Author Archives: Andrea

“Why Love Now?” Can you find true love like this?

I was watching Millionaire Matchmaker last night.   Matchmaker Patti Stanger has the women change their look (why does everyone have to straighten their hair??) and dress skin tight.  That’s kinda false advertising. No politics or religion talk, she has the men go overboard impressing with gifts and extravagant first dates. Well, who wouldn’t be swept away being Cinderella for a day? To my mind, that starts things off in a disingenuous way.  Let her like you for you.  If she likes who you are, then bring out some toys.  Why change anything for a first meeting? How about a walk in a park talking about whatever is most important to you as a first get together? Imagine that.

RELATED: Revisiting Millionaire Matchmaker
Millionaire Matchmaker ~ Andrea’s Thoughts On Mating, Matching and Pairbonding

“There’s nothing like this in Hoboken”

I had a boss years ago who loved to tell a joke to all the sassy new young secretaries that he liked to cut down to size.  I paraphrase, but you’ll get the drift:  A man takes his first trip out to Las Vegas, it’s his first trip anywhere out of his hometown.  It’s also his first flight.  he’s got a window seat, a pretty flight attendant is serving his lunch and drinks, “There’s sure nothing like this in Hoboken,” he thinks. He gets into Las Vegas and asks the cabby to take a drive down the strip and take him to a casino.  “There’s nothing like this in Hoboken.” he says.  He gambles all night, he wins lots of money, he’s got girls hanging all over him.  “There’s sure nothing like this in Hoboken.” He choses the best looking girl, they go drinking and dancing and end up at his hotel room.  She’s beautiful.  “There’s nothing like this in Hoboken,” he says. The entire trip has been a surprise and delight, so many new experiences.  He can hardly wait for what’s to come.  She undresses.  The lights go out. “Ah,” he says, “just like Hoboken.”

RELATED:  Apologies To The Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition)
The New Macho: This is the Mature Masculine – a re-definition of masculinity for the 21st century

Trust? I trust the Universe to deliver to me what I am in vibrational resonance with

A friend wrote on Facebook that trust can take years to earn and be lost in a moment.  Basically, all I ever trust is that the Universe will deliver to me exactly what I am in vibrationally alignment with. Then when friends betray, I know it’s either because on some level I expected and believed they would, or I just attracted it out of them due to resistance in some other area of my life. Either way, I’m in charge of attracting what comes next.

I’ve skipped the gym this week but just worked out core, arms and quads at a friend’s, then came home and did 30 minutes of yoga. My body feels tuned up.  It misses the action when I don’t work out.

Rushing ahead of time to get work done so I can play…

I continually have to laugh at myself

In less than 36 hours, the February issue of Horizons Magazine will be delivered to me, and I have about 4 hours of work that must be done before it arrives.  My typical Type A personality wants to jump up and rush through the work.  My lazy “it’s 42 degres outside and I wanna stay in bed all day” self has other ideas.  I’m not a stay in bed all day kinda person.  Not a recreational sleeper.  In fact, I’ve been sleeping on the day bed in the living room and just this early morning made it into my bedroom for the first time in a week.  So I wanna hang here.  I’ve got the laptop and my external hard drive in here with me, so I can surf faster than on the iPad.  I have to laugh at myself.  I’m acting as though I’m not going to wake up four hours before delivery arrives, so even if I did nothing today, I’d still be on time.  Ya gotta laugh.

Lies can unravel our soul, strand by strand, if we allow them to

Lies can unravel our soul, strand by strand.  IF we allow them to.  IF we keep bringing them to mind.  IF we continue to reach into the past and drag them kicking and screaming into our Now and into our future.  I personally am a fan of the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian forgiveness/healing process as a daily practice.    I’m also a fan of not rehashing old issues.  Talk about it once, get it out and over with, and then never again bring up old sh*t unless you want to start new sh*t.

We are not onlookers peering into the unified field of separate, objective reality – we are the unified field

“We are not onlookers peering into the unified field of separate, objective reality – we are the unified field. We can reach beyond the physical body and extend the influence of intelligence. Every thought you are thinking creates a wave in the unified field. It ripples through all the layers of intellect, mind, senses, and matter, spreading out in wider and wider circles. You are like a light radiating not photons but consciousness. As they radiate, your thoughts have an effect on everything. Your relationship to life is the same as that of one cell to your whole body. One cell can talk to your whole body. One cell can influence your whole body. You can talk to the whole of life – influence the whole of life. The whole of life is as alive as we are. The distinction between ‘in here’ and ‘out there’ is a false one – as if the heart disregarded the skin because it was not on the inside.”  Deepak Chopra

Facebook friend Nathaniel Hansen writes:  “The way to approach the natural world is to first honor it…and then dive so deeply into it that you invite a transformation of everything that you are. I’m writing this after having exercised vigorously for nearly an hour outdoors. Invigorating immersion!! Physical movement erases and renews. ” I absolutely agree, on all counts