Author Archives: Andrea

At times like this, it’s comforting to know we survive in consciousness after the change called death

We survive in consciousness after the change called death.  I now know death is just like stepping into the next room.  I also know that, on some level, we each agreed before we came into this life as to what we would experience and with whom.  The brave souls, young and old, now know a greater good will come out of their early passing. They now see clearly where we do not.  “For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then shall I KNOW.”

RELATED: The end of death as we know it
Is everything God’s will?

26 Gunned Down in Connecticut – Is it REALLY all good?

The headlines report that a teenage gunman took the lives of 26 people today, most of them children.  The news is all abuzz on Facebook.  Since I have a different attitude about death, I take care not to sound too flippant to those who don’t understand.  If we had only one life, I might sing a different tune.  The fact is we survive in consciousness after the change called death.  Also, whatever happens is God’s will.  Everything is done for a designed purpose and, if we’re in the midst of God’s will, how can we not rejoice?  I now know death is just like stepping into the next room, and how can I lament someone stepping into the next room?  I also know that, on some level, we each agreed before we came into this life as to what we would experience and with whom.

RELATED: The end of death as we know it

Izzy gets some relief from his neck scabs

I wrote earlier about getting turned on to the benefits of coconut oil and just discovered I can use it for the kitties.  Izzy had an allergic reaction to some flea bites and still has some neck scabs healing up.  I had the thought to combine some coconut oil with a few drops of lavender oil and rub it into the affected skin.  He let me do it and I think it felt comfortable to him.  I thought afterward to research and make sure it was ok and it turns out that is one use for it.  I love when that happens. I also read that it’s good for their skin and coat to feed a tsp to them, they like the taste.  Twenty hours later, I am brushing Izzy and feeling around on his neck to see how the scabs felt.  They are already much better.  Good to know.

Uranus goes direct today

Uranus goes direct today.  Due to its retrograde since summer,  it’s been bouncing around in my 12th house, aspecting my Pluto. My astrology reads “This transit sparks your urge for self- transformation and regeneration. Conflicts and drastic changes may come up for you. You are likely to have new spiritual insights during this period, or find that your will to be different and to find your own unique pathway forward is more powerful than usual. You are undergoing an important transition in your life, entering an entire new phase of existence, in which the habitual patterns and concerns of the old way of your world may vanish entirely or diminish in their importance.” ### end of mine Continue reading

Big brother speaks: 11 days til end of the Mayan calendar

Brothermine Jerry

My brother  wrote me today: “11 days left until the end of the Mayan calendar.  I think I’ll ride over to the Georgia Guide Stones on the 21st to video any who may decide to bark at the moon.   I have a 2 step process to deal with any catastrophe that may befall me that day. (1) Place head between legs.  (2) Kiss ass goodbye.   It’s just all so funny to me when people spend so much time being overly concerned about maintaining their physical existence, then totally neglect the spiritual part of who they are.    I think there are going to be two distinct groups of surprised people on Dec. 22.  The first group is going to be amazed that the world still stands, while the second group will be disappointed that there was no mystical grand universal spiritual awakening.

“The War on Men Through the Degradation of Woman” ~ Jada Pinkett-Smith

How is man to recognize his full self, his full power through the eye’s of an incomplete woman? The woman who has been stripped of Goddess recognition and diminished to a big ass and full breasts for physical comfort only. The woman who has been silenced so she may forget her spiritual essence because her words stir too much thought outside of the pleasure space. The woman who has been diminished to covering all that rots inside of her with weaves and red bottom shoes. Continue reading

When woman is lost, so is man. The truth is, woman is the window to a man’s heart and a man’s heart is the gateway to his soul.” ~ Jada Pinkett-Smith