Author Archives: Andrea

Should I sell real estate if I don’t need to?

I wrote at Florida real estate for sale, inexpensive lots off I-95 two years ago that I wanted to sell some property to pay off a debt.  I just amended the post because the debt is paid and I only have two properties left in Volusia County. It’s undeveloped land, two 2.5 acre parcels.  I haven’t even thought about these properties for a long while then suddenly I have three people emailing me asking about them.  It might be time to sell them! Continue reading

Reprogram Your Eating Habits: What to Expect From the Experience

Give yourself 30 minutes alone where it is quiet. Know that while listening to this recording (or reading the script below,) you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately in case of emergency. Even if you fall asleep, your subconscious mind is still listening, so you can still expect change to occur.  In case of emergency, you will wake right up. Even under deep trance, you are still in control. Know that while listening, you could open your eyes and rouse yourself immediately if you need to.  Before working with this recording, have an expectation of success. If you are skeptical of the process, or skeptical that it could work for you, that is ok. A fish doesn’t have to believe in the ocean. However, at least for the period of time you are working with the recording or the script, set aside all doubt and let go of all resistance. Allow your creative imagination to run free as you create vivid images in response to any words you may hear before you fall asleep. Continue reading

Blessing items before they come into the house

I bought a new couch earlier this year and wrote on Facebook that “Anything I bring into the house goes thru a 24 hour blessing process.”  A friend asked me to elaborate.  I responded, “My blessing process is praying over anything that comes into the house, something simple like “Heavenly Father/Mother/God, surround us with your holy presence and bless this couch for the good of the family, let it bring us comfort and joy so we may extend comfort and joy. Aho.” Then I smudge it and let it sit for 24 hours, on the altar if it’s a small item, in front of it if it’s a big item like a couch.  If they are books, they get prayed over, then 12 hours in the sunshine and then smudged and overnight on the altar.  I want to acknowledge that every item I have has a sacred purpose, to minimize the importance of nothing.

RELATED: My altar and healing Bench techniques: I pray for my clients and advertisers every day

The gopher nabbed the lettuce right out of bunny’s face

I stepped outside to drop some lettuce crowns off where the bunnies hang, and could see one bunny hidden under the palmetto fronds.  As I tossed the crowns into the side yard, I noticed the turtle  under the shade.  He meandered over and had first pick of the juiciest crown and began chomping away.  Bunny needs to know when to stay hidden and silent and when to appear and take what’s waiting for him.  I guess we could all learn that lesson.  It’s a balancing act for sure.

Can wanting to share only the good that happens deprive someone else of hope to overcome their own life’s challenges?

Only you can break the chain

Domino is a friend and comedic motivational writer that I’ve worked with for years.  She said, “I have been down in the dumps for weeks and can’t shake it.  People come to my blog to get inspired, they don’t want to hear my problems, they want to walk away lifted up, not dragged down.”  This is a Universal dilemma we all face at some point.  Age 29, age 39 and age 58, age 80 and 87 are years that, astrologically, the Saturn Return and Uranus Opposition occur.  These transits involve life review and personality integration.  It is ongoing and cyclic.  Some people find it hard.  It can be challenging, but it does not have to be hard.  One key is having developed your will to be strong enough to allow you discipline of mental focus. But she already knows that.    Her situation is that she feels she cannot write about her life when it is NOT going well.  That she can’t write about the thoughts that trouble her and the problems she faces.  I told her that would allow more people to relate to her, since she IS a positive and uplifting person and it’s of value to read  how she navigates her life; what processes she uses to keep herself sane when madness reigns on the homefront. Continue reading

I’ve been experimenting with coffee for the first time in years

Coffee is SO a drug

I’ve been experimenting with coffee this week.  That is, I’ve been drinking it and noting how it feels in my body.  It’s definitely a drug.  I remember for 20 years working in law offices having up to 7 cups of coffee throughout the day.  When I began working on my own, with no one to buy and make coffee, I got out of the habit.   A few times a year at a conference or gathering,  I’ll drink some decaf with half and half and I’d feel a buzz from it.  The caffeinated coffee I’ve been drinking this week has been like rocket fuel.  I’ve been cleaning floors and weeding to stay in motion and burn off the energy.  I’ve neglected my regular visits to the gym because there’s so much to do here as far as yard clean up, deadfall pickup, I should be mowing every week now.  Amped up on the coffee, I was up to the tasks and got much done.  It did keep me awake but I expected that.  By the third day, I felt a twinge of heartburn and took that as a sign to lay off the stuff except medicinally.   The first day without it, my body wanted it and I had to remind myself what the consequences were: amped up, no sleep, heartburn = no fun.

Be Happy Or Be Out Of There

This morning, Domino begins to tell me all the problems she’s having with her boyfriend.  She’s not complaining, since she’s paying me for the call. She and I have had this conversation several times through the 15 out of 18 years she’s been with him.  I stopped her from reciting her long list of his faults and transgressions and asked why she doesn’t move out and be done with it.  “I can’t afford it.  He pays the bills.”  I understand, but you’ve been telling me this for 15 years.  As soon as you choose to take control of your own thoughts and do something about it, you’ll be on to happier times.

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Lethargy: Letting our mind get the best of us

It’s when we’re in the slumps and don’t feel motivated that we find out how in control of our mind we really are, how in control of our will.  We can either choose to begin using self  talk that motivates us, or choose to do nothing and let the old, unproductive thoughts rule our mind, letting us brood and isolate.  We can either choose to jump up and stay in motion and do something that needs to be done, or we can choose to do nothing.  As I wrote in  How to stay functional as you sit out the bleak and depressing times, “Maybe we can’t always control the sudden onset of a mood, but we can control how we react to it.  We can control our thought that if we trust in the process, we will have successful results.”  As soon as we become in charge of what thoughts we choose to think and begin to exercise the power of our will to do so, we become very powerful creators.

RELATED:  How To Strengthen Willpower