you, the astonishing fire,  Returning light and sound to the cosmos.        Amen.

Translation by Neil Douglas-Klotz in Prayers of the Cosmos

Related: Another version here

Find the news disturbing? Try watching your life for signs of miracles instead

A galpal posted on Facebook a link to news about prices rising, with the comment, “This is disturbing.”   Of course I couldn’t let her get away with that.  She knows better.  But, like many of us, she forgets and gets caught up in the hype.  I wrote:  Palamia, disturbing is only the thought that this would be a problem.  Ok, shoot me, but I’ve cultivated and hold the belief that I will thrive despite prices, inflation, etc. That I will be inspired to ever increasing resources to pay what must be paid to live the life I live. Disturbing is to think anything other than your own habitual pattern of thought has anything to do with attracting your experience to you DESPITE outer circumstances <steps down, ducking>

A belief is just a thought you keep on thinking

If there was only one thought you ever changed in your life, a helpful one would be, “My life is getting better.  Good things are on the way.  Miracles happen all the time.”  Then look for evidence of it, everywhere.  A belief is just a thought you keep on thinking.

Things come to you via your vibration and remain only by your attention to them

The choices that others make cannot negatively impact your experience unless you include them in your experience through your attention to them. Things come to you only through your Vibrational invitation—and they remain only by your continuing attention to them.  Abraham-Hicks    … I agree it’s hard to keep our attention off something right in front of us.  One reason we “practice” daily meditation is to discipline the mind. You can’t meditate?  Just the act of sitting for 10 minutes a day, watching thoughts arise, then releasing them with your breath, is what best trains the mind.  You’ll find you can turn your attention where you want it to go when you begin doing this.

Type the word “vibrational” into the Search box for this blog to find related posts.

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

A friend emailed me the other day and mentioned her husband Domino was having health problems.  I somehow knew she was going to say it was Fibromyalgia and she wrote me back that it was.  I’ve seen this happen many times.  This is what I wrote to her:   I don’t expect Domino to believe me; he doesn’t know me from Adam, but I feel he may be misdiagnosed and is instead having a chemical imbalance due to something he eats on a regular basis.  That was my thought at the time I met him last year.  Whether it’s a sensitivity to wheat or milk products, things that never bothered him before, I feel his immune system is a little weak right now and letting him experience a bunch of symptoms that someone who didn’t know any better thought was best labelled “fibromyalgia.”  If it were me, I’d do a trial for 30 days eating just grilled or roasted meats with vegetables and salads. Potato and sweet potato for starches, eggs are ok, no butter or mayo, only 3-4 tbsp of olive or coconut oil a day to cook.  No bread, no pasta, nothing made with flour or sugar, no coffee or black tea or cola, especially no diet cola, no alcohol.  This is the important part for the 30 days is no processsed food, nothing with a label.  The reason to do this is not only to give the body a rest, but to identify any problem foods when you add them back in one at a time.   Continue reading

Tough Love

No more bandaids - fix it

A friend’s son, mid-30’s, has been in and out of rehab (and jail)  for oxycodone the past few years.     He’s been clean a year and it’s been a long road, with him living in his parents’ home.   A month ago he wanted to sign himself back into treatment and asked his parents to meet him at Circles of  Care for intake.  He never showed, they went back  home to find he’s robbed the house of $40,000 of his mother’s diamond jewelry, plus broke into the safe and took thousands in cash.  These are not people who have much, so this was all they had.   And this, after a year being clean.  His mom is heartbroken but has finally wised up enough that they filed a police report and found some of the jewelry at local pawn shops.  He’s been charged with grand theft and trafficking in stolen property.  He has prior arrests for drug possession, theft, trafficking and felony violation of probation.  He’ll be given much time to think and decide how he wants to spend the rest of his life.   Prayers for the family who has to be strong at times like this.

Forty Years Ago Today

For my long time pal Deb who gave birth to a radiant being 40 years ago today:  “I’m in place that’s soft and warm.  My organs now completely formed.  I grow so quickly it’s hard to see  the difference between you and me.  I hear my Mommy’s heart beat strong.  A lullaby to me, a song.   With her every movement to and fro, she rocks me gently, with love, I know.   As she goes about her busy way, she thinks about me all the day. Will I look like my big Bro?  How fast or slow will I grow?   Right now inside my Mom I’m safe.  Secure and cuddled in that hidden place.  I know not worry or troubled times.  I feel comfort. I’m completely fine.  In these many months to come, then Mom and I get one on one!”

Jim Morrison: is this ghost picture real?

A friend posted a link on Facebook to Jim Morrison: is this ghost picture real? and asked what we thought of it.    I checked and there is no story, just the video, which ends telling you — surprise — the answer is in a new book coming out.    I know my friend was just sharing interesting info and asking what friends thought.  But in matters of the paranormal, I am not one you want to ask if you’re wanting everyone to go along with the herd.  In my job, I get emails all the time with photos and stories, from individuals as well as from publicists. The first thing I look at is what is being sold, in this case a book.  If I had an original pic, I’d check it myself and likely trust no one else’s judgment of it.  I’ve learned even close friends have been known to lie if there’s a dollar in it.  In matters like this, too much doctoring for personal gain goes on so I never care to debate what’s real and what’s not if the point is to stir controversy to sell something.