Author Archives: Andrea

“Sapiosexual: A behavior of becoming attracted to or aroused by intellignce and its use.”  I find intelligence in a spiritual seeker the most sexually attractive quality.

“I am blasphemy and religion, pure and impure; Old, young, and a small child. If I die, don’t say that he died.  Say he was dead, became alive, and was taken by the Beloved.” ~Rumi

Never say never and give it time, plenty of time

Give it time

A friend I did a reading for earlier this year told me, “You were right, you said the holiday break I would find out who he was and he showed himself.  Now I question if any was real. Never again. Thank you so I was prepared.”  I replied to her, ” It IS real for as long as it lasts.  The beginning is always good behavior.  Give it a year and most show who they are.  They are growing, too.  Take away expectation of anyone doing what they say they’ll do, then you won’t be disappointed when they move from shiny dime to shiny dime. Few can sustain real depth, they know if they stay in one place too long they are unmasked and they can’t handle that… yet. Never say never. Go with the flow and get other things going on.”  We all learn at our own speed. Never punish someone for not having or sustaining depth.  Never punish them for not doing what they say they’ll do.    Never punish them for not continuing to love you.  Remove all expectation, all of it.  If it’s meant to flow, it will flow.

I buy a new cell phone, an HTC One V

After the Brighthouse all out service debacle of this week, I decided I needed a new cell phone with a bigger screen and better browsing ability.  I went to Best Buy December 23rd and originally bought the LG Optimus Elite, similar to the LG Optimus V I currently have.  After consideration, I went back 3 hours later and traded the LG Optimus Elite for an HTC One V, which my computer dude says is a better phone.  It was just $20 more than the Elite. The HTC One has Android 4.0.  It is faster and easier to use.  It weighs about half what my old phone weighed (and about 3.5 pounds less than my first phone weighed LOL).  It is larger but about half the thickness of the last one.  I ordered a sturdy case to make it easier to hold.  I’m loving it for Facebook and texting.  The voice to text feature is excellent and very fast, alhough I do have to speak loudly into it.  I’ll have to practice answering the phone so that it does not disconnect the caller.  The keyboard is either a little big bigger or better spaced, I find it easier to type on.  I love it when the Universe forces me into upgrades in my life.  Most times upgrades that I never even considered seeking out.  My life rocks.

I manage to attract a Brighthouse debacle and get to spend Christmas Eve day with their service techs

All my Brighthouse services went down December 23rd: cable, internet and phone.  I found out about midnight when I sat to work online and do my evening calls.   I followed and flagged down the Brighthouse truck I saw drive by my house and he came and looked my system.  He got internet and cable back up and I had to wait until Christmas Eve for phone, a new modem and cable box.  They came on time and connected those and left. Then I learned the laptop could not get a signal, so I made another call in.  Hours later, they came back out. The first tech couldn’t resolve it and he called another who did.  After I spent overnight trying to do my research over the small screen of my cell phone, it taught me to get a larger phone so I can surf the internet and actually read it.  So at 8:00 I run out to  Best Buy and I was out by 9:00am with my new HTC One V cell phone. Continue reading

Only a man would say 5.5 inches was 6

Note to self: when making photo images to go into a picture frame, measure the frame myself first. The space for the image for the 4 x 6’s actually measured 3.5 x 5.5. Arrrggghhh.  Only a man would measure and say 5.5 inches was 6. Just sayin.   Anyway, the result was the top of his head being cut off.  Ow. That’s what you get.

A lovely kale

I bought the most beautiful bouquet of organic kale at Naturesmarket Healthfoods just now when I dropped off the January Horizons to them. This kale is so beautiful I almost don’t want to eat it. Almost. It’s going into the potato and smoked turkey soup…

On this date in a manger…

This date, in a manger, just over 2,000 years ago, Mary was having far spaced contractions and Joseph was thinking, “this kid better have wings.”  Jake Jacowitz

Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.”

Tell everyone you know: “My happiness depends on me, so you’re off the hook.” And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they’re doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel – and then, you’ll love them all. Because the only reason you don’t love them, is because you’re using them as your excuse to not feel good.  ~Esther Hicks