Author Archives: Andrea

How I ended my aggravation with Domino once and for all so we can live happily ever after

A while back, Domino and I butted heads. Being an Aries times five, I’ve got a well-developed head butt.  Being passive aggressive, I didn’t let him know at the time and to the extent that something irked me.  Here’s how I fixed that so it will never be a problem again.  One thing I’d get irked about was when a future appointment wasn’t placed on the calendar, so I could schedule around it.   It happened repeatedly.  My inner tyrant argued that since he was being irresponsible, that put more work on me.   I didn’t like the feel of that.   The more I thought about it, the more I came up with things he did to cause me more work: dishes, clothes not hung up.  The more I thought about it, the worse those thoughts felt.  (Because my choice of focus was attracting more things to be aggravated about, that’s why that didn’t feel good.)  How do you turn around a thought without the other person being made to do your bidding?   Continue reading

Do you know how you can go your whole life and have people treat you one way and you think that is how life is and that is who you are and then suddenly you wake up to how life can really be and who you really are, with people who see that in you, and it’s so much better than you ever dreamed of?   It makes all the difference in the world to be around people who believe in you and support your dreams and visions and encourage you.  It makes all the difference to know you are seen as who you want to see yourself as, not just who your family saw you as when you were a kid.

No choice

A lover knows only humility, he has no choice. He steals into your alley at night, he has no choice. He longs to kiss every lock of your hair, don’t fret, he has no choice.  In his frenzied love for you, he longs to break the chains of his imprisonment, he has no choice. — Rumi

I’m a Nurse: How much do I make?

Somebody asked: “You’re a nurse? That’s cool, I wanted to do that when I was a kid. How much do you make?”

“HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?  I can make holding your hand seem like the most important thing in the world when you’re scared. … I can make your child breathe when they stop. … I can help your father survive a heart attack. … I can make myself get up at 5 a.m. to make sure your mother has the medicine she needs to live. … I work all day to save the lives of strangers. … I make my family wait for dinner until I know your family member is taken care of. … I make myself skip lunch so that I can make sure that everything I did for your wife today is charted. … I make myself work weekends and holidays because people don’t just get sick Monday thru Friday. … Today, I might save your life. …  How much do I make? All I know is, I make a difference. “

Sexuality -The Importance of Bhakti (devotion) – by opening to the fact that there is another, better, freer way of looking at our lives, we become open to change and experience life more fully

Tantra is a science of illumination of the nervous system. At the basis of tantric philosophy is the liberation of energy, shakti, and the awakening of kundalini. Tantra is not just a sexual system as many people believe, though it uses sexuality. It uses everything in life and sexuality is just one small part of the tantric system, an advanced stage requiring great discipline. Energising and rejuvenation occur when we use tantra to change our minds, our attitudes towards life, sex and other components. By opening our mind to the fact that there is another, better, freer way of looking at our lives, we become open to change, and only at that point can we grow spiritually. If we do not allow change to occur, if we block it with tension and neurosis, then energy cannot flow freely and this results in decreased body lustre, premature ageing, disease, a joyless existence. We lose that quality which is the essence of youth and vigour… shakti. Continue reading

Spidey sense just saved a pal who accidentally deleted their gmail account

Yay, my spidey sense just saved a pal who accidentally deleted their GMail account and needed some dates supplied.  I knew I wouldn’t consciously know what the answers were, I’m not talking about “I remember your first cat’s name.”  I just knew I could supply the answers to the questions when asked.  I don’t know how I knew the answers and, these days, I don’t care. I just knew I could supply the needed info if I could sit at the monitor and give particular answers at the prompt.  My friend and I did, of course, agree ahead of time that we knew the info was out there in the Universe to be had and all we had to do was connect with it and it would be ours.  As expected, it worked.

Tile the floor or cut the west trail?

As of yesterday, no more coffee, I did it for two months and it’s just not for me. Back to drinking my Kaffree Roma. I’m torn today. I have a lot of energy and can’t decide whether to tile my guest bathroom or cut a new trail in the west woods. Which do you think? After I tiled my kitchen floor yesterday, I rearranged the dining room. I curtained off a section for desktop/laptop privacy, on the south wall next to the kitchen I put my bottles of daily vitamins and supplements and natural remedies. On the north wall next to the water cooler, I created a beverage center with tall table and two stools and all the teas and coffees in the cabinet overhead. Coffeemaker on the table, with a wall of cups.  I just did a quick hour on the new west trail, I only got about 18 feet in because I had to spend time re-routing grapevines and clearing the dried brush from under the saw palmettos along the path. I’m weaving a new trail in between the palmettos to the young oak in the center of the palmetto patch. That is where it will connect to the main trail that leads to the firepit. I love getting lost playing in my little patch of woods.  I live a big kid’s dream in Paradise.

How to ramp up your belief in order to hurry the attraction process

As I pondered the coins I saw in my mind’s eye around a friend the other day,  I wondered if I could spidey-sense when his next big dollars would come.  I could not.  What I wrote him was, ” I can tell it’s from somewhere you don’t expect it, so I can’t help except to tell you to know that dollars can come to you from places you can’t even imagine. It helps for you to believe that. How does it help? Continuing to think about it and to believe it’s possible reinforces that thought, and strengthens the vibrational resonance with it within you. That makes you attract physical evidence of it quicker. Continue reading

Help me plan an event for Spring 2013

Let me correct that, I am thinking of having an event next Spring, possibly sooner if I decide to do it in a private residence. A friend has offered their large home and grounds on South Tropical Trail in Merritt Island for the project if I go that route.   It may be that several conference rooms at a hotel on the beach is the better choice.  At this point, I have two purposes.  One is to showcase a friend’s large format photographic art and the other is to showcase some local acoustic music.  My first thought is that if it’s a combination event, why not make it a small fair?  I could invite a dozen vendors and perhaps a some fortune tellers.   I’ve done that before and know what’s involved.  I know a great group of people, so I wanted to throw it out there that I’m thinking of doing this.  If you have any ideas, you may email Andrea at with SPRING ART/MUSIC EVENT in the subject line.  Thanks, you guys rock!