Author Archives: Andrea

A little more uncluttering, some painting and I’ll have my new space

I’m a morning person.  I’m up at first light, feet on the floor and ready to get into the day.  This past week I’ve been in and out of the garage and shed, moving items, discarding items, recycling items, setting old books aside to give away.  I love it when I get on a kick like this, because I always end up with so much more space than I thought I had. I never have much clutter, just the occasional closet or scrap wood pile to organize and straighten up.  At dawn this morning after meditation I went out and moved some white shelving and vertical blinds from the garage into the shed, also the bicycle and a straight backed chair.  I moved a dozen cardboard boxes out of the shed and into the garage to cut up for recycling. Continue reading

I am not a fan of the cookie cutter bookseller mass marketeers

*Yawn* Cookie Cutter Marketing

I’ve heard it all by now. A friend sent me a message about an upcoming event and mentioned several authors, one of whom I said I did not follow his work.  I wrote, “I know who that (popular and famous) author is, I am not a fan of that whole genre of mass marketing, however I know it’s valuable as some can only “get” an idea once it’s been rehashed and diluted down to a homeopathic dose.   Being in the business, I am at the receiving end of many authors and publicists and get everyone’s promotional material. I see what the market gets flooded with and am amused at what and who becomes popular with the buying public, and why.”  I was referring to one of the writers who became popular after The Secret came out.

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What was my lesson when I was so judgmental — a chain of consciousness stroll of remembrance

I just found this file, written in the 90’s. Some things never change.  “My thoughts after attending an annual, popular metaphysical/spiritual conference:  These are the judgmental thoughts I’ve been having after being privy to after hours conversations after some might’ve had a few too many drinks. People who write egotistical press copy about themselves to work the system to become the next celebrity speaker/teacher. Witness a conversation a dozen years ago at one conference: two speakers about becoming famous, it was after the Celestine Prophecy went big. What storyline to create, what products to weave into them and get into the market, what courses to create, etc.  People who constantly self reference and self promote and market.  People who ingratiate themselves with others to be hosts for their local events, yet all the while talking behind their back. People who are public teachers and yet privately judge (like me right now) and disparage and criticize. People who, throughout their talks, continually talk about what they’ve done and how important they are. Continue reading

The testing ground for what we truly understand and believe is how we react in the heat of emotion and argument

I am sorry that what I said was not what you heard. You feel what I heard is not what you said. We are in the same conversation having different experiences. For everyone who’s unhappy with me right now for whatever reason, it is never my intent to hurt.  There are ways to have disagreements without mocking and being hateful. It’s always possible to have a mature, inclusive dialogue even when we have diverging opinions.  It keeps the lines of communication open. Continue reading

I clear away yet another layer of nonessential stuff

A place for everything and everything in its place

I tackled the decluttering of my shed this morning.  I woke up and briefly debated going to the gym, then remembered I wanted to clean up my shed and get it organized, so I opted to do that.   I did what works best for me when reorganizing:  Take everything out of the room, only put back in what you intend to be there, and have a plan before putting anything back in.

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Sunday July 15th, 2012 from 1-3pm at Yoga Shakti Mission

On Sunday 15th July, Tennessee Vickerie, our neighbour is hosting a program of lunch and  music in the Yogashakti Pavilion (Surya Mandir) from 1 – 3 pm..  Chinese, Indian and Italian food will be served and there will be a music program of Bluegrass, Gospel, Steelband, and African drumming with African Dancers between 1 and 3.  Suggested donation of $5 per adult to support the Ashram.  All are welcome.  Yoga Shakti Mission is located at 3895 Hield Rd NW Palm Bay, FL 32907, phone 321-725 4024 and visit

I gotta laugh at everything I thought I needed to keep up with the Joneses


In 1983, I moved from Miami to Melbourne, FL and met my neighbor Domino.  Our homes were built the same year.  As a paralegal, I made a point to dress on par with the female attorneys.  Domino was a sales associate and wore a uniform.  I got in the habit of trading in my car every 3-4 years for a new one.  Domino drove an older truck.  I’d see him out at happy hour nursing his beer.  I’d drink whatever fancy mixed drinks my friends were drinking.  Domino paid cash for everything and I had a wallet full of credit cards.  Domino cooked at home and I ate most of my meals out.  Ten years later, we both became self employed.  I began to dress casually but continued to trade my car up every 3-4 years.  Domino still drove his same old truck.  He grilled out at home, while I continued to eat in restaurants 7-10 times a week.  I bought new furniture every few years.  Domino’s home was filled with good, usable cast-offs donated by friends.  DOMINO PAID HIS HOME OFF LAST YEAR.  I got a refinance of my mortgage so I now owe on it exactly what I paid for it 28 years ago.  I have to laugh.  Who’s living high off the hog now?

Chief Seattle’s Letter to the President


“The President in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. But how can you buy or sell the sky? the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them?  Every part of the earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every meadow, every humming insect. All are holy in the memory and experience of my people. Continue reading

What takes place behind the scenes

Much more than meets the eye

I read somewhere years ago that only about 90% of all creation is currently in manifestation, meaning that we only see about 10% of what exists.  Kind of like the iceberg that is only 10% above the waterline and 90% below.  The 90% is just as real, but we don’t see it, so it’s easy to dismiss it and act as though we don’t know it’s there.  That’s all well and good until we knock a hole in our bow because we didn’t want to know about what we couldn’t see. Whatever you see evidence of, there is so much more that takes place, hidden behind the scenes.

Attracting a partner isn’t all about looks

I’ve counseled with a lot of people through the years and I get to hear everyone’s story of why they think they are unable to attract a partner.  Most of them think it has to do with their looks and they spend their time focused on that.  I know several women who would be considered plain or even unattractive by many people, but they are always dating someone and don’t have a problem getting attention.  After getting to know them, I realize the common thread is they are all very confident and interesting to talk to. While most women would be complaining about their looks and their life, they were talking about the lessons they’d learned in life and the exciting plans they have for the future.  That makes all the difference in with their ability to hold someone’s interest despite their looks.