Author Archives: Andrea

When you give thought to something, you begin the attraction process of the essence of that subject into your own life experience. Once you have activated a Thought Vibration within yourself by giving your attention to the subject, the progression of expansion occurs. – Abraham-Hicks

Purpose and benefit of isolation at stages on the spiritual path

isolated-youthWhen friends feel troubled, what they are going through is just another step on the path of spiritual Self realization, and peace of mind lies just a few more steps down the journey.  I speak to so many people each week that I’m able to see patterns of thought and behavior. A friend this week feels suddenly detached and isolated. I explained that’s the good news, and it’s just the next step on the Path: Feeling detached allows us to enter into the “observer” state.  When life brings a lot of pressure to bear, we begin to feel compressed and over burdened.  In past days, our remedy was to gather with friends and find distractions.  At this stage, that no longer appeases us.   Feet firmly on the Path, the first thought is to back off from friends and isolate.  There is a reason for this. Continue reading

I used to think the totality of humanity comprised the Godhead.  Now I believe it’s the totality of creation.

Gabrielle Roth on The four universal healing salves

In many shamanic societies, if you came to a shaman or medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions.  When did you stop dancing?  When did you stop singing?  When did you stop being enchanted by stories?  When did you stop finding comfort in the sweet territory of silence?  Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experience the loss of soul.  Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves.  ~ The Four-Fold Way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Healer, Teacher and Visionary

The New Macho: This is the Mature Masculine – a re-definition of masculinity for the 21st century

He cleans up after himself.
He cleans up the planet.
He is a role model for young men.
He is rigorously honest and fiercely optimistic.
He holds himself accountable.
He knows what he feels.
He knows how to cry and he lets it go.
He knows how to rage without hurting others.
He knows how to fear and how to keep moving.
He seeks self-mastery.

The only way you can deactivate something is by withdrawing your  attention from it, because as long as it has your attention, it’s activated.

Tonight, the closest Moon/Jupiter conjunction until the year 2026

Tonight, the closest Moon/Jupiter conjunction until the year 2026. In our very own universe.  Moon conjunct Jupiter = Elevated moods. This is a lucky, expansive, happy, and prosperous period. Some  emotional relief is likely, particularly with regards to your personal life. Domestic changes and legal affairs are favored, particularly dealings with property and renovations. It’s a good time to write, teach, learn, publish, promote, and take tests. You may enjoy opportunities to do any of these things now. Your desire for pleasure is strong right now.  Disagreements with others are rare during this period, generally because you are more likely to take the high road than to resort to pettiness.

We are always producing the atmosphere around us by our words

“Every person, from morning till evening, is making invisible forms in space by what he says. He is creating invisible vibrations around him, and so he is producing an atmosphere.” -Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Mysticism of Sound and Music

“The rediscovered knowledge of the science of sound shows that sound is something more than mere vibratory signals, not only does sound interact with life but it sustains and develops it. It acts as a conduit of conscious intent between people, societies and entire civilizations.” -Kymatica Documentary (2009)