Author Archives: Andrea

I seldom take a hint so you hafta tell me outright

Me:  “Come run errands with me.” We do post office, Waterman…
He:   “Hey, the Dao Japanese Sushi Buffet there is good.”
Me:  “I have friends who go there. Let’s go to the market next.”
He:   “Okay, Publix? Sushi?” (We buy it there together.)
Me:  “No, has to be WalMart right now.”
Leaving WalMart, he: “Sushi?”
Me:  “It’s only 7:30pm, I won’t eat til 10pm.”
We drive home.  I wake up thinking, omigosh I’ll bet he’d have liked us to stop at Publix to pick up sushi on the way home, but I was so focused on my list of places we were going, he didn’t want to disturb my flow. (No, he just changed his mind.)  NEXT TIME, ask or tell me outright and I’ll be game.  My bad. I can be oblivious when I’m in work mode. Never hint.  I may not be conscious enough in the moment to grok it.  Help me practice staying conscious!

Tarot Card of the Day: Hierophant Reversed

Your Card for today.  Meditate upon the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up at this exact moment. Not everyone saw this.  Not everyone attracted this message onto their monitor.  YOU DID. There are no mistakes.
MEANING: When reversed, the Hierophant is still very much about “doing the right thing.” In reversal, however, it indicates a more-than-normal level of confusion about what exactly the right thing is. The answers are within you… if, that is, you have enough info about the situations at hand. This reversal suggests that you may need to dig a little deeper to find out what’s what. Remember that the right thing is what is right for you also.  Others may not understand where you are coming from or why you think a certain course of action is the right one. It is not always necessary that your nearest and dearest get it or agree, once you have made a solid decision. Continue reading

Be not the slave of your moods, but their master

Be not the slave of your moods, but their master. But if you are so angry, so depressed and so sore that your spirit cannot find deliverance and peace even in prayer, then quickly go and give some pleasure to someone lowly or sorrowful, or to a guilty or innocent sufferer! Sacrifice yourself, your talent, your time, your rest to another, to one who has to bear a heavier load than you — and your unhappy mood will dissolve into a blessed, contented submission to God.” Abdul’-Baha

Here let me create more work for you

Me:  “Come with me to The Waterman and the post office.”
He:  “Ok. Park in front and they’ll put it in the car.”
Me:  “No, I like to carry them myself.”
He:  “I’ll fill these bottles and you go next door to the post office.”
Me:  “Ok.”  I come back and bottles are in the car.
Me:  “You told me to go to the post office!” 

I rearranged the office, now the work just flies out of there

I grew these!

It felt good to hit the gym early in the morning for the first time in weeks.   Brighthouse came and did a cable fix.  I rearranged the office furniture.  The first thing I did was move out of the office anything I hadn’t used the last 6 months —  and using it as a desk to lay papers on was not “using” it. Two hours later, office was cleaned and cleared. I moved out 2 chairs, a bookcase and 2 tables. I wonder now how they fit in here in the first place. I also pared the office altar down to one corner unit. Continue reading

Law enforcement involvement and a Restraining Order would hurt a party who doesn’t need to be hurt

A friend of a friend keeps trying to intervene in a situation neither party wants her involvement in.  She won’t drop it. It’s none of her affair.  If ever the parties want to discuss it, they will do so directly.  I was asked why I don’t report it to law enforcement. That’s because  (1) I know the law and people are allowed to have their say and (2) I don’t need “the law” when karma is doing its work. While her tactics may have worked in high school, it’s now affecting the lives of people around her who don’t deserve it, including children. If I got a restraining order against her, she would not be permitted at his home.  That’s not how I roll.  I purposely stay away from several venues so she can integrate into the spiritual families there.  I bless her and forgive her for doing whatever she feels compelled to do.  If she has questions for me concerning she and I, she can email them and I’ll gladly answer them.  So can you, so can anyone. I am not a believer of involving authorities when it’s unnecessary. And especially if it’s going to put someone on the map who doesn’t need to have attention drawn to them as it’s not their doing.  It would help if she stopped wearing his label as a badge and stopped bringing it up to get attention for herself.

Tarot Card of the Day: Two of Swords Reversed

Your Card for today.  Consider the meaning this card might have for you since it showed up here for you.
MEANING:  The 2 of Swords reversed is a card about partnership and balance. It may be that the time has finally come where you are truly ready to open yourself up to a deep, meaningful partnership – and this can be on a personal or professional level. However, you will need to keep an eye on the other aspects of your life; all business, all love, etc., makes for an imbalanced and thus eventually problematic life.  Your partnerships are likely to deepen and become more important in your life, partnerships of all kinds. However, beware putting too much emphasis on any one partnership. You have several that need to be priorities in your life. Continue reading