Author Archives: Andrea

When you have loved as God loves, you no longer yearn for companionship because you have been penetrated by divinity

“In my personal life, I continued on my separate way- not dating, not looking for love, nothing. I had tried it all, and nothing satisfied me like the beloved. Another may come, but I doubted she would come if I went looking. Sometimes I felt lonely, but it was a different kind of lonely. When you have loved as God loves, you no longer yearn for companionship in the same way. You no longer feel isolated when you walk alone. Because you have been penetrated by divinity. Because you have been transformed beyond yourself. Because you walk in shared shoes. Because you always feel the beloved close at heart.” Jeff Brown

Our little scraps of meanness prevent the Holy One from entering

It has never really entered your mind to give up every idea you ever had that opposes knowledge. You retain thousands of little scraps of meanness which prevent the Holy One from entering. Light cannot penetrate through the walls you make to block it, and it is forever unwilling to destroy what you have made. No-one can see through a wall, but I can step around it. Watch your minds for the scraps of meanness.  ~ A Course In Miracles

I’m only ever talking to myself, since there is only One of us here.

A pre-dawn symphony The Beloved gifts me today. My world changes when I get enough sleep.

A lovely light rain is falling. I can hear the ground soaking it up and the bamboo creaking. I love the sound of the rain dripping off the thin tree leaves and softly pounding onto the broad leaves of the bird of paradise and banana plant.  It’s a pre-dawn symphony The Beloved arranged just for me.  It’s been a busy week of phone calls and paperwork, and also connecting with good friends.  Last night, I crashed early and got 7 hours of sleep in a row!  My usual is 3-4 hours twice a day.  This has been a good sleep week, I’m finally back on my own sleep schedule.  Boy, my world changes when I get enough sleep. My mind clears and I can see that everything is manageable. An inbox that seemed overwhelming, upon closer inspection, is not. A stack of calls to be returned go quickly.  Calls coming in are handled immediately. Work gets done.  The To Do List gets crossed off.  I get time for fun and play and, most gloriously, SLEEP! Life is good.  I have no complaints whatsoever.

Krishnamurti on The Astral Body, The Emotional Body

This is something I read very early on and it helped me understand the emotional body:  “The body and the man are two, and the man’s will is not always what the body wishes. When your body wishes something, stop and think whether you really wish it. For you are God, and you will only what God wills; but you must dig deep down into yourself to find the God within you, and listen to His voice, which is your voice.  Do not mistake your bodies for yourself-neither the physical body, nor the astral, nor the mental. Each one of them will pretend to be the Self, in order to gain what it wants. But you must know them all, and know yourself as their master.    Continue reading

If you have time for Facebook, you have time to set goals and work toward them, time to seek a better job, a better life

If your life isn’t going exactly the way you’d like, if you have time for Facebook, you have time to create a business plan, set some goals, seek a better job.  If you have  time for Facebook, you have time for yoga, for meditation, for creative visualization, for making a list of future events you want to pre-pave some intention for.  Imagine that.  No really, IMAGINE that.

13 Steps back to balance 
Creative visualization links
Meditation links


Why does it go to chaos when you try to be with some people?

Some people you like and really want to be around and you click and have such a good time, but everything starts going to chaos when you try to be together. Try as you might, you can’t make yourself vibe in a place you aren’t.  This goes for personal and professional relationships. Eventually something’s gotta give. Bless those who see the signs early, bless those who don’t.  Bless the meeting and bless the parting.



This morning’s meditation on the beach

I drove early to the beach this morning and sat in the sand to watch the waning moon in the east move to almost directly overhead, floating in and out among the clouds. It’s surreal at the beach at night, the giant sky above and the ocean out before me, barely able in the darkness to tell where the two meet.  The ocean roar is loud at surf’s edge, so I sat back on the dune, where the sounds of the waves were less overwhelming. At surf’s edge, it is easy to lose myself in the senses of it: the roar of the waves, the incoming tide, the splash of the seawater, the ions in the air.  At surf’s edge, I can experience it, but it is on the dune that I reflect. Reflecting on it allows me to more fully appreciate the magnitude of what I just experienced.  It lets me bask in the feeling of it, to stay in the vibe of it.  The longer I stay in the vibe of Happy, the more Happy I will attract into my life.  The more Happy I have in my life, the more the UN-Happy circumstances and people will fall away, making room for more Happy.  Watching the stars at night reminds me everything is a cycle.  We move in and out of each others’ lives, in and out of situations and circumstances, a constant display before us of what it is we are attracting, what we are a vibrational match to.    Continue reading

Someone thinks she’s a vixen who stole my man?? Why are you twisting words to stir up drama for something long over?

To the one trying to portray she is some kind of “vixen who stole my man,” um, we were apart and done when you hooked up, as my posts clearly state, although you and T were still together. Since you included links to the old news, readers will see that my posts DO NOT say what you say I said. I never alleged you met in person before you did. You twist words to stir up drama and attention, as he does.  I’m glad you found each other. He and I never intended anything long term but friendship, honesty and soul work.  I called him that nickname because he told me he loved it, that it made him happy for everyone to think of him as being joyful.  You and he are much more suitably paired.  I wish for you only what I wish for me, to be left alone to enjoy my peaceful, happy life. If you are so happy, why are you still focused on me months later?  I merely responded to his false claim I got him kicked off Facebook. I don’t care who he’s with, we were no longer together nor want to be. We want different lives. I have no issue with you, we don’t run in the same circles nor do the same work, and I won’t be reading your pages. Now you want to be thought of as a vixen?  Vixen definition: A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious.  You know yourself best, however it’s likely just another example of why you shouldn’t use a word or speak on topics you aren’t actually familiar with until you educate yourself.   It must have taken hours to write that post and include all the links to what would be old news except you keep bringing it up to stay in the spotlight.  Lighten up, be together, have fun, live happy lives focusing on each other, not on me. The best is yet to be.

This morning’s meditation on the beach

I drove early to the beach this morning and sat in the sand to watch the waning moon in the east move to almost directly overhead, floating in and out among the clouds. It’s surreal at the beach at night, the giant sky above and the ocean out before me, barely able in the darkness to tell where the two meet.  The ocean roar is loud at surf’s edge, so I sat back on the dune, where the sounds of the waves were less overwhelming. At surf’s edge, it is easy to lose myself in the senses of it: the roar of the waves, the incoming tide, the splash of the seawater, the ions in the air.  At surf’s edge, I can experience it, but it is on the dune that I reflect. Reflecting on it allows me to more fully appreciate the magnitude of what I just experienced.  It lets me bask in the feeling of it, to stay in the vibe of it.  The longer I stay in the vibe of Happy, the more Happy I will attract into my life.  The more Happy I have in my life, the more the UN-Happy circumstances and people will fall away, making room for more Happy.  Watching the stars at night reminds me everything is a cycle.  We move in and out of each others’ lives, in and out of situations and circumstances, a constant display before us of what it is we are attracting, what we are a vibrational match to.     Continue reading

Whew, for a minute I thought he was talking about me!

How silly we always think it’s about us, huh?  Someone made a blog post I reacted to and upon re-reading it fully, I realize it’s not about me at all.   It’s about people who think of themselves as spiritual leaders with followers.  I know that’s not me.  I question anyone who calls themself a spiritual leader, separating themselves from their “followers.” As Joan of Arcadia said: “I’m nobody important, just somebody digging around in the garbage trying to find something that matters.”  I share my journey with whoever is attracting the information. Don’t follow me, as you can see, I don’t know much more than you do.