Author Archives: Andrea

Your Tarot Card of the Day: DEATH **Always good news**

You’re preparing for sweet relief and finally a sense of closure.
Introduction: Despite what Hollywood shows you, the tarot’s Death card is NOT a BAD or SCARY card and does NOT predict physical death. The “Death” card is about change, the shaking up of the status quo to reveal a welcome change, new beginnings, the end of a dark night of the soul. Every situation, every relationship is a series of deaths and rebirths. This can refer to people, jobs, habits, addictions, whatever it is you’ve been asking the Universe for clarification on and relief from. When Death appears, it tells you that you’re going thru a process of renewal, gaining stability, strength and new awareness arising out of necessary upheaval or change.   Continue reading

My yard is blooming and so is my life

I was watering outside last night. I have a lot of cuttings from my turk’s cap and jasmine so I’ve begun a new hedge for privacy from the street.  A line of loquat saplings I’d transplanted last year are loving the rain, and the bamboo is growing like crazy. I’ve been giving all the plants a lot of water, and everything was in bloom, some for the first time in a year.  The scent of jasmine and honeysuckle is intoxicating. Last year, I pruned down my leggy flowering plants so they would grow more dense this year.  That left me with a few seasons of them looking bare, but the reward was so worth it as they began to bloom again, fuller than before.  I think how often I do that in my life: be willing to prune something now, to do without now in order to have a more expanded experience later. Sometimes it backfires and I can find myself waiting for something that never comes to pass.  Even that is a blessing, as it lets me reflect on the hidden blessing of what others might call wasted time and effort.  Time and effort is never wasted.  Mine was a powerful investment in soul work that I could not have done alone.  I honor and thank my soul partner, in that I am forever grateful. You are not always fed in return by the hand you feed, and no one owes us anything.  Our rewards can come from anyone, anywhere. There are always more opportunities if you believe there are.  I believe there are.  I find them and I water them well and they will be delighted to bloom for me.

Next weekend: May 10-12, 2013 The Paralounge Drum Gathering

Next weekend: The Paralounge Drum Gathering helps bring a community of people together to interact and educate each other. Music is intellectual stimulation. Spontaneous creation of music, drum circle, is a process of community intellect. It’s time to get back to the circles, I’ve been too long away. Details and links below.  Paralounge Drum Gathering May 10-12, 2013 at Camp Kiwanis, 19300 SE 3rd St, Silver Springs, Florida 34488-5750.  The next Paralounge Drum Gathering is packed with some really great workshops and performances. This is your chance to spend the weekend with hundreds of drum circle enthusiast from around the world. Bring your entire family to enjoy a unique experience that promotes cultural awareness and community interaction.  Continue reading

No longer in the vibe to watch The Catty Housewives From Catsville

This afternoon for the first time in months I turned on the tv in time to catch part of an episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County.  Everyone was still fighting over stupid misunderstandings about what this one said or did. The past year, I watched those shows on a regular basis and, although they could be aggravating, a few minutes of muting fixed that. It wasn’t all that bothersome and it didn’t stick with me. Today, I couldn’t bear to watch even a few moments of the bickering and immediately turned it off. I went outside to sit in the garden and watch the jays at the birdbath. I realized, watching the birds all jockey for position and compete among themselves, what it was: why I could stand to watch it on a regular basis before and not for a moment now.   Back then, I was living in a daily vibe that felt natural to, a vibe where that was the norm, the status quo.  Now I am not.  Evolution.

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The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice
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The Real Housewives of NJ and other unreal reality shows 
A Psychic Reads the Auras of the Real Housewives of Orange County
Real Housewives – Insecure Mean Girls Who Never Grew Up

Spending the day in that Higher Love

An extraordinary (for me) lesson today from Rev. Beth Daniel Head plus a transcendant meditation by Michelle Lyon. I heard Stevie Winwood’s Higher Love on the way to church and it dumbstruck me with Love: “I could light the night up with my soul on fire, I could make the sun shine from pure desire, Let me feel that love come over me, Let me feel how strong it could be. Bring me a higher love.” Then at Unity of Melbourne they amped up the Love, we sang upbeat versions of Here I Am Lord, and Give It Away and Daniel Nahmod’s More than Enough.  I always find myself holding hands with whoever I sit next to in church, like the Love is too much to contain without sharing it. When I yearn for that higher Love, and settle for nothing less, I’m rewarded by being emotionally awashed in such deep Grace and Presence that no person in the flesh could ever rival.  I left early to be alone with my thoughts and to bask in that feeling of connection and higher Love.  From that place, I see there are no problems and that all is right with the world.  Yep, all of it.

Tarot Card of the Day: Eight of Cups

When a group is ready to break up, the members give off subtle signs. They display a restlessness. They arrive late, communicate less, are distracted. At some level the participants know it is time to move on, but they need a while to work up to that final step.  This process applies in many situations where an ending is approaching. Nothing is permanent in life. Sooner or later, everything slips away… or we slip away from it. The Eight of Cups stands for those moments when we realize, once and for all, that the past is gone. What was true is no longer true. The signs of change are in our face, and we must accept them. It is time to move on.    Moving on can mean a physical change such as leaving a job, location or relationship. It can also mean an inner change – releasing old patterns that have dominated our thoughts and emotions. On the Eight of Cups, we see a man leaving on a journey. He has turned away from his old feelings (cups/river) to strike out on a new path. Sometimes moving on can mean searching for a deeper truth or reality. One day we wake up and realize that we have been asleep in our own lives – living a dream that no longer satisfies.  Some changes can be wearying. Endings are not always easy. One of the signs of a readiness to leave is lack of energy. When you feel tired and dispirited, you know that something is wrong, and it’s time for a new direction. Reexamine your life and your priorities. You will find where in your life you need to move on.

RELATED: Sessions with Andrea


Your Tarot Card of the Day: THE MOON

THE MOON:  If you look around the room, you will see people and objects that are comforting in their familiarity. Everything is exactly as you expect it to be. You know that if you closed your eyes and opened them, the room would be the same. But have you ever lost the familiar to find, in its place, a world so extraordinary you can’t even grasp it? This is the experience of the Moon. Most often we live in a tiny pocket of normality. We turn our backs on the mysterious universe that waits outside.  From time to time we may sneak a peak with our imagination, or venture out through fantasy or expanded awareness. We can be thrust out there unprepared through drugs, madness or intense experiences such as battle.  The Moon is the light of this realm – the world of shadow and night. In the right circumstances, the Moon inspires and enchants. It holds out the promise that all you imagine can be yours. The Moon guides you to the unknown so you can allow the unusual into your life.  In readings, this card often stands for fears and anxieties that come in the darkest part of the night. Card 18 also stands for illusions. It is easy to lose our way in the moonlight. Be careful not to let deceptions and false ideas lead you astray. Sometimes the Moon is a signal that you are lost and wandering aimlessly. You must find your way back to the path and your clarity of purpose.

RELATED: Sessions with Andrea

Since I drink only water in a bar, I always overtip for it

Last night I was driving to Wynfield’s to watch Pam Partridge Jacobs and Russ Kellum perform, thinking I’m not a drinker but I want to support whatever establishment I’m in. It had been a decade since I’d been in a bar, except once last year when a pal mocked me for ordering ginger ale. I didn’t even want that, I only wanted water but tried to be more socially acceptable!  Last night I ordered a $1.00 bottle of water, gave the server a $4 tip for it and we were both happy for hours.

Molehills into Mountains

When people fall into the victim and martyr roles, when ego steps in, their connection is gone. I can see past posts I’ve made from a place of disconnection where I let the drama of others draw me in but I was never a victim, always a volunteer. I always told the exact truth and always left much unsaid. A problem arises when those without the whole story step in and try to defend something someone else has misinformed them about.  Then they get a gang of friends to help spread the mis-info.  Molehill into mountain! Bless the lightworkers, no matter how small their effort. We can use more truth brought to light and where there is truth, there is peace and there is connection.